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Realistic nights issue


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Okay, so ive been working on the realistic nights resource trying to get rid of the terrible fog effect issue you get while the server transitions to night time. problem is, you need to keep the fog effect to accurately portray the dark night feature, without it its just a black sky gradient. i tried to delay the start of the fog until after sunset (if ((th >= 22.9) and (th <=23)) then), when it just about gets full night but instead of the fog starting at 0% at the time 22.9 (22:55) and quickly increasing to 100% by 23:00, it starts at about 50% and increases to 100% by 23:00. This results in the fog abruptly showing up in the screen for a short time before it clears out into darkness.

i guess what im asking is does anyone know how to edit the whole 'if' statement including 22.9 to 23 to allow the fog to begin at 0% rather than 50%. video attached to see what the hell im talking about
as you can see, the "fog" abruptly appears eventually turning to night, rather than gradually appearing then transitioning to night. the fog is what makes that night feature appear so it cant just be removed. ive shortened the time it takes to turn full night because the fog looks like crap during sunset

ive tried to explain the best i can, sorry if it doesnt make much sense. leave a comment if you need more info, thanks in advance

for this code, intens = 1200

function timeInterval()
	if (getMinuteDuration() >= 100) then
		return getMinuteDuration()
		return 100

	local h, m = getTime()
	local th = h + (m /60)
	local tm = m + (h * 60)
	if ((th >= 20) and (th <=23)) then
		if (th <=23) then
		setSkyGradient(clr(bx, th), clr(by, th), clr(bz, th), clr(ax, th), clr(ay, th), clr(az, th))
		if ((th >= 22.9) and (th <=23)) then
		setFogDistance(-intens + (intens/1020 * (1380 - tm)))
	elseif (((th > 23) and (th <=24)) or ((th >= 0) and (th <2))) then
		setSkyGradient(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
	elseif ((th >=2) and (th <= 5)) then
		setSkyGradient(uclr(bx/10, h), uclr(by/10, th), uclr(bz/10, th), uclr(ax/10, th), uclr(ay/10, th), uclr(az/10, th))
		setFogDistance(-intens + (intens/180 * (tm-120)))
	if ((th > 5) and (th < 20)) then
end, timeInterval(), 0)



Edited by 5150
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