RyadJames Posted February 11, 2021 Share Posted February 11, 2021 شباب محتاج مساعدة لدي مود الزومبي ( الكود مذكور اسفل المقال ) لكن اريد ان اعدل عليه ليظهر الزومبي في كل مكان ماعدا داخل مدينة لوس سانتوس هل يمكنكم مساعدتي ؟ I need a create a safezone I need a modification to the zombie mod, code at the bottom of the article I want to put all the zombies on the map, except for Los Santos I want Los Santos to be a protected area without zombies, as for all the other areas outside the borders there are many zombies Server code : ZombieLimit = get("zombies.MaxZombies")-- HOW MANY ZOMBIES SHOULD EXIST AT MAXIMUM? ZombieStreaming = get("zombies.StreamMethod") -- 1 to constantly stream zombies, 0 to only allow zombies to spawn via createZombie function, 2 to only allow spawning at set spawnpoint ZombiePedSkins = {13,22,56,67,68,69,70,92,97,105,107,108,126,127,128,152,162,167,188,195,206,209,212,229,230,258,264,277,280,287 } --ALTERNATE SKIN LISTS FOR ZOMBIES (SHORTER LIST IS TEXTURED ZOMBIES ONLY --ZombiePedSkins = {7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,43,44,45,36,37,38,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,85,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261,262,263,264,275,276,277,278,279,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288 ZombieSpeed = get("zombies.Speed" if ZombieSpeed == 0 then --super slow zombies (goofy looking chaseanim = "WALK_drunk checkspeed = 200 elseif ZombieSpeed == 1 then -- normal spee chaseanim = "run_old checkspeed = 100 elseif ZombieSpeed == 2 then -- rocket zombies (possibly stressful on server chaseanim = "Run_Wuzi checkspeed = 68 else -- defaults back to norma chaseanim = "run_old checkspeed = 100 en resourceRoot = getResourceRootElement( moancount = moanlimit = 1 everyZombie = { --IDLE BEHAVIOUR OF A ZOMB function Zomb_Idle (ped if isElement(ped) the if ( getElementData ( ped, "status" ) == "idle" ) and ( isPedDead ( ped ) == false ) and (getElementData (ped, "zombie") == true) the local action = math.random( 1, 6 if action < 4 then -- walk a random directio local rdmangle = math.random( 1, 359 setPedRotation( ped, rdmangle setPedAnimation ( ped, "PED", "Player_Sneak", -1, true, true, true setTimer ( Zomb_Idle, 7000, 1, ped elseif action == 4 then -- get on the groun setPedAnimation ( ped, "MEDIC", "cpr", -1, false, true, true setTimer ( Zomb_Idle, 4000, 1, ped elseif action == 5 then -- stand still doing nothin setPedAnimation ( ped setTimer ( Zomb_Idle, 4000, 1, ped en en en en --BEHAVIOUR WHILE CHASING PLAYE function Zomb_chase (ped, Zx, Zy, Zz if isElement(ped) the if (getElementData ( ped, "status" ) == "chasing") and (getElementData (ped, "zombie") == true) the local x, y, z = getElementPosition( ped if (getElementData ( ped, "target" ) == nil) and getElementData ( ped, "Tx" ) ~= false the local Px = getElementData ( ped, "Tx" local Py = getElementData ( ped, "Ty" local Pz = getElementData ( ped, "Tz" local Pdistance = (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( Px, Py, Pz, x, y, z ) if (Pdistance < 1.5 ) the setTimer ( function (ped) if ( isElement ( ped ) ) then setElementData ( ped, "status", "idle" ) end end, 2000, 1, ped en en local distance = (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( x, y, z, Zx, Zy, Zz ) if (distance < 1 ) then -- IF THE PED HASNT MOVE if (getElementData ( ped, "target" ) == nil) the local giveup = math.random( 1, 15 if giveup == 1 the setElementData ( ped, "status", "idle" els local action = math.random( 1, 2 if action == 1 the setPedAnimation ( ped triggerClientEvent ( "Zomb_Punch", getRootElement(), ped setTimer ( function (ped) if ( isElement ( ped ) ) then setPedAnimation ( ped, "ped", chaseanim, -1, true, true, true ) end end, 800, 1, ped setTimer ( Zomb_chase, 2000, 1, ped, x, y, z elseif action == 2 the setPedAnimation ( ped triggerClientEvent ( "Zomb_Jump", getRootElement(), ped setTimer ( Zomb_chase, 3500, 1, ped, x, y, z en en els local Ptarget = (getElementData ( ped, "target" ) if isElement(Ptarget) the local Px, Py, Pz = getElementPosition( Ptarget local Pdistance = (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz ) if (Pdistance < 1.2 ) then -- ATTACK A PLAYER IF THEY ARE CLOS if ( isPedDead ( Ptarget ) ) then --EAT A DEAD PLAYE setPedAnimation ( ped setPedAnimation ( ped, "MEDIC", "cpr", -1, false, true, false setTimer ( function (ped) if ( isElement ( ped ) ) then setElementData ( ped, "status", "idle" ) end end, 10000, 1, ped setTimer ( function (ped) if ( isElement ( ped ) ) then setPedRotation ( ped, getPedRotation(ped)-180) end end, 10000, 1, ped zmoan(ped els local action = math.random( 1, 6 if action == 1 the setPedAnimation ( ped triggerClientEvent ( "Zomb_Jump", getRootElement(), ped setTimer ( Zomb_chase, 2000, 1, ped, x, y, z els setPedAnimation ( ped triggerClientEvent ( "Zomb_Punch", getRootElement(), ped setTimer ( function (ped) if ( isElement ( ped ) ) then setPedAnimation ( ped, "ped", chaseanim, -1, true, true, true ) end end, 800, 1, ped setTimer ( Zomb_chase, 2000, 1, ped, x, y, z en en els if ( isPedDead (Ptarget) ) the setTimer ( function (ped) if ( isElement ( ped ) ) then setElementData ( ped, "status", "idle" ) end end, 2000, 1, ped setTimer ( function (ped) if ( isElement ( ped ) ) then setPedRotation ( ped, getPedRotation(ped)-180) end end, 1800, 1, ped els local action = math.random( 1, 2 if action == 1 the setPedAnimation ( ped triggerClientEvent ( "Zomb_Punch", getRootElement(), ped setTimer ( function (ped) if ( isElement ( ped ) ) then setPedAnimation ( ped, "ped", chaseanim, -1, true, true, true ) end end, 800, 1, ped setTimer ( Zomb_chase, 2000, 1, ped, x, y, z elseif action == 2 the setPedAnimation ( ped triggerClientEvent ( "Zomb_Jump", getRootElement(), ped setTimer ( Zomb_chase, 2000, 1, ped, x, y, z en en en els setElementData ( ped, "status", "idle" en en els setPedAnimation ( ped, "ped", chaseanim, -1, true, true, true) --KEEP WALKIN setTimer ( Zomb_chase, checkspeed, 1, ped, x, y, z ) --CHECK AGAI en en en en --SET THE DIRECTION OF THE ZOMB function setangle ( for theKey,ped in ipairs(everyZombie) d if isElement(ped) the if ( getElementData ( ped, "status" ) == "chasing" ) the local local local local p local p local p if ( getElementData ( ped, "target" ) ~= nil ) the local ptarget = getElementData ( ped, "target" if isElement(ptarget) the x, y, z = getElementPosition( ptarget px, py, pz = getElementPosition( ped els setElementData ( ped, "status", "idle" x, y, z = getElementPosition( ped px, py, pz = getElementPosition( ped en zombangle = ( 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( x - px ), ( y - py ) ) ) ) % 360 --MAGIC SPELL TO MAKE PEDS LOOK AT YO setPedRotation( ped, zombangle elseif ( getElementData ( ped, "target" ) == nil ) and (getElementData ( ped, "Tx" ) ~= false) then --IF THE PED IS AFTER THE PLAYERS LAST KNOWN WHEREABOUT x = getElementData ( ped, "Tx" y = getElementData ( ped, "Ty" z = getElementData ( ped, "Tz" px, py, pz = getElementPosition( ped zombangle = ( 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( x - px ), ( y - py ) ) ) ) % 360 --MAGIC SPELL TO MAKE PEDS LOOK AT YO setPedRotation( ped, zombangle en en en en en --SETS THE ZOMBIE ACTIVITY WHEN STATUS CHANG addEventHandler ( "onElementDataChange", getRootElement() function ( dataName if getElementType ( source ) == "ped" and dataName == "status" the if (getElementData (source, "zombie") == true) the if ( isPedDead ( source ) == false ) the if (getElementData ( source, "status" ) == "chasing" ) the local Zx, Zy, Zz = getElementPosition( source setTimer ( Zomb_chase, 1000, 1, source, Zx, Zy, Zz local newtarget = (getElementData ( source, "target" ) if isElement (newtarget) the if getElementType ( newtarget ) == "player" the setElementSyncer ( source, newtarget en en zmoan(source elseif (getElementData ( source, "status" ) == "idle" ) the setTimer ( Zomb_Idle, 1000, 1, source elseif (getElementData ( source, "status" ) == "throatslashing" ) the local tx,ty,tz = getElementPosition( source local ptarget = getElementData ( source, "target" if isElement(ptarget) the local vx,vy,vz = getElementPosition( ptarget local zombdistance = (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D (tx, ty, tz, vx, vy, vz) if (zombdistance < .8) the zmoan(source setPedAnimation ( source, "knife", "KILL_Knife_Player", -1, false, false, true setPedAnimation ( ptarget, "knife", "KILL_Knife_Ped_Damage", -1, false, false, true setTimer ( Playerthroatbitten, 2300, 1, ptarget, source setTimer ( function (source) if ( isElement ( source ) ) then setElementData ( source, "status", "idle" ) end end, 5000, 1, source els setElementData ( source, "status", "idle" en els setElementData ( source, "status", "idle" en en elseif (getElementData ( source, "status" ) == "dead" ) the setTimer ( Zomb_delete, 10000, 1, source en en en end --RESOURCE START/INITIAL SET function outbreak(startedResource newZombieLimit = get("" .. getResourceName(startedResource) .. ".Zlimit" if newZombieLimit ~= false the if newZombieLimit > ZombieLimit the newZombieLimit = ZombieLimi en els newZombieLimit = ZombieLimi en WoodTimer = setTimer ( WoodSetup, 2000, 1) -- CHECKS FOR BARRIER if startedResource == getThisResource() the -- call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "scoreboardAddColumn", "Zombie kills") --ADDS TO SCOREBOAR local allplayers = getElementsByType ( "player" for pKey,thep in ipairs(allplayers) d setElementData ( thep, "dangercount", 0 en local alivePlayers = getAlivePlayers ( for playerKey, playerValue in ipairs(alivePlayers) d setElementData ( playerValue, "alreadyspawned", true en if ZombieSpeed == 2 the MainTimer1 = setTimer ( setangle, 200, 0) -- KEEPS ZOMBIES FACING THE RIGHT DIRECTION (fast els MainTimer1 = setTimer ( setangle, 400, 0) -- KEEPS ZOMBIES FACING THE RIGHT DIRECTIO en MainTimer3 = setTimer ( clearFarZombies, 3000, 0) --KEEPS ALL THE ZOMBIES CLOSE TO PLAYER if ZombieStreaming == 1 the MainTimer2 = setTimer ( SpawnZombie, 2500, 0 ) --Spawns zombies in random location elseif ZombieStreaming == 2 the MainTimer2 = setTimer ( SpawnpointZombie, 2500, 0 ) --spawns zombies in zombie spawnpoint en en en addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), outbreak function player_Connect setElementData ( source, "dangercount", 0 en addEventHandler ( "onPlayerConnect", getRootElement(), player_Connect function WoodSetup local allcols = getElementsByType ( "colshape" ) --clears off old wood col for colKey, colValue in ipairs(allcols) d if ( getElementData ( colValue, "purpose" ) =="zombiewood" ) the destroyElement(colValue en en local allobjects = getElementsByType ( "object" ) --SETS UP ALL THE WOOD BARRIER for objectKey, objectValue in ipairs(allobjects) d if ( getElementData ( objectValue, "purpose" ) =="zombiewood" ) the setElementDimension ( objectValue, 26 local x,y,z = getElementPosition( objectValue local thecol = createColSphere ( x, y, z, 1.6 setElementData ( thecol, "purpose", "zombiewood" setElementParent ( thecol, objectValue en en en function ReduceMoancount moancount = moancount- en function zmoan(zombi if moancount < moanlimit the moancount = moancount+ local randnum = math.random( 1, 10 triggerClientEvent ( "Zomb_Moan", getRootElement(), zombie, randnum setTimer ( ReduceMoancount, 800, 1 en en --CLEARS A DEAD ZOMB function Zomb_delete (ped if isElement(ped) the if (getElementData (ped, "zombie") == true) the for theKey,thePed in ipairs(everyZombie) d if ped == thePed the table.remove( everyZombie, theKey brea en en destroyElement ( ped en en en --HEADSHO addEvent( "headboom", true function Zheadhit ( ped,attacker, weapon, bodypart if (getElementData (ped, "zombie") == true) the killPed ( ped, attacker, weapon, bodypart setPedHeadless ( ped, true en en addEventHandler( "headboom", getRootElement(), Zheadhit --KILL FROM ZOMBIE ATTA addEvent( "playereaten", true function Playerinfected ( player, attacker, weapon, bodypart killPed ( player, attacker, weapon, bodypart en addEventHandler( "playereaten", getRootElement(), Playerinfected --CHECKS FOR ZOMBIE GRABBING FROM BEHI function Playerthroatbitten ( player, attacker local Zx, Zy, Zz = getElementPosition( attacker local Px, Py, Pz = getElementPosition( player local distance = (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz ) if (distance < 1) the killPed ( player, attacker, weapon, bodypart els setPedAnimation (player en en --ADJUSTS PLAYERS ZOMBIE KILL SCO function deanimated( ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart if (attacker) the if (getElementType ( attacker ) == "player") and (getElementType ( source ) == "ped") the if (getElementData (source, "zombie") == true) the local oldZcount = getElementData ( attacker, "Zombie kills" if oldZcount ~= false the setElementData ( attacker, "Zombie kills", oldZcount+1 triggerEvent ( "onZombieWasted", source, attacker, weapon, bodypart els setElementData ( attacker, "Zombie kills", 1 triggerEvent ( "onZombieWasted", source, attacker, weapon, bodypart en en en en en addEventHandler("onPedWasted", resourceRoot, deanimated --STUFF TO ALLOW PLAYERS TO PLACE BOAR function boarditup( player, key, keyState local rightspot = local allcols = getElementsByType ( "colshape" for ColKey,theCol in ipairs(allcols) d if (getElementData ( theCol, "purpose" ) == "zombiewood" ) the if (isElementWithinColShape ( player, theCol )) the local rightcol = theCo local Cx, Cy, Cz = getElementPosition( rightcol local Bx, By, Bz = getElementPosition( player woodangle = ( 360 - math.deg ( math.atan2 ( ( Cx - Bx ), ( Cy - By ) ) ) ) % 36 setPedRotation( player, woodangle setPedAnimation(player, "riot", "RIOT_PUNCHES", 3000, true, true, true local wx, wy, wz = getElementPosition( player setTimer( doneboarding, 2000, 1, player, rightcol, wx, wy, wz en en en en addCommandHandler ( "construct", boarditup function doneboarding(player, rightcol, wx, wy, w setPedAnimation(player local newx, newy, newz = getElementPosition( player local distance = (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( wx, wy, wz, newx, newy, newz ) if (distance < .7 ) the newwood = getElementParent ( rightcol setElementDimension ( newwood, 25 setTimer( setElementDimension, 50, 1, newwood, 0 en en --SPAWN ZOMBIE (now can be cancelle addEvent( "onZombieSpawn", true function RanSpawn_Z ( gx, gy, gz, rot local safezone = local allradars = getElementsByType("radararea" for theKey,theradar in ipairs(allradars) d if getElementData(theradar, "zombieProof") == true the if isInsideRadarArea ( theradar, gx, gy ) the safezone = en en en if safezone == 0 the if table.getn ( everyZombie ) < newZombieLimit the if not rot the rot = math.random (1,359 en randomZskin = math.random ( 1, table.getn ( ZombiePedSkins ) local zomb = createPed( tonumber( ZombiePedSkins[randomZskin] ), gx, gy, gz if zomb ~= false the setElementData ( zomb, "zombie", true table.insert( everyZombie, zomb setTimer ( function (zomb, rot) if ( isElement ( zomb ) ) then setPedRotation ( zomb, rot ) end end, 500, 1, zomb, rot setTimer ( function (zomb) if ( isElement ( zomb ) ) then setPedAnimation ( zomb, "ped", chaseanim, -1, true, true, true ) end end, 1000, 1, zomb setTimer ( function (zomb) if ( isElement ( zomb ) ) then setElementData ( zomb, "status", "idle" ) end end, 2000, 1, zomb triggerClientEvent ( "Zomb_STFU", getRootElement(), zomb en en en en addEventHandler( "onZombieSpawn", getRootElement(), RanSpawn_Z --SPAWNS ZOMBIES RANDOMLY NEAR PLAY function SpawnZombie ( local pacecount = while pacecount < 5 do --4 ZOMBIES AT A TIME TO PREVENT FPS DRO if (table.getn( everyZombie )+pacecount < newZombieLimit ) and (ZombieStreaming == 1) the local xcoord = local ycoord = local xdirection = math.random(1,2 if xdirection == 1 the xcoord = math.random(15,40 els xcoord = math.random(-40,-15 en local ydirection = math.random(1,2 if ydirection == 1 the ycoord = math.random(15,40 els ycoord = math.random(-40,-15 en local liveplayers = getAlivePlayers ( if (table.getn( liveplayers ) > 0 ) the local lowestcount = 9999 local lowestguy = ni for PKey,thePlayer in ipairs(liveplayers) d if isElement(thePlayer) the if (getElementData (thePlayer, "dangercount")) and (getElementData(thePlayer, "zombieProof") ~= true) and (getElementData(thePlayer, "alreadyspawned" ) == true) the if (getElementData (thePlayer, "dangercount") < lowestcount) the local safezone = local gx, gy, gz = getElementPosition( thePlayer local allradars = getElementsByType("radararea" for theKey,theradar in ipairs(allradars) d if getElementData(theradar, "zombieProof") == true the if isInsideRadarArea ( theradar, gx, gy ) the safezone = en en en if safezone == 0 the lowestguy = thePlaye lowestcount = getElementData (thePlayer, "dangercount" en en en en en pacecount = pacecount+ if isElement(lowestguy) the triggerClientEvent ( "Spawn_Placement", lowestguy, ycoord, xcoord els pacecount = pacecount+ en els pacecount = pacecount+ en els pacecount = pacecount+ en en en --SPAWNS ZOMBIES IN SPAWNPOINTS NEAR PLAYE function SpawnpointZombie ( local pacecount = while pacecount < 6 do --5 ZOMBIES AT A TIME TO PREVENT FPS DRO if (table.getn( everyZombie )+pacecount < newZombieLimit ) and (ZombieStreaming == 2) the local liveplayers = getAlivePlayers ( if (table.getn( liveplayers ) > 0 ) the local lowestcount = 9999 local lowestguy = ni for PKey,thePlayer in ipairs(liveplayers) do --THIS PART GETS THE PLAYER WITH THE LEAST ZOMBIES ATTACKIN if (getElementData (thePlayer, "dangercount")) and (getElementData(thePlayer, "zombieProof") ~= true) the if (getElementData (thePlayer, "dangercount") < lowestcount) the lowestguy = thePlaye lowestcount = getElementData (thePlayer, "dangercount" en en en if isElement(lowestguy) the local zombiespawns = { local possiblezombies = getElementsByType ( "Zombie_spawn" local Px, Py, Pz = getElementPosition( lowestguy for ZombKey,theZomb in ipairs(possiblezombies) d local Zx, Zy, Zz = getElementPosition( theZomb local distance = (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz ) if (distance < 8) the table.remove( possiblezombies, ZombKey) --IF SPAWN IS TOO CLOSE TO ANY PLAYE en en local Px, Py, Pz = getElementPosition( lowestguy for ZombKey2,theZomb2 in ipairs(possiblezombies) d local Zx, Zy, Zz = getElementPosition( theZomb2 local distance = (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz ) if (distance < 60) then --AS LONG AS THE SPAWN IS CLOSE ENOUGH TO A PLAYE table.insert( zombiespawns, theZomb2 en en if (table.getn( zombiespawns ) >0 ) then--IF THE LOWEST PLAYER HAS ANY CLOSE SPAWNS,USE ON local random = math.random ( 1, table.getn ( zombiespawns ) local posX = getElementData(zombiespawns[random], "posX" local posY = getElementData(zombiespawns[random], "posY" local posZ = getElementData(zombiespawns[random], "posZ" local rot = getElementData(zombiespawns[random], "rotZ" pacecount = pacecount+ triggerEvent ( "onZombieSpawn",zombiespawns[random], posX, posY, posZ, rot else--IF THE LOWEST PLAYERS DOESNT HAVE ANY SPAWNS, THEN SEE IF ANYONE HAS AN local zombiespawns = { local possiblezombies = getElementsByType ( "Zombie_spawn" local allplayers = getAlivePlayers ( for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(allplayers) d local Px, Py, Pz = getElementPosition( thePlayer for ZombKey,theZomb in ipairs(possiblezombies) d local Zx, Zy, Zz = getElementPosition( theZomb local distance = (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz ) if (distance < 8) the table.remove( possiblezombies, ZombKey) --IF SPAWN IS TOO CLOSE TO ANY PLAYE en en en for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(allplayers) d local Px, Py, Pz = getElementPosition( thePlayer for ZombKey2,theZomb2 in ipairs(possiblezombies) d local Zx, Zy, Zz = getElementPosition( theZomb2 local distance = (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz ) if (distance < 60) then --AS LONG AS THE SPAWN IS CLOSE ENOUGH TO A PLAYE table.insert( zombiespawns, theZomb2 en en en if (table.getn( zombiespawns ) >1 ) the local random = math.random ( 1, table.getn ( zombiespawns ) local posX = getElementData(zombiespawns[random], "posX" local posY = getElementData(zombiespawns[random], "posY" local posZ = getElementData(zombiespawns[random], "posZ" local rot = getElementData(zombiespawns[random], "rotZ" pacecount = pacecount+ triggerEvent ( "onZombieSpawn",zombiespawns[random], posX, posY, posZ, rot els pacecount = pacecount+ en en els pacecount = pacecount+ en els pacecount = pacecount+ en els pacecount = pacecount+ en en en --DELETES ZOMBIES THAT ARE TOO FAR FROM ANY PLAYERS TO KEEP THEM MORE CONCENTRATED WHILE STREAMING ZOMBI function clearFarZombies ( if newZombieLimit ~= false the local toofarzombies = { local allplayers = getElementsByType ( "player" for ZombKey,theZomb in ipairs(everyZombie) d if isElement(theZomb) the if (getElementData (theZomb, "zombie") == true) the far = local Zx, Zy, Zz = getElementPosition( theZomb for theKey,thePlayer in ipairs(allplayers) d local Px, Py, Pz = getElementPosition( thePlayer local distance = (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz ) if (distance < 75) the far = en en if far == 1 the table.insert( toofarzombies, theZomb en en els table.remove( everyZombie, ZombKey en en if (table.getn( toofarzombies ) >1 ) the for ZombKey,theZomb in ipairs(toofarzombies) d if (getElementData (theZomb, "zombie") == true) and ( getElementData ( theZomb, "forcedtoexist" ) ~= true) the Zomb_delete (theZomb en en en en en -- DESTROYS UP TO 13 ZOMBIES THAT ARE IDLE WHEN A PLAYER SPAWNS (TO FORCE NEW ZOMBIES TO SPAWN NEAR THE NEW GU function player_Spawn ( if ZombieStreaming == 1 or ZombieStreaming == 2 the local relocatecount = for ZombKey,theZomb in ipairs(everyZombie) d if relocatecount < 14 the if ( getElementData ( theZomb, "forcedtoexist" ) ~= true) the if ( getElementData ( theZomb, "status" ) == "idle" ) and ( isPedDead ( theZomb ) == false ) and (getElementData (theZomb, "zombie") == true) the relocatecount = relocatecount+ Zomb_delete (theZomb en en en en en if ( getElementData ( source, "alreadyspawned" ) ~= true) the setElementData ( source, "alreadyspawned", true en en addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), player_Spawn --EXPORTED FUNCTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! function createZombie ( x, y, z, rot, skin, interior, dimension if (table.getn( everyZombie ) < newZombieLimit ) the --this part handles the arg if not x then return false en if not y then return false en if not z then return false en if not rot the rot = math.random (1,359 en if not skin the randomZskin = math.random ( 1, table.getn ( ZombiePedSkins ) skin = ZombiePedSkins[randomZskin en if not interior then interior = 0 en if not dimension then dimension = 0 en --this part spawns the pe local zomb = createPed (tonumber(skin),tonumber(x),tonumber(y),tonumber(z))--spawns the pe --if successful, this part applies the zombie settings/arg if (zomb ~= false) the setTimer ( setElementInterior, 100, 1, zomb, tonumber(interior)) --sets interio setTimer ( setElementDimension, 100, 1, zomb, tonumber(dimension)) --sets dimensio setElementData ( zomb, "zombie", true setElementData ( zomb, "forcedtoexist", true setTimer ( function (zomb, rot) if ( isElement ( zomb ) ) then setPedRotation ( zomb, rot ) end end, 500, 1, zomb, rot setTimer ( function (zomb) if ( isElement ( zomb ) ) then setElementData ( zomb, "status", "idle" ) end end, 2000, 1, zomb setTimer ( function (zomb) if ( isElement ( zomb ) ) then setElementData ( zomb, "forcedtoexist", true ) end end, 1000, 1, zomb setTimer ( function (zomb) if ( isElement ( zomb ) ) then table.insert( everyZombie, zomb ) end end, 1000, 1, zomb triggerClientEvent ( "Zomb_STFU", getRootElement(), zomb return zomb --returns the zombie elemen els return false --returns false if there was a proble en els return false --returns false if there was a proble en en --check if a ped is a zombie or n function isPedZombie(ped if (isElement(ped)) the if (getElementData (ped, "zombie") == true) the return tru els return fals en els return fals en en addEvent( "onZombieLostPlayer", true function ZombieTargetCoords ( x,y,z setElementData ( source, "Tx", x, false setElementData ( source, "Ty", y, false setElementData ( source, "Tz", z, false en addEventHandler( "onZombieLostPlayer", getRootElement(), ZombieTargetCoords )d)))) )ddeedeeenn)otddmedmet)))))))nrnsddddd])nd)ndddsn)!!)dd)nddddd)1nnno0n)Y)ddddd)nondd)edd)ndd0n))o)1nno)}n)ESddd1ed1ed1edd1e)1)))))nddd)R))o)odddRn))o)o))}Y)1)))))Edd)R))o)ddRn))o))}nddd)rnnGl9n)nP0)RSddd1ed1ed1e)n1ddddd)rnddd1nno))0nnnol9n)d)e)n)d)e)n)00nP0)ERS)dddd))))))n))d)nnnddd1nno)0) )d!)dd)))n)))z))dddd))))0))lnno)0)DS)ddddd))e))n)nnn)REdd)e)n))))ND)d)))CK)dd))n))TSddd)ddk)nonn)IEdd)))1ne)d1()ddd)))))noSdd)nos())d)())dddsnsnSdNe)nd)o)d)o)DnSdtedtnn))UP)ddd)ndd)ed)e)))))n))n))n)n)dd)nn)))nnnn),ESddddd)U))))S)Ud)))e))n)nzyxzyxnno)IEddddNGedd)eddd)))n))))n)e))nedd))))e)))n)e)))))RE))n)edd)))n))))n)e)n)nD)dd)n))))n)nn)RSdddd))g))d))))n)nn)IE}00)d0"l0")0"d0"))})s else return false --returns false if there was a problem end else return false --returns false if there was a problem end end --check if a ped is a zombie or not function isPedZombie(ped) if (isElement(ped)) then if (getElementData (ped, "zombie") == true) then return true else return false end else return false end end addEvent( "onZombieLostPlayer", true ) function ZombieTargetCoords ( x,y,z ) setElementData ( source, "Tx", x, false ) setElementData ( source, "Ty", y, false ) setElementData ( source, "Tz", z, false ) end addEventHandler( "onZombieLostPlayer", getRootElement(), ZombieTargetCoords ) Client code : myZombies = { } helmetzombies = { 27, 51, 52, 99, 27, 137, 153, 167, 205, 260, 277, 278, 279, 284, 285 } resourceRoot = getResourceRootElement() --FORCES ZOMBIES TO MOVE ALONG AFTER THEIR TARGET PLAYER DIES function playerdead () setTimer ( Zomb_release, 4000, 1 ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), playerdead ) function Zomb_release () for k, ped in pairs( myZombies ) do if (isElement(ped)) then if (getElementData (ped, "zombie") == true) then setElementData ( ped, "target", nil ) setElementData ( ped, "status", "idle" ) table.remove(myZombies,k) end end end end --REMOVES A ZOMBIE FROM INFLUENCE AFTER ITS KILLED function pedkilled ( killer, weapon, bodypart ) if (getElementData (source, "zombie") == true) and (getElementData (source, "status") ~= "dead" ) then setElementData ( source, "target", nil ) setElementData ( source, "status", "dead" ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPedWasted", getRootElement(), pedkilled ) --THIS CHECKS ALL ZOMBIES EVERY SECOND TO SEE IF THEY ARE IN SIGHT function zombie_check () if (getElementData (getLocalPlayer (), "zombie") ~= true) and ( isPedDead ( getLocalPlayer () ) == false ) then local zombies = getElementsByType ( "ped",getRootElement(),true ) local Px,Py,Pz = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer () ) if isPedDucked ( getLocalPlayer ()) then local Pz = Pz-1 end for theKey,theZomb in ipairs(zombies) do if (isElement(theZomb)) then local Zx,Zy,Zz = getElementPosition( theZomb ) if (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz) < 45 ) then if (getElementData (theZomb, "zombie") == true) then if ( getElementData ( theZomb, "status" ) == "idle" ) then --CHECKS IF AN IDLE ZOMBIE IS IN SIGHT local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (Px, Py, Pz+1, Zx, Zy, Zz +1, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if (isclear == true) then setElementData ( theZomb, "status", "chasing" ) setElementData ( theZomb, "target", getLocalPlayer() ) table.insert( myZombies, theZomb ) --ADDS ZOMBIE TO PLAYERS COLLECTION table.remove( zombies, theKey) zombieradiusalert (theZomb) end elseif (getElementData(theZomb,"status") == "chasing") and (getElementData(theZomb,"target") == nil) then --CHECKS IF AN AGGRESSIVE LOST ZOMBIE IS IN SIGHT local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (Px, Py, Pz+1, Zx, Zy, Zz +1, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if (isclear == true) then setElementData ( theZomb, "target", getLocalPlayer() ) isthere = "no" for k, ped in pairs( myZombies ) do if ped == theZomb then isthere = "yes" end end if isthere == "no" then table.insert( myZombies, theZomb ) --ADDS THE WAYWARD ZOMBIE TO THE PLAYERS COLLECTION table.remove( zombies, theKey) end end elseif ( getElementData ( theZomb, "target" ) == getLocalPlayer() ) then --CHECKS IF AN ALREADY AGGRESSIVE ZOMBIE IS IN SIGHT local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (Px, Py, Pz+1, Zx, Zy, Zz +1, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if (isclear == false) then --IF YOUR ZOMBIE LOST YOU, MAKES IT REMEMBER YOUR LAST COORDS setElementData ( theZomb, "target", nil ) triggerServerEvent ("onZombieLostPlayer", theZomb, oldPx, oldPy, oldPz) end end end end end end --this second half is for checking peds and zombies local nonzombies = getElementsByType ( "ped",getRootElement(),true ) for theKey,theZomb in ipairs(zombies) do if (isElement(theZomb)) then if (getElementData (theZomb, "zombie") == true) then local Zx,Zy,Zz = getElementPosition( theZomb ) for theKey,theNonZomb in ipairs(nonzombies) do if (getElementData (theNonZomb, "zombie") ~= true) then -- if the ped isnt a zombie local Px,Py,Pz = getElementPosition( theNonZomb ) if (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz) < 45 ) then local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (Px, Py, Pz+1, Zx, Zy, Zz +1, true, false, false, true, false, false, false ) if (isclear == true) and ( getElementHealth ( theNonZomb ) > 0) then if ( getElementData ( theZomb, "status" ) == "idle" ) then --CHECKS IF AN IDLE ZOMBIE IS IN SIGHT triggerServerEvent ("onZombieLostPlayer", theZomb, Px, Py, Pz) setElementData ( theZomb, "status", "chasing" ) setElementData ( theZomb, "target", theNonZomb ) zombieradiusalert (theZomb) elseif ( getElementData ( theZomb, "status" ) == "chasing" ) and ( getElementData ( theZomb, "target" ) == nil) then triggerServerEvent ("onZombieLostPlayer", theZomb, Px, Py, Pz) setElementData ( theZomb, "target", theNonZomb ) end end end if ( getElementData ( theZomb, "target" ) == theNonZomb ) then --CHECKS IF AN ALREADY AGGRESSIVE ZOMBIE IS IN SIGHT OF THE PED local Px,Py,Pz = getElementPosition( theNonZomb ) if (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz) < 45 ) then local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (Px, Py, Pz+1, Zx, Zy, Zz+1, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if (isclear == false) then --IF YOUR ZOMBIE LOST THE PED, MAKES IT REMEMBER the peds LAST COORDS triggerServerEvent ("onZombieLostPlayer", theZomb, Px, Py, Pz) setElementData ( theZomb, "target", nil ) end end end end end end end end end for k, ped in pairs( myZombies ) do if (isElement(ped) == false) then table.remove( myZombies, k) end end oldPx,oldPy,oldPz = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer () ) end --INITAL SETUP function clientsetupstarter(startedresource) if startedresource == getThisResource() then setTimer ( clientsetup, 1234, 1) MainClientTimer1 = setTimer ( zombie_check, 1000, 0) --STARTS THE TIMER TO CHECK FOR ZOMBIES end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), clientsetupstarter) function clientsetup() oldPx,oldPy,oldPz = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer () ) throatcol = createColSphere ( 0, 0, 0, .3) woodpic = guiCreateStaticImage( .65, .06, .1, .12, "zombiewood.png", true ) guiSetVisible ( woodpic, false ) --ALL ZOMBIES STFU local zombies = getElementsByType ( "ped" ) for theKey,theZomb in ipairs(zombies) do if (isElement(theZomb)) then if (getElementData (theZomb, "zombie") == true) then setPedVoice(theZomb, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") end end end --SKIN REPLACEMENTS local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/13.txd" ) --bleedin eyes 31 by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 13 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/22.txd" ) -- slashed 12 by Wall-E engineImportTXD ( skin, 22 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/56.txd" ) --young and blue by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 56 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/67.txd" ) -- slit r* employee engineImportTXD ( skin, 67 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/68.txd" ) -- shredded preist by Deixell engineImportTXD ( skin, 68 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/69.txd" ) --bleedin eyes in denim by Capitanazop engineImportTXD ( skin, 69 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/70.txd" ) --ultra gory scientist by 50p engineImportTXD ( skin, 70 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/84.txd" ) --guitar wolf (nonzombie) by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 84 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/92.txd" ) -- peeled flesh by xbost engineImportTXD ( skin, 92 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/97.txd" ) -- easterboy by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 97 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/105.txd" ) --Scarred Grove Gangster by Wall-E engineImportTXD ( skin, 105 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/107.txd" ) --ripped and slashed grove by Wall-E engineImportTXD ( skin, 107 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/108.txd" ) -- skeleton thug by Deixell engineImportTXD ( skin, 108 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/111.txd" ) --Frank West from dead rising (nonzombie) by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 111 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/126.txd" ) -- bullet ridden wiseguy by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 126 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/127.txd" ) --flyboy from dawn of the dead by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 127 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/128.txd" ) --holy native by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 128 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/152.txd" ) --bitten schoolgirl by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 152 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/162.txd" ) --shirtless redneck by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 162 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/167.txd" ) --dead chickenman by 50p engineImportTXD ( skin, 167 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/188.txd" ) --burnt greenshirt by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 188 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/192.txd" ) --Alice from resident evil (nonzombie) by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 192 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/195.txd" ) --bloody ex by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 195 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/206.txd" ) -- faceless zombie by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 206 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/209.txd" ) --Noodle vendor by 50p engineImportTXD ( skin, 209 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/212.txd" ) --brainy hobo by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 212 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/229.txd" ) --infected tourist by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 229 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/230.txd" ) --will work for brains hobo by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 230 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/258.txd" ) --bloody sided suburbanite by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 258 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/264.txd" ) --scary clown by 50p engineImportTXD ( skin, 264 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/274.txd" ) --Ash Williams (nonzombie) by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 274 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/277.txd" ) -- gutted firefighter by Wall-E engineImportTXD ( skin, 277 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/280.txd" ) --infected cop by Lordy engineImportTXD ( skin, 280 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/287.txd" ) --torn army by Deixell engineImportTXD ( skin, 287 ) end --UPDATES PLAYERS COUNT OF AGGRESIVE ZOMBIES addEventHandler ( "onClientElementDataChange", getRootElement(), function ( dataName ) if getElementType ( source ) == "ped" and dataName == "status" then local thestatus = (getElementData ( source, "status" )) if (thestatus == "idle") or (thestatus == "dead") then for k, ped in pairs( myZombies ) do if ped == source and (getElementData (ped, "zombie") == true) then setElementData ( ped, "target", nil ) table.remove( myZombies, k) setElementData ( getLocalPlayer(), "dangercount", tonumber(table.getn( myZombies )) ) end end end end end ) --MAKES A ZOMBIE JUMP addEvent( "Zomb_Jump", true ) function Zjump ( ped ) if (isElement(ped)) then setPedControlState( ped, "jump", true ) setTimer ( function (ped) if ( isElement ( ped ) ) then setPedControlState ( ped, "jump", false) end end, 800, 1, ped ) end end addEventHandler( "Zomb_Jump", getRootElement(), Zjump ) --MAKES A ZOMBIE PUNCH addEvent( "Zomb_Punch", true ) function Zpunch ( ped ) if (isElement(ped)) then setPedControlState( ped, "fire", true ) setTimer ( function (ped) if ( isElement ( ped ) ) then setPedControlState ( ped, "fire", false) end end, 800, 1, ped ) end end addEventHandler( "Zomb_Punch", getRootElement(), Zpunch ) --MAKES A ZOMBIE STFU addEvent( "Zomb_STFU", true ) function Zstfu ( ped ) if (isElement(ped)) then setPedVoice(ped, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") end end addEventHandler( "Zomb_STFU", getRootElement(), Zstfu ) --MAKES A ZOMBIE MOAN addEvent( "Zomb_Moan", true ) function Zmoan ( ped, randnum ) if (isElement(ped)) then local Zx,Zy,Zz = getElementPosition( ped ) local sound = playSound3D("sounds/mgroan"..randnum..".ogg", Zx, Zy, Zz, false) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 20) end end addEventHandler( "Zomb_Moan", getRootElement(), Zmoan ) --ZOMBIE HEADSHOTS TO ALL BUT HELMETED ZOMBIES function zombiedamaged ( attacker, weapon, bodypart ) if getElementType ( source ) == "ped" then if (getElementData (source, "zombie") == true) then if ( bodypart == 9 ) then helmeted = "no" local zskin = getElementModel ( source ) for k, skin in pairs( helmetzombies ) do if skin == zskin then helmeted = "yes" end end if helmeted == "no" then triggerServerEvent ("headboom", source, source, attacker, weapon, bodypart ) end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPedDamage", getRootElement(), zombiedamaged ) function zombiedkilled(killer, weapon, bodypart) if getElementType ( source ) == "ped" then if (getElementData (source, "zombie") == true) then setElementCollisionsEnabled(source, false) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPedWasted", getRootElement(), zombiedkilled ) --CAUSES MORE DAMAGE TO PLAYER WHEN ATTACKED BY A ZOMBIE function zombieattack ( attacker, weapon, bodypart ) if (attacker) then if getElementType ( attacker ) == "ped" then if (getElementData (attacker, "zombie") == true) then local playerHealth = getElementHealth ( getLocalPlayer() ) if playerHealth > 15 then setElementHealth ( source, playerHealth - 15 ) else triggerServerEvent ("playereaten", source, source, attacker, weapon, bodypart ) end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(), zombieattack ) --WOOD GUI function showwoodpic ( theElement, matchingDimension ) if ( theElement == getLocalPlayer() ) and (getElementData ( source, "purpose" ) == "zombiewood" ) then guiSetVisible ( woodpic, true ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientColShapeHit", getRootElement(), showwoodpic ) function hidewoodpic ( theElement, matchingDimension ) if ( theElement == getLocalPlayer() ) and (getElementData ( source, "purpose" ) == "zombiewood" ) then guiSetVisible ( woodpic, false ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientColShapeLeave", getRootElement(), hidewoodpic ) --ZOMBIES ATTACK FROM BEHIND AND GUI STUFF function movethroatcol () local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local dcount = tostring(table.getn( myZombies )) dxDrawText( dcount, screenWidth-40, screenHeight -50, screenWidth, screenHeight, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 1.44, "pricedown" ) dxDrawText( dcount, screenWidth-42, screenHeight -52, screenWidth, screenHeight, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.4, "pricedown" ) if isElement(throatcol) then local playerrot = getPedRotation ( getLocalPlayer () ) local radRot = math.rad ( playerrot ) local radius = 1 local px,py,pz = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer () ) local tx = px + radius * math.sin(radRot) local ty = py + -(radius) * math.cos(radRot) local tz = pz setElementPosition ( throatcol, tx, ty, tz ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), movethroatcol ) function choketheplayer ( theElement, matchingDimension ) if getElementType ( theElement ) == "ped" and ( isPedDead ( getLocalPlayer () ) == false ) then if ( getElementData ( theElement, "target" ) == getLocalPlayer () ) and (getElementData (theElement, "zombie") == true) then local px,py,pz = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer () ) setTimer ( checkplayermoved, 600, 1, theElement, px, py, pz) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientColShapeHit", getRootElement(), choketheplayer ) function checkplayermoved (zomb, px, py, pz) if (isElement(zomb)) then local nx,ny,nz = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer () ) local distance = (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D (px, py, pz, nx, ny, nz)) if (distance < .7) and ( isPedDead ( getLocalPlayer () ) == false ) then setElementData ( zomb, "status", "throatslashing" ) end end end --ALERTS ANY IDLE ZOMBIES WITHIN A RADIUS OF 10 WHEN GUNSHOTS OCCUR OR OTHER ZOMBIES GET ALERTED function zombieradiusalert (theElement) local Px,Py,Pz = getElementPosition( theElement ) local zombies = getElementsByType ( "ped" ) for theKey,theZomb in ipairs(zombies) do if (isElement(theZomb)) then if (getElementData (theZomb, "zombie") == true) then if ( getElementData ( theZomb, "status" ) == "idle" ) then local Zx,Zy,Zz = getElementPosition( theZomb ) local distance = (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D (Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz)) if (distance < 10) and ( isPedDead ( getLocalPlayer () ) == false ) then isthere = "no" for k, ped in pairs( myZombies ) do if ped == theZomb then isthere = "yes" end end if isthere == "no" and (getElementData (getLocalPlayer (), "zombie") ~= true) then if (getElementType ( theElement ) == "ped") then local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if (isclear == true) then setElementData ( theZomb, "status", "chasing" ) setElementData ( theZomb, "target", getLocalPlayer () ) table.insert( myZombies, theZomb ) --ADDS ZOMBIE TO PLAYERS COLLECTION end else setElementData ( theZomb, "status", "chasing" ) setElementData ( theZomb, "target", getLocalPlayer () ) table.insert( myZombies, theZomb ) --ADDS ZOMBIE TO PLAYERS COLLECTION end end end end end end end end function shootingnoise ( weapon, ammo, ammoInClip, hitX, hitY, hitZ, hitElement) if alertspacer ~= 1 then if (weapon == 9) then alertspacer = 1 setTimer ( resetalertspacer, 5000, 1 ) zombieradiusalert(getLocalPlayer ()) elseif (weapon > 21) and (weapon ~= 23) then alertspacer = 1 setTimer ( resetalertspacer, 5000, 1 ) zombieradiusalert(getLocalPlayer ()) end end if hitElement then if (getElementType ( hitElement ) == "ped") then if (getElementData (hitElement, "zombie") == true) then isthere = "no" for k, ped in pairs( myZombies ) do if ped == hitElement then isthere = "yes" end end if isthere == "no" and (getElementData (getLocalPlayer (), "zombie") ~= true) then setElementData ( hitElement, "status", "chasing" ) setElementData ( hitElement, "target", getLocalPlayer () ) table.insert( myZombies, hitElement ) --ADDS ZOMBIE TO PLAYERS COLLECTION zombieradiusalert (hitElement) end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getLocalPlayer (), shootingnoise ) function resetalertspacer () alertspacer = nil end function choketheplayer ( theElement, matchingDimension ) if getElementType ( theElement ) == "ped" and ( isPedDead ( getLocalPlayer () ) == false ) and (getElementData (theElement , "zombie") == true) then if ( getElementData ( theElement, "target" ) == getLocalPlayer () ) then local px,py,pz = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer () ) setTimer ( checkplayermoved, 600, 1, theElement, px, py, pz) end end end addEvent( "Spawn_Placement", true ) function Spawn_Place(xcoord, ycoord) local x,y,z = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer() ) local posx = x+xcoord local posy = y+ycoord local gz = getGroundPosition ( posx, posy, z+500 ) triggerServerEvent ("onZombieSpawn", getLocalPlayer(), posx, posy, gz+1 ) end addEventHandler("Spawn_Placement", getRootElement(), Spawn_Place) Link to comment
Furzy Posted February 11, 2021 Share Posted February 11, 2021 https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetZoneName https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetElementPosition use a condition in function that spawn the zombies. 1 Link to comment
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