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I Am Having Problems with setting up my server can anyone he

Guest polish-boi

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Alrite, Guy i have opended all the ports i put all the config stuff to what i wanted the one to 1 and like i did everything and still dosent show it i dont know what else to do..

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you mean the serverlist doesnt show your server?

if so, try quick connect, type (in host field) localhost, and in the port field the server port you've set in the config file, if you have a password, put that in the password field.

make sure the MTA Server is running (duh) and that its succesfully started.

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but dude i can go into my own server through the defuly but when others try

my ip:22003

and eye listeing port=22126

or w.e i told my cuzin to try tons of ports i opended them on linksys i duno if i did it right i opended them put static 101 but it aint yellow i duno

but i can get into my own

but others cant and it dosent show its set to 1 and everything

and yes server is started

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  polish-boi said:

my ip:22003

thats your port (well, its the default one), not your IP, an ip is *.*.*.* (for example:, or

do you know your IP?

you dont need all seeing eye port to connect.

if you dont know your IP:

the only way i know to check it, is checking the IP of your internet connection, but it depends on your settings/connection/router yes or no/etc. i think.

[edit]the link in the next post is better, that always works.

checking ip of internet connection (doesnt have to be LAN connection 6)


Edited by Guest
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