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[Help]Gui Editor & Xml

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I don't know how to do it. Can you help me? I want to make a panel like this.


Made with XML Link 

    <category name="news">
        <entry id="P01asLLUbU0C4trm0L4E" date="2020/01/31" time="05:27:47" message="Added donator middleman system.&#x0A;Check website for more info on how it works.&#x0A;" author="TiGeR"></entry>

ok i don't know how to do it


Edited by Resulcan
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This isn't really simple for a beginner, but here is what you need.

1) Load .xml file. (xmlLoadFile)
2) Create window. (guiCreateWindow)
3) Add window tabs. (guiCreateTabPanel)
4) Create a scrollPane inside "News" tab, because of the scrollbar. (guiCreateScrollPane)
5) Loop trough the loaded .xml file and create labels, inside the scrollPane. (guiCreateLabel)
        - Get xml attributes. (xmlNodeGetAttributes)

Edited by Patrick
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35 minutes ago, Patrick said:

This isn't really simple for a beginner, but here is what you need.

1) Load .xml file. (xmlLoadFile)
2) Create window. (guiCreateWindow)
3) Add window tabs. (guiCreateTabPanel)
4) Create a scrollPane inside "News" tab, because of the scrollbar. (guiCreateScrollPane)
5) Loop trough the loaded .xml file and create labels, inside the scrollPane. (guiCreateLabel)
        - Get xml attributes. (xmlNodeGetAttributes)

thks brom

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