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Sistema de mira

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Estou editando um script de primeira pessoa, mas tem um problema, quando o jogador mira em terceira pessoa (padrão do jogo) a arma acompanha a direção de onde esta a mira e se atirar a munição será disparada naquela direção, mas com o modo primeira pessoa, quando o jogador mira a arma vai apontar para frente e não importa a direção que você esta apontando com a câmera o tiro vai ir na direção que foi clicado para mirar, qual função eu devo usar para atualizar a direção igual acontece em terceira pessoa ?

O mais próximo que eu consegui foi atualizar a rotação do personagem, mas só funciona no eixo X (horizontal) se colocar para cima e para baixo o boneco vai ficar muito zoado.

Pensei nas funções: setPedAimTarget e setPedLookAt

setPedLookAt provavelmente não funciona já que é para mover a cabeça do jogador.


Segue o vídeo para entender melhor o meu problema:




Segue o script:


--local root = getRootElement()
--local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer()
local PI = math.pi

local isEnabled = false
local wasInVehicle = isPedInVehicle(localPlayer)

local mouseSensitivity = 0.1
local rotX, rotY = 0,0
local mouseFrameDelay = 0
local idleTime = 2500
local fadeBack = false
local fadeBackFrames = 50
local executeCounter = 0
local recentlyMoved = false
local Xdiff,Ydiff

function toggleCockpitView ()
	if (not isEnabled) then
		isEnabled = true
		addEventHandler ("onClientPreRender", root, updateCamera)
		addEventHandler ("onClientCursorMove",root, freecamMouse)
		isEnabled = false
		setCameraTarget (localPlayer, localPlayer)
		removeEventHandler ("onClientPreRender", root, updateCamera)
		removeEventHandler ("onClientCursorMove", root, freecamMouse)

addCommandHandler("fp", toggleCockpitView)

function updateCamera ()
	if (isEnabled) then
		local nowTick = getTickCount()

		if wasInVehicle and recentlyMoved and not fadeBack and startTick and nowTick - startTick > idleTime then
			recentlyMoved = false
			fadeBack = true
			if rotX > 0 then
				Xdiff = rotX / fadeBackFrames
			elseif rotX < 0 then
				Xdiff = rotX / -fadeBackFrames
			if rotY > 0 then
				Ydiff = rotY / fadeBackFrames
			elseif rotY < 0 then
				Ydiff = rotY / -fadeBackFrames
		if fadeBack then
			executeCounter = executeCounter + 1
			if rotX > 0 then
				rotX = rotX - Xdiff
			elseif rotX < 0 then
				rotX = rotX + Xdiff
			if rotY > 0 then
				rotY = rotY - Ydiff
			elseif rotY < 0 then
				rotY = rotY + Ydiff
			if executeCounter >= fadeBackFrames then
				fadeBack = false
				executeCounter = 0
		local camPosXr, camPosYr, camPosZr = getPedBonePosition (localPlayer, 6)
		local camPosXl, camPosYl, camPosZl = getPedBonePosition (localPlayer, 7)
		local camPosX, camPosY, camPosZ = (camPosXr + camPosXl) / 2, (camPosYr + camPosYl) / 2, (camPosZr + camPosZl) / 2
		local roll = 0
		inVehicle = isPedInVehicle(localPlayer)
		-- note the vehicle rotation
		if inVehicle then
			local rx,ry,rz = getElementRotation(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer))
			roll = -ry
			if rx > 90 and rx < 270 then
				roll = ry - 180
			if not wasInVehicle then
				rotX = rotX + math.rad(rz) 
				if rotY > -PI/15 then 
					rotY = -PI/15 
			cameraAngleX = rotX - math.rad(rz)
			cameraAngleY = rotY + math.rad(rx)
			if getPedControlState("vehicle_look_behind") or ( getPedControlState("vehicle_look_right") and getPedControlState("vehicle_look_left") ) then
				cameraAngleX = cameraAngleX + math.rad(180)
				--cameraAngleY = cameraAngleY + math.rad(180)
			elseif getPedControlState("vehicle_look_left") then
				cameraAngleX = cameraAngleX - math.rad(90)
				--roll = rx doesn't work out well
			elseif getPedControlState("vehicle_look_right") then
				cameraAngleX = cameraAngleX + math.rad(90)  
				--roll = -rx
			local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(localPlayer)
			if wasInVehicle then
				rotX = rotX - math.rad(rz) --prevent camera from rotating when exiting a vehicle
			cameraAngleX = rotX
			cameraAngleY = rotY
		wasInVehicle = inVehicle
		--Taken from the freecam resource made by eAi
		-- work out an angle in radians based on the number of pixels the cursor has moved (ever)
		local freeModeAngleZ = math.sin(cameraAngleY)
		local freeModeAngleY = math.cos(cameraAngleY) * math.cos(cameraAngleX)
		local freeModeAngleX = math.cos(cameraAngleY) * math.sin(cameraAngleX)

		-- calculate a target based on the current position and an offset based on the angle
		local camTargetX = camPosX + freeModeAngleX * 100
		local camTargetY = camPosY + freeModeAngleY * 100
		local camTargetZ = camPosZ + freeModeAngleZ * 100

		-- Work out the distance between the target and the camera (should be 100 units)
		local camAngleX = camPosX - camTargetX
		local camAngleY = camPosY - camTargetY
		local camAngleZ = 0 -- we ignore this otherwise our vertical angle affects how fast you can strafe

		-- Calulcate the length of the vector
		local angleLength = math.sqrt(camAngleX*camAngleX+camAngleY*camAngleY+camAngleZ*camAngleZ)

		-- Normalize the vector, ignoring the Z axis, as the camera is stuck to the XY plane (it can't roll)
		local camNormalizedAngleX = camAngleX / angleLength
		local camNormalizedAngleY = camAngleY / angleLength
		local camNormalizedAngleZ = 0

		-- We use this as our rotation vector
		local normalAngleX = 0
		local normalAngleY = 0
		local normalAngleZ = 1

		-- Perform a cross product with the rotation vector and the normalzied angle
		local normalX = (camNormalizedAngleY * normalAngleZ - camNormalizedAngleZ * normalAngleY)
		local normalY = (camNormalizedAngleZ * normalAngleX - camNormalizedAngleX * normalAngleZ)
		local normalZ = (camNormalizedAngleX * normalAngleY - camNormalizedAngleY * normalAngleX)

		-- Update the target based on the new camera position (again, otherwise the camera kind of sways as the target is out by a frame)
		camTargetX = camPosX + freeModeAngleX * 100
		camTargetY = camPosY + freeModeAngleY * 100
		camTargetZ = camPosZ + freeModeAngleZ * 100

		-- Set the new camera position and target
		setCameraMatrix (camPosX, camPosY, camPosZ, camTargetX, camTargetY, camTargetZ, roll)

		local x,y,z = getElementRotation(localPlayer)
		dxDrawText(" rotation x = "..x.." y = "..y.." z = "..z,400,200) -- rotation
		dxDrawText("x = "..camTargetX.." y = "..camTargetY.." z = "..camTargetZ,400,220) -- cam

		-- Teste aim system
		if getPedControlState(localPlayer, "aim_weapon") then

			-- Add aim system | adicionar sistema de mira


		dxDrawText("fadeBack = "..tostring(fadeBack),400,200)
		dxDrawText("recentlyMoved = "..tostring(recentlyMoved),400,220)
		if executeCounter then dxDrawText("executeCounter = "..tostring(executeCounter),400,240) end
		dxDrawText("rotX = "..tostring(rotX),400,260)
		dxDrawText("rotY = "..tostring(rotY),400,280)
		if Xdiff then dxDrawText("Xdiff = "..tostring(Xdiff),400,300) end
		if Ydiff then dxDrawText("Ydiff = "..tostring(Ydiff),400,320) end
		if startTick then dxDrawText("startTick = "..tostring(startTick),400,340) end
		dxDrawText("nowTick = "..tostring(nowTick),400,360)

function freecamMouse (cX,cY,aX,aY)
	--ignore mouse movement if the cursor or MTA window is on
	--and do not resume it until at least 5 frames after it is toggled off
	--(prevents cursor mousemove data from reaching this handler)
	if isCursorShowing() or isMTAWindowActive() then
		mouseFrameDelay = 5
	elseif mouseFrameDelay > 0 then
		mouseFrameDelay = mouseFrameDelay - 1
	startTick = getTickCount()
	recentlyMoved = true
	-- check if the mouse is moved while fading back, if so abort the fading
	if fadeBack then
		fadeBack = false
		executeCounter = 0
	-- how far have we moved the mouse from the screen center?
	local width, height = guiGetScreenSize()
	aX = aX - width / 2 
	aY = aY - height / 2
	rotX = rotX + aX * mouseSensitivity * 0.01745
	rotY = rotY - aY * mouseSensitivity * 0.01745

	local pRotX, pRotY, pRotZ = getElementRotation (localPlayer)
	pRotZ = math.rad(pRotZ)

	if rotY > PI then
		rotY = rotY - 2 * PI
	elseif rotY < -PI then
		rotY = rotY + 2 * PI
	-- limit the camera to stop it going too far up or down
	if isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) then

		local max_ang = 1.75 -- uns 210 graus

		if rotX > PI/max_ang then
			rotX = PI/max_ang
		elseif rotX < -PI/max_ang then
			rotX = -PI/max_ang

		if rotY < -PI / 7 then  -- BAIXO  -- Quanto menor mais ele pode ver para baixo
			rotY = -PI / 7
		elseif rotY > PI/4 then  -- CIMA
			rotY = PI/4

		if rotX > PI then
			rotX = rotX - 2 * PI
		elseif rotX < -PI then
			rotX = rotX + 2 * PI

		if rotY < -PI / 4 then
			rotY = -PI / 4
		elseif rotY > PI / 2.1 then
			rotY = PI / 2.1



Edited by Gaimo
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