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The game is a blast!.....till I wanna quit...

Guest Endymion

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Hey guys. I know one person brought this topic up a couple months ago, but since it didnt seem to ever be solved, Im bringin it back up.

Ive got a nice clean unmodded and unpatched version on SA. Ive got the newest client, 1.1.1 or whatever. The game plays flawlessly untill I wanna quit to desktop. When I hit quit, the whole game freezes. Cant move my mouse or alt tab or nothin. My comp still responds (aka. caps lock light still comes on.)but it dont let me do anything. So if I wanna stop playin MTA I have to reboot. Its really annoying.

1.0 did the same thing, so Im sure its something on my end. If anyone could help I would be eternaly grateful. Arigatou! Peace out homies.


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I've the EXACT same problema dn would LOVE to see it solved.

It is very frustrating having to restart the pc everytime you wanna quit. It doesnt matter if you quit from ingame or in the menu either.

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