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[HELP] Cut out a circle from renderTarget


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Hey, renderTargets are squares and I want to display a circle by cutting out a part of the renderTarget.

I've been trying the HUD Mask Shader, but that gives a weirdly distorted output image for some reason.
Somebody told me that it is possible to "cut out" a circle from an input image using dxSetBlendMode and dxDrawCircle.
I've been trying out a bit but it seems like I can't find a solution.. is it even possible to "cut images" using dxSetBlendMode and dxDrawCircle?

Or even, like how does "overwrite" behaves? If I use dxDrawCircle(X, Y, r, 0, 360, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 0) I still see it as a black circle with 255 alpha - why?

Edited by Ceeser
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