SkyDow Posted July 31, 2020 Share Posted July 31, 2020 (edited) Hello friends, I came to ask you for help with errors. Go to the Ped system ?! how can it be solved? ERROR: ped-system\s_peds.lua:67: ped-system\s_peds.lua:170: attempt to index local 'animTable' (a boolean value) [string "?"] ERROR: ped-system\s_peds.lua:169: call: failed to call 'global:split' [string "?"] local tempPeds = {} local pedMoveTimer = {} local pedMoveTimerTO = {} local null = mysql_null() local toLoad = { } local threads = { } local skinsMale = {7,14,15,17,20,21,24,25,26,29,35,36,37,44,46,57,58,59,60,68,72,98,147,185,186,187,223,227,228,234,235,240,258,259} local skinsFemale = {9,11,12,40,41,55,56,69,76,88,89,91,93,129,130,141,148,150,151,190,191,192,193,194,196,211,215,216,219,224,225,226,233,263} function loadAllPeds(res) local mysql = exports.mysql local players = exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("player") for key, value in ipairs(players) do exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(value, "realinvehicle", 0, false) end local result = mysql:query("SELECT id FROM `peds` ORDER BY `id` ASC") if result then while true do local row = mysql:fetch_assoc(result) if not row then break end toLoad[tonumber(row["id"])] = true end mysql:free_result(result) for id in pairs( toLoad ) do local co = coroutine.create(loadOnePed) coroutine.resume(co, id, true) table.insert(threads, co) end setTimer(resume, 1000, 4) else outputDebugString( "loadAllPeds failed" ) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), loadAllPeds) function resume() for key, value in ipairs(threads) do coroutine.resume(value) end end function reloadPed(id) local thePed = exports.pool:getElement("ped", tonumber(id)) if(thePed) then destroyElement(thePed) end loadOnePed(id, false) return true end function loadOnePed(id, hasCoroutine) local mysql = exports.mysql if (hasCoroutine==nil) then hasCoroutine = false end local row = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM peds WHERE id = " .. mysql:escape_string(id) .. " LIMIT 1" ) if row then if (hasCoroutine) then coroutine.yield() end for k, v in pairs( row ) do if v == null then row[k] = nil else row[k] = tonumber(row[k]) or row[k] end end local gender = row.gender local skin = if skin then if not gender then gender = getGenderFromSkin(skin) end else if not gender then gender = getRandomName("gender") end if(gender == 0) then skin = skinsMale[math.random(#skinsMale)] elseif(gender == 1) then skin = skinsFemale[math.random(#skinsFemale)] end end local trueSkin, trueClothing = skin, 0 if type(skin) == "string" then local yup = split(skin, ":") trueSkin = yup[1] trueClothing = yup[2] end local ped = createPed(trueSkin, row.x, row.y, row.z, row.rotation, row.synced == 1) if ped then setElementData(ped,"clothing:id", trueClothing) exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "dbid", exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "rpp.npc.dbid", exports.pool:allocateElement(ped,, true) setElementDimension(ped, row.dimension) setElementInterior(ped, row.interior) local pedname = if not pedname then pedname = getRandomName("full", gender) end if row.type then exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "rpp.npc.type", row.type) end exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "", pedname) exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "ped:name", pedname) -- For chat system exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "rpp.npc.gender", gender) exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "name", pedname) --for owl if row.nametag then exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "rpp.npc.nametag", true) exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "nametag", true) --for owl end exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "rpp.npc.behav", row.behaviour) if then exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "", else if(row.owner_type ~= 0 and row.owner ~= 0) then exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "rpp.npc.owner_type", row.owner_type) exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "rpp.npc.owner", row.owner) end end if(tonumber(row.frozen) == 1) then setElementFrozen(ped, true) end if row.animation then exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "rpp.npc.animation", row.animation) local animTable =, ";") local animBlock = animTable[1] local anim = animTable[2] if animBlock and anim then setPedAnimation(ped, animBlock, anim) end end local badges = {} badges = exports['item-system']:getBadges() for k,v in pairs(badges) do local hasItem = exports['item-system']:hasItem(ped, k) if hasItem then local itemresult = exports['item-system']:npcUseItem(ped, k) break; end end local masks = {} masks = exports['item-system']:getMasks() for k,v in pairs(masks) do local hasItem = exports['item-system']:hasItem(ped, k) if hasItem then local itemresult = exports['item-system']:npcUseItem(ped, k) break; end end exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "rpp.npc.createdBy", row.created_by) exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "rpp.npc.createdByUsername", exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "rpp.npc.createdAt", row.created_at) exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "rpp.npc.comment", row.comment) exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(ped, "rpp.npc.synced", tonumber(row.synced) == 1 or false) end end end function savePed(id) local mysql = exports.mysql if id then local thePed = exports.pool:getElement("ped", tonumber(id)) if thePed then local money = getElementData(thePed, "") if money then local query = mysql:query_free("UPDATE peds SET money = '" .. mysql:escape_string(money) .. "' WHERE id='" .. mysql:escape_string(id) .. "'") if query then return true end end end end return false end function healByHospitalPed(ped) local pedname = tostring(getElementData(ped, "")) local playername = tostring(getPlayerNametagText(source)) local health = getElementHealth(source) local needed = 100 - tonumber(health) if(needed < 5) then exports.RPPchat:chatPed(ped, "say", "You seem to be fine, sir. No treatment needed.") else local cost = math.ceil(1 * needed) if(getPlayerMoney(source) > cost or getPlayerMoney(source) == cost) then local newHealth = health + needed exports.RPPchat:chatMe(source, false, "takes out a wallet and hands a few dollar notes to "..pedname) exports.RPPchat:chatPed(ped, "me", "takes the money") takePlayerMoney(source, tonumber(cost)) exports.RPPchat:chatPed(ped, "say", "Thank you sir. I'll get you fixed up.") exports.RPPchat:chatPed(ped, "me", "heals "..playername) setElementHealth(source, newHealth) else exports.RPPchat:chatMe(source, false, "takes out a wallet and hands a few dollar notes to "..pedname) exports.RPPchat:chatPed(ped, "say", "Sorry sir. I don't think that is enough.") end end end addEvent("clientHealByNPC", true) addEventHandler("clientHealByNPC", getRootElement(), healByHospitalPed) function reloadWeaponForPed(ped) if ped then reloadPedWeapon(ped) end end addEvent("clientReloadPedWeapon", true) addEventHandler("clientReloadPedWeapon", getRootElement(), reloadWeaponForPed) function makeTempPed(thePlayer, command, behav, gender, skin, name) --create temporary ped (no dbid) if exports.integration:isPlayerTrialAdmin(thePlayer) then if not behav then behav = 1 else behav = tonumber(behav) end if(gender == "male") then gender = 0 elseif(gender == "female") then gender = 1 end if(gender ~= 1 and gender ~= 0) then gender = getRandomName("gender") end if not skin then if(gender == 0) then skin = skinsMale[math.random(#skinsMale)] elseif(gender == 1) then skin = skinsFemale[math.random(#skinsFemale)] end end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local rx,ry,rz = getElementRotation(thePlayer) local int = getElementInterior(thePlayer) local dim = getElementDimension(thePlayer) local i = #tempPeds + 1 tempPeds[i] = createPed(skin, x, y, z, rz, false) outputConsole("PED: "..tostring(skin)..","..tostring(x)..","..tostring(y)..","..tostring(z)..","..tostring(rz),thePlayer) setElementInterior(tempPeds[i], int) setElementDimension(tempPeds[i], dim) if name then local splitname =, "_") if(#splitname >= 2) then name = splitname[1].." "..splitname[2] end else name = getRandomName("full",gender) end setElementData(tempPeds[i], "dbid", -i) setElementData(tempPeds[i], "rpp.npc.dbid", -i) setElementData(tempPeds[i], "", tostring(name)) setElementData(tempPeds[i], "rpp.npc.nametag", true) setElementData(tempPeds[i], "rpp.npc.behav", tostring(behav)) setElementData(tempPeds[i], "rpp.npc.spawnpos", {x, y, z, rz, int, dim}) setElementData(tempPeds[i], "rpp.npc.spawnpos2", tostring(x)..","..tostring(y)..","..tostring(z)..","..tostring(rz)..","..tostring(int)..","..tostring(dim)) if(behav == 2) then giveWeapon(tempPeds[i], 22) setPedStat(tempPeds[i], 69, 999) setPedStat(tempPeds[i], 76, 999) end if(behav == 5) then local shape = createMarker(x, y, z, "cylinder", 20) setMarkerColor(shape, 0, 0, 0, 0) local result = addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", shape, npcEnterPCT) attachElements(shape, tempPeds[i], 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0) end end end addCommandHandler("ped", makeTempPed) function createPermPed(thePlayer, command, interact) if exports.integration:isPlayerTrialAdmin(thePlayer) then local mysql = exports.mysql local x,y,z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local rx,ry,rz = getElementRotation(thePlayer) local int = getElementInterior(thePlayer) local dim = getElementDimension(thePlayer) local name = "Unnamed Ped" local behav = 1 local gender = 0 local skin = 264 local userID = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id") if not interact then interact = "" end mysql:query_free("INSERT INTO `peds` (`name`, `type`, `x`, `y`, `z`, `rotation`, `interior`, `dimension`, `skin`, `gender`, `created_by`, `created_at`) VALUES ('""', '"..mysql:escape_string(interact).."', '"..x.."', '"..y.."', '"..z.."', '"..rz.."', '""', '"..dim.."', '""', '"..gender.."', '"..userID.."', NOW());") local insertid = mysql:insert_id() setElementPosition(thePlayer, x+0.5, y, z) loadOnePed(insertid) end end addCommandHandler("makeped", createPermPed) function pedMoveTowardsElement(ped, element) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(element) local px,py,pz = getElementPosition(ped) local rot = 0 if ( x >= px ) and ( y > py ) then -- north-east rot = 90 - rot elseif ( x <= px ) and ( y > py ) then -- north-west rot = 270 + rot elseif ( x >= px ) and ( y <= py ) then -- south-east rot = 90 + rot elseif ( x < px ) and ( y <= py ) then -- south-west rot = 270 - rot end setPedRotation(ped, rot) --setPedLookAt(ped, x, y, z + 0.5) setPedAnimation(ped, "ped", "run_civi", -1, true, true, true, true) end function pedMoveTowardsCoordinates(ped, x, y, z, px, py, pz) --local x,y,z = getElementPosition(element) if not px and py and pz then px,py,pz = getElementPosition(ped) end local rot = 0 if ( x >= px ) and ( y > py ) then -- north-east rot = 90 - rot elseif ( x <= px ) and ( y > py ) then -- north-west rot = 270 + rot elseif ( x >= px ) and ( y <= py ) then -- south-east rot = 90 + rot elseif ( x < px ) and ( y <= py ) then -- south-west rot = 270 - rot end setPedRotation(ped, rot) --setPedLookAt(ped, x, y, z + 0.5) setPedAnimation(ped, "ped", "run_civi", -1, true, true, true, true) end function pedMoveTimeout(ped) --outputDebugString("timeout") killTimer(pedMoveTimer[ped]) pedMoveTimer[ped] = nil setPedAnimation(ped) pedMoveTimerTO[ped] = nil end function pedMoveToTram(ped, tram) --outputDebugString("pedMoveToTram") x,y,z = getElementPosition(tram) px,py,pz = getElementPosition(ped) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, px, py, pz) --if distance > 20 then -- outputDebugString("moving") -- pedMoveTowardsCoordinates(ped, x, y, z, px, py, pz) --else --outputDebugString("close enough") killTimer(pedMoveTimerTO[ped]) pedMoveTimerTO[ped] = nil killTimer(pedMoveTimer[ped]) pedMoveTimer[ped] = nil setPedAnimation(ped) exports.trams:npcEnterTramPassenger(ped, tram) --end end function npcEnterPCT(hitElement, matchingDimension, marker) if not source then source = marker end --outputDebugString("triggered") if matchingDimension then if(getElementType(hitElement) == "vehicle") then if(getElementModel(hitElement) == 449) then outputDebugString("is tram") if(getVehicleController(hitElement)) then if(getResourceState(getResourceFromName("trams")) == "running") then outputDebugString("all good") local ped = getElementParent(source) pedMoveTimer[ped] = setTimer(pedMoveToTram, 100, 0, ped, hitElement) pedMoveTimerTO[ped] = setTimer(pedMoveTimeout, 10000, 1, ped) end end end end end end function respawnPed(player, ped) if(getElementType(ped) == "ped") then if getElementData(ped, "dbid") then local dbid = getElementData(ped, "dbid") --if(ped == exports.pool:getElement("ped", tonumber(dbid))) then --extra security check local result = reloadPed(tonumber(dbid)) if result then outputDebugString("Successfully respawned ped with dbid "..tostring(dbid)) return true else outputDebugString("Failed to respawn ped with dbid "..tostring(dbid).." (#2)") return false end --else -- outputDebugString("Failed to respawn ped with dbid "..tostring(dbid).." (#1) ("..tostring(ped).." = "..tostring(exports.pool:getElement("ped", tonumber(dbid)))..")") -- return false --end elseif getElementData(ped, "rpp.npc.spawnpos") then local spawnpos = getElementData(ped, "rpp.npc.spawnpos") new = createPed(getElementModel(ped),spawnpos[1],spawnpos[2],spawnpos[3],spawnpos[4]) setPedRotation(new, spawnpos[4]) setElementInterior(new, tonumber(spawnpos[5])) setElementDimension(new, tonumber(spawnpos[6])) elseif getElementData(ped, "rpp.npc.spawnpos2") then local posstring = getElementData(ped, "rpp.npc.spawnpos2") local pos =, ",") new = createPed(getElementModel(ped),pos[1],pos[2],pos[3],pos[4]) setPedRotation(new, getElementData(ped,"rotation")) setElementInterior(new, tonumber(pos[5])) setElementDimension(new, tonumber(pos[6])) else new = createPed(getElementModel(ped),getElementPosition(ped)) local rz, ry, rx = getElementRotation(ped) setElementRotation(new, rz, ry, rx) setElementInterior(new, getElementInterior(ped)) setElementDimension(new, getElementDimension(ped)) end for k, v in next, getAllElementData(ped) do exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(new, k, v) end exports.anticheat:changeProtectedElementDataEx(new, "activeConvo", 0) destroyElement(ped) --destroy old ped --[[ local posstring = getElementData(ped, "rpp.npc.spawnpos") if posstring then local pos =, ",") local nametag = getElementData(ped, "rpp.npc.nametag") local name if nametag == "true" then name = getElementData(ped, "") end local behav = getElementData(ped, "rpp.npc.behav") local ptype = getElementData(ped, "rpp.npc.type") local fuelPriceratio if(ptype == "fuel") then fuelPriceratio = getElementData(ped, "fuel:priceratio") end local skin = getElementModel(ped) local newPed = createPed(skin, pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], pos[4], false) if newPed then if nametag and name then setElementData(newPed, "", tostring(name)) setElementData(newPed, "rpp.npc.nametag", "true") end setElementData(newPed, "rpp.npc.behav", tostring(behav)) setElementData(newPed, "rpp.npc.type", tostring(ptype)) if(ptype == "fuel") then setElementData(newPed, "fuel:priceratio", tostring(fuelPriceratio)) end destroyElement(ped) --destroy old ped end end --]] end end addEvent("peds:respawnPed", true) addEventHandler("peds:respawnPed", getRootElement(), respawnPed) function healPed(player, ped) if(getElementType(ped) == "ped") then local factionType = getElementData(getPlayerTeam(player), "type") if not (factionType==4) then outputChatBox("You have no basic medic skills, contact the ES.", player, 255, 0, 0) else local foundkit, slot, itemValue =, 70) if foundkit then if isPedDead(ped) then respawnPed(player, ped) else setElementHealth(ped, 100) local name = getPlayerName(player) local pedName = getElementData(ped, "") local message if pedName then message = "opens his medical kit and treats "..tostring(pedName) else message = "opens his medical kit and treats the person" end, " *" .. string.gsub(name, "_", " ").. ( message:sub( 1, 1 ) == "'" and "" or " " ) .. message, 255, 51, 102) if itemValue > 1 then exports['item-system']:updateItemValue(player, slot, itemValue - 1) else, 70, itemValue) if not, 70) then outputChatBox("Warning, you're out of first aid kits. re /duty to get new ones.", player, 255, 0, 0) end end local tax = local price = 100 exports.factions:getTeamFromFactionID(2), math.ceil((1-tax)*price) ) exports.factions:getTeamFromFactionID(3), math.ceil(tax*price) ) if pedName then outputChatBox("You healed " ..pedName.. " (NPC).", player, 0, 255, 0) else outputChatBox("You healed a NPC.", player, 0, 255, 0) end exports.logs:dbLog(player, 35, ped, "HEAL NPC FOR $" .. price) end else outputChatBox("You need a first aid kit to heal people.", player, 255, 0, 0) end end end end addEvent("peds:healPed", true) addEventHandler("peds:healPed", getRootElement(), healPed) local allowedFunctionPeds = { --["function"] = true/false } function deletePed(player, ped) if(getElementType(ped) == "ped") then if exports.integration:isPlayerAdmin(player) then local dbid = tonumber(getElementData(ped, "rpp.npc.dbid")) or 0 if dbid > 0 then local pedFunction = getElementData(ped, "rpp.npc.type") if pedFunction then --if(allowedFunctionPeds[pedFunction] or then deleteDbPed(player, dbid, ped) --end else deleteDbPed(player, dbid, ped) end else local pedName = getElementData(ped, "") if not pedName then pedName = getElementData(ped, "name") end if not pedName then pedName = "Unnamed" end destroyElement(ped)"[Peds] Temp NPC '"..tostring(pedName).."' was deleted by " .. getPlayerName(player) .. ".") end end end end addEvent("peds:deletePed", true) addEventHandler("peds:deletePed", getRootElement(), deletePed) function deleteDbPed(player, pedID, ped) local mysql = exports.mysql if exports.integration:isPlayerTrialAdmin(player) then if not ped then ped ="ped", pedID) end if not ped then outputChatBox("Ped not found!", player, 255, 0, 0) return false end local pedType = getElementData(ped, "rpp.npc.type") if pedType then if(not allowedFunctionPeds[pedFunction]) then if not exports.integration:isPlayerAdmin(player) then outputChatBox("Only Admin+ can delete this ped type.", player, 255, 0, 0) return false end end end mysql:query_free("DELETE FROM peds WHERE id='"..mysql:escape_string(pedID).."'") destroyElement(ped) else outputChatBox("Only admins can delete permanent peds.", player, 255, 0, 0) end end function savePedToDB(arguments, element) if exports.integration:isPlayerTrialAdmin(source) then local mysql = exports.mysql local dbid = tonumber(arguments[1]) or false --argument = {} --for i = 1, #arguments do -- 16 arguments -- argument[i] = mysql:escape_string(arguments[i]) --end local keys = {"dbid", "name", "type", "behaviour", "x", "y", "z", "rotation", "interior", "dimension", "skin", "animation", "synced", "nametag", "frozen", "comment"} if dbid then argument = {} for i = 1, #arguments do local v = arguments[i] if(type(v) == "boolean" and not v) then argument[i] = "NULL" elseif(type(v) == "boolean" and v) then argument[i] = "'1'" elseif(type(v) == "string") then argument[i] = "'"..mysql:escape_string(v).."'" elseif(type(v) == "number") then argument[i] = "'"..tostring(v).."'" else outputChatBox("Error saving ped (invalid value '"..tostring(v).."' for '"..tostring(keys[i]).."').", source, 255, 0, 0) return end end --outputConsole("UPDATE peds SET id="..argument[1]..", name="..argument[2]..", type="..argument[3]..", behaviour="..argument[4]..", x="..argument[5]..", y="..argument[6].."', z="..argument[7].."', rotation="..argument[8].."', interior="..argument[9]..", dimension="..argument[10]..", skin="..argument[11]..", animation="..argument[12]..", synced="..argument[13]..", nametag="..argument[14]..", frozen="..argument[15]..", comment="..argument[16]..";", source) mysql:query_free("UPDATE peds SET name="..argument[2]..", type="..argument[3]..", behaviour="..argument[4]..", x="..argument[5]..", y="..argument[6]..", z="..argument[7]..", rotation="..argument[8]..", interior="..argument[9]..", dimension="..argument[10]..", skin="..argument[11]..", animation="..argument[12]..", synced="..argument[13]..", nametag="..argument[14]..", frozen="..argument[15]..", comment="..argument[16].." WHERE id="..argument[1]..";") --outputDebugString("behaviour="..tostring(argument[4])) --outputDebugString("(frozen="..tostring(arguments[15])..")") --outputDebugString("frozen="..tostring(argument[15])) outputChatBox("Updated ped #"..tostring(argument[1]).." in the database.", source, 0, 255, 0) reloadPed(dbid) return elseif(not dbid and element) then local name = arguments[2] local pedType = arguments[3] local behaviour = arguments[4] local x = arguments[5] local y = arguments[6] local z = arguments[7] local rotation = arguments[8] local interior = arguments[9] local dimension = arguments[10] local skin = arguments[11] local animation = arguments[12] local synced = arguments[13] local nametag = arguments[14] local frozen = arguments[15] == 1 local comment = arguments[16] if not gender then gender = getRandomName("gender") end if not skin then if(gender == 0) then skin = skinsMale[math.random(#skinsMale)] elseif(gender == 1) then skin = skinsFemale[math.random(#skinsFemale)] end end if type(skin) == "string" then local yup = split(skin, ":") setElementModel(element, yup[1]) setElementData(element,"clothing:id", yup[2]) elseif type(skin) == "number" then setElementModel(element, skin) setElementData(element,"clothing:id", 0) end setElementPosition(element, x, y, z) setElementInterior(element, interior) setElementDimension(element, dimension) setElementRotation(element, 0, 0, rotation) if not name then name = getRandomName("full",gender) end setElementData(element, "", tostring(name)) setElementData(element, "rpp.npc.nametag", nametag) setElementData(element, "rpp.npc.behav", behaviour) setElementData(element, "rpp.npc.spawnpos", {x, y, z, rotation, interior, dimension}) setElementData(element, "rpp.npc.spawnpos2", tostring(x)..","..tostring(y)..","..tostring(z)..","..tostring(rotation)..","..tostring(interior)..","..tostring(dimension)) setElementData(element, "rpp.npc.comment", comment) if(behav == 2) then giveWeapon(element, 22) setPedStat(element, 69, 999) setPedStat(element, 76, 999) else end --[[if(behav == 5) then local shape = createMarker(x, y, z, "cylinder", 20) setMarkerColor(shape, 0, 0, 0, 0) local result = addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", shape, npcEnterPCT) --outputDebugString(tostring(result).." ("..tostring(shape)..")") attachElements(shape, tempPeds[i], 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0) end--]] setElementFrozen(element, frozen) outputChatBox("Updated the temporary ped.", source, 0, 255, 0) else outputChatBox("No ped to edit.", source, 255, 0, 0) end end end addEvent("peds:saveeditped", true) addEventHandler("peds:saveeditped", getRootElement( ), savePedToDB) function hideMyID(thePlayer, command) if(exports.integration:isPlayerScripter(thePlayer)) then local hideMyID = getElementData(thePlayer, "hidemyid") if hideMyID then setElementData(thePlayer, "hidemyid", false) outputChatBox("Showing ID",thePlayer) else setElementData(thePlayer, "hidemyid", true) outputChatBox("Hiding ID",thePlayer) end end end addCommandHandler("hidemyid", hideMyID) function giveFakeName(thePlayer, command) if(exports.integration:isPlayerScripter(thePlayer)) then local fakename = getElementData(thePlayer, "fakename") if fakename then setElementData(thePlayer, "fakename", false) outputChatBox("Fake name removed.",thePlayer) else local gender = tonumber(getElementData("gender",thePlayer)) or 0 local fakenameName = getRandomName("full", gender) setElementData(thePlayer, "fakename", tostring(fakenameName)) outputChatBox("Fake name set to "..tostring(fakenameName)..".",thePlayer) end end end addCommandHandler("givemefakename", giveFakeName) please help me, I will be very grateful if you will help me ! Edited July 31, 2020 by Patrick full code Link to comment
Moderators Patrick Posted July 31, 2020 Moderators Share Posted July 31, 2020 Paste the full script, it's not enough. Link to comment
Moderators Patrick Posted July 31, 2020 Moderators Share Posted July 31, 2020 Probably, isn't exists or resource not started. You need to find, and fix this firstly. By the way, you can use the default split function. Just replace every in the code to split. For example in the 128th line, local animTable =, ";") to local animTable = split(row.animation, ";") 1 Link to comment
SkyDow Posted July 31, 2020 Author Share Posted July 31, 2020 Well, can't you give me a bug fix and what to put in the database? Link to comment
Moderators Patrick Posted July 31, 2020 Moderators Share Posted July 31, 2020 2 minutes ago, SparkySky said: Well, can't you give me a bug fix and what to put in the database? Sadly not, it's a scripting forum, where we answer for your questions and help you to find what is wrong in the code, but we don't give you exact solutions/codes. Especially if it's not your own code. 1 Link to comment
SkyDow Posted July 31, 2020 Author Share Posted July 31, 2020 ok thanks a lot for the help ! Link to comment
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