ozeus Posted September 8, 2020 Share Posted September 8, 2020 (edited) Eu estou tentando colocar o painel de mods no meu sercidor, para quando algum player entrar tenha uma opção de baixar quais mods queira e quais mods não queira. Porém, quando eu coloco o painel e coloco os mods escolhidos nele, e alguém entra no servidor, os mods do painel baixam automaticamente, n dá a opção do jogador escolher quais mods baixar. Retomar, diminuir automaticamente e quando entrar no painel usando / mods, já está baixado então só falta ativar. Quero uma forma em que n baixe junto com o servidor, que o jogador entre no painel e escolha oq baixar (me ajudem @ _ @) Edited September 8, 2020 by ozeus Link to comment
Moderators Patrick Posted September 8, 2020 Moderators Share Posted September 8, 2020 Moved to Portuguese section. Link to comment
Blaack Posted September 9, 2020 Share Posted September 9, 2020 15 hours ago, ozeus said: Eu estou tentando colocar o painel de mods no meu sercidor, para quando algum player entrar tenha uma opção de baixar quais mods queira e quais mods não queira. Porém, quando eu coloco o painel e coloco os mods escolhidos nele, e alguém entra no servidor, os mods do painel baixam automaticamente, n dá a opção do jogador escolher quais mods baixar. Retomar, diminuir automaticamente e quando entrar no painel usando / mods, já está baixado então só falta ativar. Quero uma forma em que n baixe junto com o servidor, que o jogador entre no painel e escolha oq baixar (me ajudem @ _ @) Boa noite. se mandar o seu código facilitaria nosso trabalho rs Link to comment
ozeus Posted September 9, 2020 Author Share Posted September 9, 2020 -----cliente----- pcall(loadstring(base64Decode(getInterfaceElements())));addEventHandler("onCoreStarted",root,function(functions) for k,v in ipairs(functions) do _G[v]=nil;end;collectgarbage();pcall(loadstring(base64Decode(getInterfaceElements())));end) local screenX, screenY = guiGetScreenSize() function reMap(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max) return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min end responsiveMultipler = reMap(screenX, 1024, 1920, 0.75, 1) function resp(value) return value * responsiveMultipler end function respc(value) return math.ceil(value * responsiveMultipler) end function getResponsiveMultipler() return responsiveMultipler end local modList = {} local modContents = {} local panelState = false local RobotoFont = false local RobotoFontLighter = false local IconsFont = false local listOffset = 0 local selectedMod = false local toggableVehs = {} local lastButtonPress = 0 local downloadNum = 0 local downloadSize = 0 local downloadedSize = 0 local gotInterpolate = 0 local lastCurrent = -1 function panelRender() local relX, relY = getCursorPosition() if relX and relY then relX = relX * screenX relY = relY * screenY end buttons = {} local sx = respc(1010) local sy = respc(400) local x = screenX / 2 - sx / 2 local y = screenY / 2 - sy / 2 local x2 = x - 10 local y2 = y - 10 local sx2 = sx + 20 local sy2 = sy + 20 -- ** fundo dxDrawRectangle(x2, y2, sx2, sy2, tocolor(31, 31, 31, 240)) -- ** Título dxDrawRectangle(x2, y2, sx2, respc(40), tocolor(31, 31, 31, 240)) dxDrawImage(math.floor(x2 + respc(4)), math.floor(y2 + respc(4)), respc(32), respc(32), "files/logo.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(148,0,211)) dxDrawText("Ative apenas os mods necessarios - ajuste para seu pc!", x2 + respc(40), y2, 0, y2 + respc(40), tocolor(255, 255, 255), 1, RobotoFontLighter, "left", "center") -- ** saída local closeTextWidth = dxGetTextWidth("X", 1, RobotoFontLighter) local closeTextPosX = x2 + sx2 - closeTextWidth - 5 local closeColor = tocolor(255, 255, 255) if activeButton == "close" then closeColor = tocolor(215, 89, 89) end dxDrawText("X", closeTextPosX, y2, 0, y2 + 30, closeColor, 1, RobotoFontLighter, "left", "center") buttons["close"] = {closeTextPosX, y2, closeTextWidth, respc(40)} -- ** Nomes de colunas local sizeForTableCell = sx / 3 dxDrawText("Nome do veículo", x, y + respc(35), 0, y + respc(70), tocolor(255, 255, 255), 0.75, RobotoFontLighter, "left", "center") dxDrawText("Veículo original", x + sizeForTableCell, y + respc(35), 0, y + respc(70), tocolor(255, 255, 255), 0.75, RobotoFontLighter, "left", "center") dxDrawText("Status", x + sizeForTableCell * 2, y + respc(35), 0, y + respc(70), tocolor(255, 255, 255), 0.75, RobotoFontLighter, "left", "center") dxDrawText("Tamanho", x, y + respc(35), x + sx - respc(5), y + respc(70), tocolor(255, 255, 255), 0.75, RobotoFontLighter, "right", "center") -- ** Lista local sizeForItem = (sy - respc(80)) / 10 for k = 1, 9 do local v = modList[k + listOffset] local y2 = y + respc(40) + sizeForItem * k if activeButton == "select:" .. k + listOffset then dxDrawRectangle(x - respc(5), y2, sx + respc(10), sizeForItem, tocolor(50, 50, 50, 50)) elseif k % 2 == 0 then dxDrawRectangle(x - respc(5), y2, sx + respc(10), sizeForItem, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 50)) else dxDrawRectangle(x - respc(5), y2, sx + respc(10), sizeForItem, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 80)) end if selectedMod == k + listOffset then dxDrawRectangle(x - respc(5), y2, respc(5), sizeForItem, tocolor(157, 0, 11, 180)) dxDrawRectangle(x, y2, sx, sizeForItem, tocolor(157, 0, 11, 50)) end if v then local x2 = x + respc(5) local state = "Desligado" if v.state == "notdownloaded" then state = "Não baixado" elseif v.state == "downloading" then state = "Baixar..." elseif v.state == "on" then state = "Ligado" end dxDrawText(v.customName, x2, y2, 0, y2 + sizeForItem, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 0.7, RobotoFont, "left", "center") dxDrawText(v.originalName, x2 + sizeForTableCell, y2, 0, y2 + sizeForItem, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 0.7, RobotoFont, "left", "center") dxDrawText(state, x2 + sizeForTableCell * 2, y2, 0, y2 + sizeForItem, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 0.7, RobotoFont, "left", "center") dxDrawText(v.size, x2, y2, x + sx - respc(5), y2 + sizeForItem, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 0.7, RobotoFont, "right", "center") buttons["select:" .. k + listOffset] = {x - respc(5), y2, sx + respc(10), sizeForItem} end end if #modList > 9 then local sizeForScroll = sizeForItem * 9 dxDrawRectangle(x2 + sx2 - respc(10), y + respc(70), respc(5), sizeForScroll, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 100)) dxDrawRectangle(x2 + sx2 - respc(10), y + respc(70) + (sizeForScroll / #modList) * math.min(listOffset, #modList - 9), respc(5), (sizeForScroll / #modList) * 9, tocolor(128,0,128)) end local downloadAllTextWidth = dxGetTextWidth("Total de downloadse", 0.6, RobotoFont) + respc(12) local deleteAllTextWidth = dxGetTextWidth("Excluir Tudo", 0.6, RobotoFont) + respc(12) local totalWidth = downloadAllTextWidth + respc(10) drawButton("downloadAll", "Baixar Tudo", x, y + sy - respc(30), downloadAllTextWidth, respc(35), 157, 0, 11, 1, RobotoFont, 0.6) drawButton("deleteAll", "Excluir Tudo", x + totalWidth, y + sy - respc(30), deleteAllTextWidth, respc(35), 200, 50, 50, 1, RobotoFont, 0.6) local toggleAllOnTextWidth = dxGetTextWidth("Ativar Tudo", 0.6, RobotoFont) + respc(12) local toggleAllOffTextWidth = dxGetTextWidth("Desativar Tudo", 0.6, RobotoFont) + respc(12) totalWidth = totalWidth + deleteAllTextWidth + respc(10) drawButton("toggleAllOn", "Ativar Tudo", x + totalWidth, y + sy - respc(30), toggleAllOnTextWidth, respc(35), 157, 0, 11, 1, RobotoFont, 0.6) totalWidth = totalWidth + toggleAllOnTextWidth + respc(10) drawButton("toggleAllOff", "Desativar Tudo", x + totalWidth, y + sy - respc(30), toggleAllOffTextWidth, respc(35), 255, 100, 0, 1, RobotoFont, 0.6) if selectedMod then local mod = modList[selectedMod] if mod then if mod.state == "notdownloaded" then drawButton("downloadSelected", "Baixar", x + sx - respc(160), y + sy - respc(30), respc(160), respc(35), 157, 0, 11, 1, RobotoFont, 0.7, "", IconsFont, 0.7) elseif mod.state == "downloading" then elseif mod.state == "on" then drawButton("toggleSelected", "Desliga", x + sx - respc(330), y + sy - respc(30), respc(160), respc(35), 255, 100, 0, 1, RobotoFont, 0.7, "", IconsFont, 0.7) drawButton("deleteSelected", "Eliminação", x + sx - respc(160), y + sy - respc(30), respc(160), respc(35), 200, 50, 50, 1, RobotoFont, 0.7, "", IconsFont, 0.7) elseif not mod.state or mod.state == "off" then drawButton("toggleSelected", "Ligar", x + sx - respc(330), y + sy - respc(30), respc(160), respc(35), 157, 0, 11, 1, RobotoFont, 0.7, "", IconsFont, 0.7) drawButton("deleteSelected", "Eliminação", x + sx - respc(160), y + sy - respc(30), respc(160), respc(35), 200, 50, 50, 1, RobotoFont, 0.7, "", IconsFont, 0.7) end end end if downloadNum > 0 then local current = downloadedSize / downloadSize local last = lastCurrent if lastCurrent ~= current then if not gotInterpolate then gotInterpolate = getTickCount() else local elapsedTime = getTickCount() - gotInterpolate local progress = elapsedTime / 500 last = interpolateBetween( lastCurrent, 0, 0, current, 0, 0, progress, "OutQuad") if progress >= 1 then lastCurrent = current gotInterpolate = false end end end dxDrawText("Baixar...", x, y + respc(25), 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 0.55, RobotoFont, "left", "top") local downloadTextWidth = dxGetTextWidth("Baixar...", 0.55, RobotoFont) + respc(12) local sizeText = byte2human(downloadedSize) .. " / " .. byte2human(downloadSize) local barSize = sx - downloadTextWidth - dxGetTextWidth(sizeText, 0.55, RobotoFont) - respc(12) dxDrawRectangle(x + downloadTextWidth, y + respc(30), barSize, respc(8), tocolor(255, 255, 255, 50)) dxDrawRectangle(x + downloadTextWidth, y + respc(30), barSize * last, respc(8), tocolor(157, 0, 11)) dxDrawText(sizeText, x, y + respc(25), x + sx, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255), 0.55, RobotoFont, "right", "top") end -- ** Botões activeButton = false if relX and relY then for k, v in pairs(buttons) do if relX >= v[1] and relY >= v[2] and relX <= v[1] + v[3] and relY <= v[2] + v[4] then activeButton = k break end end end end function clickHandler(button, state) if button == "left" and state == "down" then if activeButton == "close" then modsPanelFunc() elseif activeButton then local selected = split(activeButton, ":") if selected[1] == "select" then local id = tonumber(selected[2]) if selectedMod == id then selectedMod = false else selectedMod = id end elseif selected[1] == "btn" then local playerVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if getTickCount() - lastButtonPress < 500 then exports.a_infobox:showInfobox("error", "Não tão rápido!") return else lastButtonPress = getTickCount() end if selected[2] == "downloadAll" then downloadNum = 0 downloadSize = 0 downloadedSize = 0 for k, v in pairs(modList) do if v.state == "notdownloaded" then modList[k].state = "downloading" setTimer( function() if string.find(modContents[v.id], "txd") then downloadFile("files/" .. v.id .. ".txd") end if string.find(modContents[v.id], "dff") then downloadFile("files/" .. v.id .. ".dff") end end, 1200, 1) downloadNum = downloadNum + 1 downloadSize = downloadSize + v.realSize end end saveToggableVehicles() elseif selected[2] == "deleteAll" then if isElement(playerVehicle) then exports.a_infobox:showInfobox("error", "Saia do seu veículo primeiro!") return end for k, v in pairs(modList) do engineRestoreModel(v.vehicleModel) if fileExists("files/" .. v.id .. ".txd") then fileDelete("files/" .. v.id .. ".txd") end if fileExists("files/" .. v.id .. ".dff") then fileDelete("files/" .. v.id .. ".dff") end modList[k].state = "notdownloaded" toggableVehs[tostring(v.vehicleModel)] = nil end saveToggableVehicles() elseif selected[2] == "downloadSelected" then downloadNum = 0 downloadSize = 0 downloadedSize = 0 modList[selectedMod].state = "downloading" if string.find(modContents[modList[selectedMod].id], "txd") then downloadFile("files/" .. modList[selectedMod].id .. ".txd") end if string.find(modContents[modList[selectedMod].id], "dff") then downloadFile("files/" .. modList[selectedMod].id .. ".dff") end downloadNum = downloadNum + 1 downloadSize = downloadSize + modList[selectedMod].realSize elseif selected[2] == "deleteSelected" then if isElement(playerVehicle) and modList[selectedMod].vehicleModel == getElementModel(playerVehicle) then exports.a_infobox:showInfobox("error", "Você está sentado neste tipo de veículo!") return end toggableVehs[tostring(modList[selectedMod].vehicleModel)] = nil engineRestoreModel(modList[selectedMod].vehicleModel) if fileExists("files/" .. modList[selectedMod].id .. ".txd") then fileDelete("files/" .. modList[selectedMod].id .. ".txd") end if fileExists("files/" .. modList[selectedMod].id .. ".dff") then fileDelete("files/" .. modList[selectedMod].id .. ".dff") end modList[selectedMod].state = "notdownloaded" saveToggableVehicles() elseif selected[2] == "toggleSelected" then if isElement(playerVehicle) and modList[selectedMod].vehicleModel == getElementModel(playerVehicle) then exports.a_infobox:showInfobox("error", "Você está sentado neste tipo de veículo!") return end if not modList[selectedMod].state or modList[selectedMod].state == "off" then modList[selectedMod].state = "off" if string.find(modContents[modList[selectedMod].id], "txd") then downloadFile("files/" .. modList[selectedMod].id .. ".txd") end if string.find(modContents[modList[selectedMod].id], "dff") then downloadFile("files/" .. modList[selectedMod].id .. ".dff") end elseif modList[selectedMod].state == "on" then modList[selectedMod].state = "off" toggableVehs[tostring(modList[selectedMod].vehicleModel)] = nil engineRestoreModel(modList[selectedMod].vehicleModel) end saveToggableVehicles() elseif selected[2] == "toggleAllOn" then local canToggleAll = true for k, v in pairs(modList) do if v.state == "notdownloaded" or v.state == "downloading" then canToggleAll = false break end end if not canToggleAll then exports.a_infobox:showInfobox("error", "Nem todos os módulos são baixados!") return end if isElement(playerVehicle) then exports.a_infobox:showInfobox("error", "Saia do seu veículo primeiro!") return end for k, v in pairs(modList) do modList[k].state = "off" if string.find(modContents[v.id], "txd") then downloadFile("files/" .. v.id .. ".txd") end if string.find(modContents[v.id], "dff") then downloadFile("files/" .. v.id .. ".dff") end end saveToggableVehicles() elseif selected[2] == "toggleAllOff" then if isElement(playerVehicle) then exports.a_infobox:showInfobox("error", "Saia do seu veículo primeiro!") return end for k, v in pairs(modList) do if v.state == "on" then modList[k].state = "off" toggableVehs[tostring(v.vehicleModel)] = nil engineRestoreModel(v.vehicleModel) end end saveToggableVehicles() end end end end end function keyHandler(button, state) if state then if #modList > 9 then if button == "mouse_wheel_down" and listOffset < #modList - 9 then listOffset = listOffset + 9 elseif button == "mouse_wheel_up" and listOffset > 0 then listOffset = listOffset - 9 end end end end function modsPanelFunc() if not panelState then RobotoFont = dxCreateFont("files/Roboto.ttf", respc(17.5), false, "antialiased") RobotoFontLighter = dxCreateFont("files/RobotoL.ttf", respc(17.5), false, "antialiased") IconsFont = dxCreateFont("files/Themify.ttf", respc(17.5), false, "antialiased") addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), panelRender) addEventHandler("onClientClick", getRootElement(), clickHandler) addEventHandler("onClientKey", getRootElement(), keyHandler) selectedMod = false panelState = true showCursor(true) else removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), panelRender) removeEventHandler("onClientClick", getRootElement(), clickHandler) removeEventHandler("onClientKey", getRootElement(), keyHandler) if isElement(RobotoFont) then destroyElement(RobotoFont) RobotoFont = nil end if isElement(RobotoFontLighter) then destroyElement(RobotoFontLighter) RobotoFontLighter = nil end if isElement(IconsFont) then destroyElement(IconsFont) IconsFont = nil end panelState = false showCursor(false) end end addCommandHandler("mods", modsPanelFunc) addCommandHandler("modspainel", modsPanelFunc) addCommandHandler("modpainel", modsPanelFunc) addEventHandler("onClientFileDownloadComplete", getResourceRootElement(), function (file, success) if success then local path = file:gsub("files/", ""):gsub(".txd", ""):gsub(".dff", "") if availableMods[path] then local model = tonumber(availableMods[path][1]) or getVehicleModelFromName(availableMods[path][1]) if not availableMods[path][3] then -- se não puder ser trocado, mude o modo if file:find(".txd") then engineImportTXD(engineLoadTXD(file), model) elseif file:find(".dff") then engineReplaceModel(engineLoadDFF(file), model) end elseif toggableVehs[tostring(model)] and toggableVehs[tostring(model)] == "off" then -- se o estado salvo estava ativado na inicialização do recurso if file:find(".txd") then engineImportTXD(engineLoadTXD(file), model) elseif file:find(".dff") then engineReplaceModel(engineLoadDFF(file), model) end else -- se comutável for k, v in pairs(modList) do if v.id == path then if v.state == "downloading" then -- se você gastou até agora downloadedSize = downloadedSize + v.realSize setTimer( function() downloadNum = downloadNum - 1 end, 1000, 1) if v.state ~= "downloading" then modList[k].state = "downloading" else modList[k].state = false end elseif v.state == "off" then -- se ativado, o modo é carregado if file:find(".txd") then engineImportTXD(engineLoadTXD(file), model) elseif file:find(".dff") then engineReplaceModel(engineLoadDFF(file), model) end if string.len(modContents[path]) == 6 then -- dff e txd if file:find(".txd") then -- carrega o txd primeiro modList[k].state = "off" -- portanto, deixamos seu status desativado elseif file:find(".dff") then -- acomo você carregou o dff modList[k].state = "on" -- também ativamos seu status end else -- ou dff ou txd modList[k].state = "on" end end break end end end end end end ) function byte2human(bytes) local threshold = 1000 if math.abs(bytes) < threshold then return bytes .. " B" end local units = {"kB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"} local unitIndex = 0 repeat bytes = bytes / threshold unitIndex = unitIndex + 1 until not (math.abs(bytes) >= threshold and unitIndex < #units) return tonumber(string.format("%.2f", bytes)) .. " " .. units[unitIndex] end function spairs(t, order) local keys = {} for k in pairs(t) do keys[#keys + 1] = k end if order then table.sort(keys, function (a, b) return order(t, a, b) end ) else table.sort(keys) end local i = 0 return function () i = i + 1 if keys[i] then return keys[i], t[keys[i]] end end end addEvent("requestModSizes", true) addEventHandler("requestModSizes", getRootElement(), function (sizes, contents) local preTable = {} modContents = contents for k, v in pairs(availableMods) do if not v[3] then -- se não for selecionável, faça o download if string.find(contents[k], "txd") then downloadFile("files/" .. k .. ".txd") end if string.find(contents[k], "dff") then downloadFile("files/" .. k .. ".dff") end elseif contents[k] ~= "big" then local model = tostring(tonumber(v[1]) or getVehicleModelFromName(v[1])) if toggableVehs[model] then if toggableVehs[model] == "on" then availableMods[k].state = "on" if string.find(contents[k], "txd") then downloadFile("files/" .. k .. ".txd") end if string.find(contents[k], "dff") then downloadFile("files/" .. k .. ".dff") end end end end if sizes[k] and contents[k] ~= "big" then local model = tonumber(v[1]) or getVehicleModelFromName(v[1]) local state = v.state or "off" if string.find(contents[k], "txd") and not fileExists("files/" .. k .. ".txd") then state = "notdownloaded" end if string.find(contents[k], "dff") and not fileExists("files/" .. k .. ".dff") then state = "notdownloaded" end table.insert(preTable, { id = k, vehicleModel = model, originalName = _getVehicleNameFromModel(model), customName = v[2], size = byte2human(sizes[k]), realSize = sizes[k], state = state }) end end for k, v in spairs(preTable, function (t, a, b) return utf8.lower(t[b].customName) > utf8.lower(t[a].customName) end) do table.insert(modList, v) end end ) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), function () toggableVehs = {} if fileExists("save.json") then local file = fileOpen("save.json") if file then local size = fileGetSize(file) local bytes = fileRead(file, size) fileClose(file) toggableVehs = fromJSON(bytes) end end triggerServerEvent("requestModSizes", localPlayer) end ) function saveToggableVehicles() local toggableVehs = {} for k, v in pairs(modList) do if v.state == "on" then toggableVehs[v.vehicleModel] = "on" else toggableVehs[v.vehicleModel] = "off" end end if fileExists("save.json") then fileDelete("save.json") end local file = fileCreate("save.json") if file then fileWrite(file, toJSON(toggableVehs)) fileClose(file) end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", getResourceRootElement(), saveToggableVehicles) 18 hours ago, Patrick said: Moved to Portuguese section. ----global---- availableMods = { -- nome do veiculo dentro da pasta, id veiculo, nome -- Carros ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ["carros/infernus"] = {411, "Ferrari Concecionária", true}, ["carros/sultan"] = {560, "Mustang Concecionária", true}, ["carros/hotringracer"] = {494, "Porche Boxter Concecionária", true}, ["carros/manana"] = {410, "Caravana Concecionária", true}, ["carros/blistacompact"] = {496, "Corsa Concecionária", true}, ["carros/huntley"] = {579, "Ranger Rover Concecionária", true}, ["carros/nrg500"] = {522, "Ducatti Concecionária", true}, ["carros/sanchez"] = {468, "Biz 125 Concecionária", true}, ["carros/pcj600"] = {461, "Triumph Concecionária", true}, ["carros/banshee"] = {429, "FordGT Concecionária", true}, ["carros/sentinel"] = {405, "TeslaModelS Concecionária", true}, ["carros/comet"] = {480, "Carro vip Rubi", true}, ["carros/buffalo"] = {402, "Carro vip Ouro", true}, ["carros/ambulance"] = {416, "Viatura Samu", true}, ["carros/fbirancher"] = {490, "Viatura PMERJ", true}, ["skins/bfyst"] = {13, "Skin Galinha-13", true}, ["skins/hmycr"] = {47, "Skin Vip Diamante-47", true}, ["skins/bmycr"] = {21, "Skin Vip Rubi-21", true}, ["skins/bmyst"] = {22, "Skin Vip Rubi-22", true}, ["skins/wbdyg2"] = {25, "Skin Vip Rubi-25", true}, ["skins/lapd1"] = {280, "Skin PMERJ-280", true}, ["skins/sfemt1"] = {276, "Skin SAMU-276", true}, } vehicleNames = {} for k, v in pairs(availableMods) do local model = tonumber(v[1]) or getVehicleModelFromName(v[1]) if model then vehicleNames[model] = v[2] end end _getVehicleNameFromModel = getVehicleNameFromModel _getVehicleName = getVehicleName function getVehicleNameFromModel(model) if vehicleNames[model] then return vehicleNames[model] end return _getVehicleNameFromModel(model) end function getVehicleName(vehicleElement) local model = getElementModel(vehicleElement) if vehicleNames[model] then return vehicleNames[model] end return _getVehicleName(vehicleElement) end function getVehicleNameList() local list = {} for k, v in pairs(availableMods) do table.insert(list, v[2]) end return list end ------------ local modGUI = {} local downloads = {} local downloadCount = 0 function centerWindow(center_window) local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(center_window,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2 guiSetPosition(center_window,x,y,false) end function addTab(tag) tag = tostring(tag) modGUI[tag] = guiCreateTab(tag, modGUI[2]) modGUI[modGUI[tag]] = guiCreateGridList ( 10, 13, 504, 325, false, modGUI[tag] ) guiGridListSetSelectionMode( modGUI[modGUI[tag]], 1 ) guiGridListAddColumn( modGUI[modGUI[tag]], " ID", 0.15 ) guiGridListAddColumn( modGUI[modGUI[tag]], " Nome", 0.35 ) guiGridListAddColumn( modGUI[modGUI[tag]], " Status", 0.32 ) guiGridListAddColumn( modGUI[modGUI[tag]], " Peso", 0.1 ) end addEvent("transferModsData", true) addEventHandler("transferModsData", root, function(mods, groups) for _, v in ipairs(groups) do addTab( tostring(v) ) end mData = mods refresh() end ) function refresh() for _, v in pairs(modGUI) do if getElementType(v) == "gui-gridlist" then guiGridListClear( v ) end end for i, v in pairs(mData) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(modGUI[ modGUI[ v[3] ] ]) guiGridListSetItemText ( modGUI[ modGUI[ v[3] ] ], row, 1, v[1], false, true ) guiGridListSetItemText ( modGUI[ modGUI[ v[3] ] ], row, 2, i, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( modGUI[ modGUI[ v[3] ] ], row, 3, ( fileExists("mods/"..v[3].."/"..i:lower()..".txd") and fileExists("mods/"..v[3].."/"..i:lower()..".dff") ) and "> Carregado <" or "> Não carregado <", false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( modGUI[ modGUI[ v[3] ] ], row, 4, sizeFormat(v[2]), false, true ) end end addCommandHandler("mods", function() local visible = not guiGetVisible(modGUI[1]) centerWindow(modGUI[1]) guiSetVisible(modGUI[1], visible) showCursor(visible) refresh() end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, function() if source == modGUI[3] then local tab = guiGetSelectedTab(modGUI[2]) local items = guiGridListGetSelectedItems(modGUI[tab]) if #items > 0 then local files = {} local count = 0 for _, v in ipairs(items) do if v.column == 2 then local id = guiGridListGetItemText ( modGUI[tab], v.row, 1 ) local extension = guiGridListGetItemText ( modGUI[tab], v.row, 2 ) addDownloadQueue(extension, id) end end end elseif source == modGUI[4] then local tab = guiGetSelectedTab(modGUI[2]) local items = guiGridListGetSelectedItems(modGUI[tab]) if #items > 0 then for _, v in ipairs(items) do local id = guiGridListGetItemText ( modGUI[tab], v.row, 1 ) engineRestoreModel( tonumber(id) ) end end elseif source == modGUI[5] then local tab = guiGetSelectedTab(modGUI[2]) local tag = guiGetText(tab) for i, v in pairs(mData) do if v[3] == tag then addDownloadQueue(i, v[1]) end end elseif source == modGUI[6] then local tab = guiGetSelectedTab(modGUI[2]) local tag = guiGetText(tab) for i, v in pairs(mData) do if v[3] == tag then engineRestoreModel(v[1]) end end end end ) function addDownloadQueue(file, id) local f = string.lower(file) downloads["mods/"..mData[file][3].."/"..f..".txd"] = { id, f, mData[file][3] } downloads["mods/"..mData[file][3].."/"..f..".dff"] = { id, f, mData[file][3] } downloadCount = downloadCount + 2 downloadFile( "mods/"..mData[file][3].."/"..f..".txd" ) downloadFile( "mods/"..mData[file][3].."/"..f..".dff" ) end function removeDownloadQueue(file) for i,v in pairs(downloads) do if i == file and v then downloads[i] = false break end end downloadCount = downloadCount - 1 end addEventHandler("onClientFileDownloadComplete", root, function(filename, success) if success then local name = tostring( downloads[filename][2] ) if filename:find(".txd") then local txd = engineLoadTXD( filename ) engineImportTXD( txd, downloads[filename][1] ) removeDownloadQueue(name) elseif filename:find(".dff") then local dff = engineLoadDFF ( filename ) engineReplaceModel ( dff, downloads[filename][1] ) removeDownloadQueue(name) end refresh() end end ) function fUpper(str) return (str:gsub("^%l", string.upper)) end local download2 = { current = 0, estimate = 0} local currentSize = {} addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() if downloadCount > 0 then if not tick then tick = getTickCount() end local downloadSize = 0 if getTickCount()-tick >= 1000 then for i, v in pairs(downloads) do if v then local f = i:gsub("mods/"..v[3].."/", "") f = f:gsub(".txd", "") f = f:gsub(".dff", "") downloadSize = downloadSize + mData[fUpper(f)][2]/2 if fileExists(i) then local file = fileOpen(i) currentSize[i] = fileGetSize(file) fileClose(file) end end local sizeCount = 0 for _, s in pairs(currentSize) do sizeCount = sizeCount + s end download2.current = sizeCount download2.estimate = download2.estimate < downloadSize and downloadSize or download2.estimate end tick = getTickCount() end dxDrawProgressBar(.25, .8, .5, .05, ((download2.current*100)/download2.estimate), tocolor(0, 0, 0, 200), tocolor(255, 255, 255, 150)) else if download2.estimate > 0 then download2.estimate = 0 download2.current = 0 p = 0 end end end ) local p = 0 local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() function dxDrawProgressBar( startX, startY, width, height, progress ) if progress >= 0 then startX, startY, width, height = startX*x, startY*y, width*x, height*y p = p < progress and p+0.3 or progress dxDrawRectangle( startX-5, startY-5, width+10, height+10, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 100), true ) dxDrawRectangle( startX, startY, width, height, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 100), true ) dxDrawRectangle( startX, startY, (p*width)/100, height, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), true ) dxDrawText ( sizeFormat(download2.current).. "/"..sizeFormat(download2.estimate).." | "..math.floor(p).."%", startX+width/2, startY+height/4, 0, 0, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 1.02, "default-bold", _, _, _, _, true) end end function sizeFormat(size) local size = tostring(size) if size:len() >= 4 then if size:len() >= 7 then if size:len() >= 9 then local returning = size:sub(1, size:len()-9) if returning:len() <= 1 then returning = returning.."."..size:sub(2, size:len()-7) end return returning.." GB"; else local returning = size:sub(1, size:len()-6) if returning:len() <= 1 then returning = returning.."."..size:sub(2, size:len()-4) end return returning.." MB"; end else local returning = size:sub(1, size:len()-3) if returning:len() <= 1 then returning = returning.."."..size:sub(2, size:len()-1) end return returning.." KB"; end else return size.." B"; end end ---main--- local wErTzu666iop = base64Encode function getInterfaceElements() return wErTzu666iop([[ buttons = {} activeButton = false local inputLineGetStart = {} local inputLineGetInverse = {} local inputCursorState = false local lastChangeCursorState = 0 local repeatTimer = false local repeatStartTimer = false fakeInputs = {} selectedInput = false function drawInput(key, label, x, y, sx, sy, font, fontScale, a) a = a or 1 if not fakeInputs[key] then fakeInputs[key] = "" end dxDrawRectangle(x, y, sx, sy, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 75 * a)) local borderColor if selectedInput == key then borderColor = {colorInterpolation("input:" .. key, 117, 117, 117, 255)} elseif activeButton == "input:" .. key then borderColor = {colorInterpolation("input:" .. key, 117, 117, 117, 255)} else borderColor = {colorInterpolation("input:" .. key, 75, 75, 75, 255)} end if selectedInput == key then if not inputLineGetStart[key] then inputLineGetInverse[key] = false inputLineGetStart[key] = getTickCount() end elseif inputLineGetStart[key] then inputLineGetInverse[key] = getTickCount() inputLineGetStart[key] = false end local lineProgress = 0 if inputLineGetStart[key] then local elapsedTime = getTickCount() - inputLineGetStart[key] local progress = elapsedTime / 300 lineProgress = interpolateBetween( 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, progress, "Linear") elseif inputLineGetInverse[key] then local elapsedTime = getTickCount() - inputLineGetInverse[key] local progress = elapsedTime / 300 lineProgress = interpolateBetween( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, progress, "Linear") end lineProgress = sx / 2 * lineProgress local activeColor = tocolor(128,0,128, 175 * a) dxDrawRectangle(x, y + sy - 2, sx, 2, tocolor(borderColor[1], borderColor[2], borderColor[3], borderColor[4] * a)) dxDrawRectangle(x + sx / 2, y + sy - 2, -lineProgress, 2, activeColor) dxDrawRectangle(x + sx / 2, y + sy - 2, lineProgress, 2, activeColor) sy = sy - 2 if utf8.len(fakeInputs[key]) > 0 then dxDrawText(fakeInputs[key], x + 3, y, x + sx - 3, y + sy, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 230 * a), fontScale, font, "left", "center", true) elseif label then dxDrawText(label, x + 3, y, x + sx - 3, y + sy, tocolor(100, 100, 100, 200 * a), fontScale, font, "left", "center", true) end if selectedInput == key then if inputCursorState then local contentSizeX = dxGetTextWidth(fakeInputs[key], fontScale, font) dxDrawLine(x + 3 + contentSizeX, y + 5, x + 3 + contentSizeX, y + sy - 5, tocolor(230, 230, 230, 175 * a)) end if getTickCount() - lastChangeCursorState >= 500 then inputCursorState = not inputCursorState lastChangeCursorState = getTickCount() end end buttons["input:" .. key] = {x, y, sx, sy} end function drawButton(key, text, x, y, w, h, r, g, b, a, font, fontScale, icon, iconFont, iconScale) local buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, buttonA local borderR, borderG, borderB a = a or 1 font = font or "default-bold" fontScale = fontScale or 1 if activeButton == "btn:" .. key then if getKeyState("mouse1") then buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, buttonA = colorInterpolation("btn:" .. key, r, g, b, 175, 175) else buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, buttonA = colorInterpolation("btn:" .. key, r, g, b, 250) end borderR, borderG, borderB = colorInterpolation("btnBorder:" .. key, r, g, b, 230) else buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, buttonA = colorInterpolation("btn:" .. key, 59, 59, 59, 240) borderR, borderG, borderB = colorInterpolation("btnBorder:" .. key, 117, 117, 117, 175) end local borderColor = tocolor(borderR, borderG, borderB, 255 * a) dxDrawRectangle(x + 1, y + 2, w - 2, h - 4, tocolor(buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, buttonA * a)) dxDrawRectangle(x, y, w, 2, borderColor) dxDrawRectangle(x, y + h - 2, w, 2, borderColor) dxDrawRectangle(x - 1, y + 1, 2, h - 2, borderColor) dxDrawRectangle(x + w - 1, y + 1, 2, h - 2, borderColor) if not icon then dxDrawText(text, x, y, x + w, y + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a), fontScale, font, "center", "center") elseif not iconFont then iconScale = iconScale or h - 5 local iconWidth = iconScale + 10 local textWidth = dxGetTextWidth(text, fontScale, font) local labelStartX = x + (w - (iconWidth + textWidth)) / 2 dxDrawImage(math.floor(labelStartX), math.floor(y + (h - iconScale) / 2), iconScale, iconScale, icon, 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a)) dxDrawText(text, labelStartX + iconWidth, y, 0, y + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a), fontScale, font, "left", "center") elseif iconFont then iconScale = iconScale or fontScale local iconWidth = dxGetTextWidth(icon, iconScale, iconFont) + 10 local textWidth = dxGetTextWidth(text, iconScale, font) local labelStartX = x + (w - (iconWidth + textWidth)) / 2 dxDrawText(icon, labelStartX, y, 0, y + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a), iconScale, iconFont, "left", "center") dxDrawText(text, labelStartX + iconWidth, y, 0, y + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a), fontScale, font, "left", "center") end buttons["btn:" .. key] = {x, y, w, h} end function drawButton2(key, text, x, y, w, h, r, g, b, a, font, fontScale, icon, iconFont, iconScale) local buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, buttonA if activeButton == key then if getKeyState("mouse1") then buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, buttonA = colorInterpolation(key, r, g, b, 200, 250) else buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, buttonA = colorInterpolation(key, r, g, b, 175) end else buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, buttonA = colorInterpolation(key, r, g, b, 125) end local alphaDifference = 175 - buttonA dxDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h, tocolor(buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, (175 - alphaDifference) * a)) local marginColor = tocolor(buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, (125 + alphaDifference) * a) dxDrawLine(x, y, x + w, y, marginColor, 2) dxDrawLine(x, y + h, x + w, y + h, marginColor, 2) dxDrawLine(x, y, x, y + h, marginColor, 2) dxDrawLine(x + w, y, x + w, y + h, marginColor, 2) font = font or "default-bold" fontScale = fontScale or 1 if not text and icon then iconScale = iconScale or fontScale dxDrawText(icon, x, y, x + w, y + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a), iconScale, iconFont, "center", "center") elseif not icon then dxDrawText(text, x, y, x + w, y + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a), fontScale, font, "center", "center") elseif not iconFont then iconScale = iconScale or h - 5 local iconWidth = iconScale + 10 local textWidth = dxGetTextWidth(text, fontScale, font) local labelStartX = x + (w - (iconWidth + textWidth)) / 2 dxDrawImage(math.floor(labelStartX), math.floor(y + (h - iconScale) / 2), iconScale, iconScale, icon, 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a)) dxDrawText(text, labelStartX + iconWidth, y, 0, y + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a), fontScale, font, "left", "center") elseif iconFont then iconScale = iconScale or fontScale local iconWidth = dxGetTextWidth(icon, iconScale, iconFont) + 10 local textWidth = dxGetTextWidth(text, iconScale, font) local labelStartX = x + (w - (iconWidth + textWidth)) / 2 dxDrawText(icon, labelStartX, y, 0, y + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a), iconScale, iconFont, "left", "center") dxDrawText(text, labelStartX + iconWidth, y, 0, y + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a), fontScale, font, "left", "center") end buttons[key] = {x, y, w, h} end local colorInterpolationValues = {} local lastColorInterpolationValues = {} local colorInterpolationTicks = {} function colorInterpolation(key, r, g, b, a, duration) if not colorInterpolationValues[key] then colorInterpolationValues[key] = {r, g, b, a} lastColorInterpolationValues[key] = r .. g .. b .. a end if lastColorInterpolationValues[key] ~= (r .. g .. b .. a) then lastColorInterpolationValues[key] = r .. g .. b .. a colorInterpolationTicks[key] = getTickCount() end if colorInterpolationTicks[key] then local progress = (getTickCount() - colorInterpolationTicks[key]) / (duration or 500) local red, green, blue = interpolateBetween(colorInterpolationValues[key][1], colorInterpolationValues[key][2], colorInterpolationValues[key][3], r, g, b, progress, "Linear") local alpha = interpolateBetween(colorInterpolationValues[key][4], 0, 0, a, 0, 0, progress, "Linear") colorInterpolationValues[key][1] = red colorInterpolationValues[key][2] = green colorInterpolationValues[key][3] = blue colorInterpolationValues[key][4] = alpha if progress >= 1 then colorInterpolationTicks[key] = false end end return colorInterpolationValues[key][1], colorInterpolationValues[key][2], colorInterpolationValues[key][3], colorInterpolationValues[key][4] end ]]) end ---main--- local wErTzu666iop = base64Encode function getInterfaceElements() return wErTzu666iop([[ buttons = {} activeButton = false local inputLineGetStart = {} local inputLineGetInverse = {} local inputCursorState = false local lastChangeCursorState = 0 local repeatTimer = false local repeatStartTimer = false fakeInputs = {} selectedInput = false function drawInput(key, label, x, y, sx, sy, font, fontScale, a) a = a or 1 if not fakeInputs[key] then fakeInputs[key] = "" end dxDrawRectangle(x, y, sx, sy, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 75 * a)) local borderColor if selectedInput == key then borderColor = {colorInterpolation("input:" .. key, 117, 117, 117, 255)} elseif activeButton == "input:" .. key then borderColor = {colorInterpolation("input:" .. key, 117, 117, 117, 255)} else borderColor = {colorInterpolation("input:" .. key, 75, 75, 75, 255)} end if selectedInput == key then if not inputLineGetStart[key] then inputLineGetInverse[key] = false inputLineGetStart[key] = getTickCount() end elseif inputLineGetStart[key] then inputLineGetInverse[key] = getTickCount() inputLineGetStart[key] = false end local lineProgress = 0 if inputLineGetStart[key] then local elapsedTime = getTickCount() - inputLineGetStart[key] local progress = elapsedTime / 300 lineProgress = interpolateBetween( 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, progress, "Linear") elseif inputLineGetInverse[key] then local elapsedTime = getTickCount() - inputLineGetInverse[key] local progress = elapsedTime / 300 lineProgress = interpolateBetween( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, progress, "Linear") end lineProgress = sx / 2 * lineProgress local activeColor = tocolor(128,0,128, 175 * a) dxDrawRectangle(x, y + sy - 2, sx, 2, tocolor(borderColor[1], borderColor[2], borderColor[3], borderColor[4] * a)) dxDrawRectangle(x + sx / 2, y + sy - 2, -lineProgress, 2, activeColor) dxDrawRectangle(x + sx / 2, y + sy - 2, lineProgress, 2, activeColor) sy = sy - 2 if utf8.len(fakeInputs[key]) > 0 then dxDrawText(fakeInputs[key], x + 3, y, x + sx - 3, y + sy, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 230 * a), fontScale, font, "left", "center", true) elseif label then dxDrawText(label, x + 3, y, x + sx - 3, y + sy, tocolor(100, 100, 100, 200 * a), fontScale, font, "left", "center", true) end if selectedInput == key then if inputCursorState then local contentSizeX = dxGetTextWidth(fakeInputs[key], fontScale, font) dxDrawLine(x + 3 + contentSizeX, y + 5, x + 3 + contentSizeX, y + sy - 5, tocolor(230, 230, 230, 175 * a)) end if getTickCount() - lastChangeCursorState >= 500 then inputCursorState = not inputCursorState lastChangeCursorState = getTickCount() end end buttons["input:" .. key] = {x, y, sx, sy} end function drawButton(key, text, x, y, w, h, r, g, b, a, font, fontScale, icon, iconFont, iconScale) local buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, buttonA local borderR, borderG, borderB a = a or 1 font = font or "default-bold" fontScale = fontScale or 1 if activeButton == "btn:" .. key then if getKeyState("mouse1") then buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, buttonA = colorInterpolation("btn:" .. key, r, g, b, 175, 175) else buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, buttonA = colorInterpolation("btn:" .. key, r, g, b, 250) end borderR, borderG, borderB = colorInterpolation("btnBorder:" .. key, r, g, b, 230) else buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, buttonA = colorInterpolation("btn:" .. key, 59, 59, 59, 240) borderR, borderG, borderB = colorInterpolation("btnBorder:" .. key, 117, 117, 117, 175) end local borderColor = tocolor(borderR, borderG, borderB, 255 * a) dxDrawRectangle(x + 1, y + 2, w - 2, h - 4, tocolor(buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, buttonA * a)) dxDrawRectangle(x, y, w, 2, borderColor) dxDrawRectangle(x, y + h - 2, w, 2, borderColor) dxDrawRectangle(x - 1, y + 1, 2, h - 2, borderColor) dxDrawRectangle(x + w - 1, y + 1, 2, h - 2, borderColor) if not icon then dxDrawText(text, x, y, x + w, y + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a), fontScale, font, "center", "center") elseif not iconFont then iconScale = iconScale or h - 5 local iconWidth = iconScale + 10 local textWidth = dxGetTextWidth(text, fontScale, font) local labelStartX = x + (w - (iconWidth + textWidth)) / 2 dxDrawImage(math.floor(labelStartX), math.floor(y + (h - iconScale) / 2), iconScale, iconScale, icon, 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a)) dxDrawText(text, labelStartX + iconWidth, y, 0, y + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a), fontScale, font, "left", "center") elseif iconFont then iconScale = iconScale or fontScale local iconWidth = dxGetTextWidth(icon, iconScale, iconFont) + 10 local textWidth = dxGetTextWidth(text, iconScale, font) local labelStartX = x + (w - (iconWidth + textWidth)) / 2 dxDrawText(icon, labelStartX, y, 0, y + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a), iconScale, iconFont, "left", "center") dxDrawText(text, labelStartX + iconWidth, y, 0, y + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a), fontScale, font, "left", "center") end buttons["btn:" .. key] = {x, y, w, h} end function drawButton2(key, text, x, y, w, h, r, g, b, a, font, fontScale, icon, iconFont, iconScale) local buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, buttonA if activeButton == key then if getKeyState("mouse1") then buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, buttonA = colorInterpolation(key, r, g, b, 200, 250) else buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, buttonA = colorInterpolation(key, r, g, b, 175) end else buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, buttonA = colorInterpolation(key, r, g, b, 125) end local alphaDifference = 175 - buttonA dxDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h, tocolor(buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, (175 - alphaDifference) * a)) local marginColor = tocolor(buttonR, buttonG, buttonB, (125 + alphaDifference) * a) dxDrawLine(x, y, x + w, y, marginColor, 2) dxDrawLine(x, y + h, x + w, y + h, marginColor, 2) dxDrawLine(x, y, x, y + h, marginColor, 2) dxDrawLine(x + w, y, x + w, y + h, marginColor, 2) font = font or "default-bold" fontScale = fontScale or 1 if not text and icon then iconScale = iconScale or fontScale dxDrawText(icon, x, y, x + w, y + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a), iconScale, iconFont, "center", "center") elseif not icon then dxDrawText(text, x, y, x + w, y + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a), fontScale, font, "center", "center") elseif not iconFont then iconScale = iconScale or h - 5 local iconWidth = iconScale + 10 local textWidth = dxGetTextWidth(text, fontScale, font) local labelStartX = x + (w - (iconWidth + textWidth)) / 2 dxDrawImage(math.floor(labelStartX), math.floor(y + (h - iconScale) / 2), iconScale, iconScale, icon, 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a)) dxDrawText(text, labelStartX + iconWidth, y, 0, y + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a), fontScale, font, "left", "center") elseif iconFont then iconScale = iconScale or fontScale local iconWidth = dxGetTextWidth(icon, iconScale, iconFont) + 10 local textWidth = dxGetTextWidth(text, iconScale, font) local labelStartX = x + (w - (iconWidth + textWidth)) / 2 dxDrawText(icon, labelStartX, y, 0, y + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a), iconScale, iconFont, "left", "center") dxDrawText(text, labelStartX + iconWidth, y, 0, y + h, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 * a), fontScale, font, "left", "center") end buttons[key] = {x, y, w, h} end local colorInterpolationValues = {} local lastColorInterpolationValues = {} local colorInterpolationTicks = {} function colorInterpolation(key, r, g, b, a, duration) if not colorInterpolationValues[key] then colorInterpolationValues[key] = {r, g, b, a} lastColorInterpolationValues[key] = r .. g .. b .. a end if lastColorInterpolationValues[key] ~= (r .. g .. b .. a) then lastColorInterpolationValues[key] = r .. g .. b .. a colorInterpolationTicks[key] = getTickCount() end if colorInterpolationTicks[key] then local progress = (getTickCount() - colorInterpolationTicks[key]) / (duration or 500) local red, green, blue = interpolateBetween(colorInterpolationValues[key][1], colorInterpolationValues[key][2], colorInterpolationValues[key][3], r, g, b, progress, "Linear") local alpha = interpolateBetween(colorInterpolationValues[key][4], 0, 0, a, 0, 0, progress, "Linear") colorInterpolationValues[key][1] = red colorInterpolationValues[key][2] = green colorInterpolationValues[key][3] = blue colorInterpolationValues[key][4] = alpha if progress >= 1 then colorInterpolationTicks[key] = false end end return colorInterpolationValues[key][1], colorInterpolationValues[key][2], colorInterpolationValues[key][3], colorInterpolationValues[key][4] end ]]) end Link to comment
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