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Help me macro script


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This gives an error. I want the macro to kick automatically as soon as it is pressed, but it doesn't work. Can you help me?


function handleOnPlayerACInfo( detectedACList, d3d9Size, d3d9MD5, d3d9SHA256 )
    for _,acCode in ipairs( detectedACList ) do
        if acCode == 31 or acCode == 32 or acCode == 1 or acCode == 4 or acCode == 5 or acCode == 6 or acCode == 7 or acCode == 11 or acCode == 17 or acCode == 21 then
        	kickPlayer( source, "Macro não é permitido no servidor." )

local glitches = {"quickreload","fastmove","crouchbug","highcloserangedamage","hitanim","baddrivebyhitbox"}
function enableGlitches ()
   for _,glitch in ipairs(glitches) do)
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement ( ),enableGlitches)

function source ( source, command )
		local reload = aclReload() -- Reload the ACL
			if ( reload ) then -- Check it was reloaded successfully
			else -- If not, output it (line below)
				outputChatBox ( "An unknown error occured. Please check the ACL file exists.", source, 255, 0, 0 )
	else -- If they're not an admin, output it (below)
		outputChatBox ( "You must be an admin to use this command!", source, 255, 0, 0 )
addCommandHandler ( "reload", source )


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Hello and welcome to the forum!

I think that the event handler for "handleOnPlayerACInfo" is missing (which could be the cause) or maybe you didn't paste it here.

addEventHandler("onPlayerACInfo", root, handleOnPlayerACInfo)

Could you show what the error you get is?

Edited by SpecT
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The error says it all. You have useless/unexpected symbol that stops the code to load.

local glitches = {"quickreload","fastmove","crouchbug","highcloserangedamage","hitanim","baddrivebyhitbox"}
function enableGlitches ()
   for _,glitch in ipairs(glitches) do
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot,enableGlitches)


Edited by SpecT
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3 minutes ago, mrkey82 said:


Can you remake the code for me? Please :(

4 minutes ago, SpecT said:

The error says it all. You have useless/unexpected symbol that stops the code to load.

local glitches = {"quickreload","fastmove","crouchbug","highcloserangedamage","hitanim","baddrivebyhitbox"}
function enableGlitches ()
   for _,glitch in ipairs(glitches) do
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot,enableGlitches)


Can you remake the code for me? Please :(

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2 minutes ago, mrkey82 said:

But the function doesn't work. Can you help me with this? I want the macro to kick automatically when it is used.

Did you try what I suggested at first ?


addEventHandler("onPlayerACInfo", root, handleOnPlayerACInfo)


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Try this:

function handleOnPlayerACInfo( detectedACList, d3d9Size, d3d9MD5, d3d9SHA256 )
	for _,acCode in ipairs( detectedACList ) do
		if acCode == 31 or acCode == 32 or acCode == 1 or acCode == 4 or acCode == 5 or acCode == 6 or acCode == 7 or acCode == 11 or acCode == 17 or acCode == 21 then
			kickPlayer( source, "Macro não é permitido no servidor." )
addEventHandler("onPlayerACInfo", root, handleOnPlayerACInfo)

local glitches = {"quickreload","fastmove","crouchbug","highcloserangedamage","hitanim","baddrivebyhitbox"}
function enableGlitches ()
	for _,glitch in ipairs(glitches) do
		-- something
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, enableGlitches)

function source ( source, command )
	local reload = aclReload() -- Reload the ACL
	if ( reload ) then -- Check it was reloaded successfully
		-- something
	else -- If not, output it (line below)
		outputChatBox ( "An unknown error occured. Please check the ACL file exists.", source, 255, 0, 0 )
	--else -- If they're not an admin, output it (below)
		--outputChatBox ( "You must be an admin to use this command!", source, 255, 0, 0 )
addCommandHandler ( "reload", source )


Edited by SpecT
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