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Problem. Port forwarding

Guest OverRide

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I have problem. This is my port configuration: 22003 is UDP, 44003 is TCP. Is OK? What port i have should forward? My server is not in server list in game. HELP! :(

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No i think the 22003 port must also be UDP!

Its normal that ypu cant see your own server in the server list.

If other people also cant see your server than you must check your "All seeing Eye" configuration.(config file) And you must open the ASE port as an UDP.

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That's correct, and he did say he forwarded 22003 UDP. Make sure you've got ASE reporting enabled in the config, and then restart the server and ask someone to look in the server browser for it since it doesn't display local servers.

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  • 5 years later...

guyz what should be the name of application and i ahve a software ipconfig they say i need name of application and tcp port and udp port well i saw a application named multi theft auto down of it was another application named multi theft auto i forwarded 2 of the application still me server is not in the browser list another thing when i click mtaserver my server starts in lan it does not show the ip my ip is Default gateway is i use for port forwarding

in united arab emirates poeple have same router ip :( plz help

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