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Mouse Trap


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  • 2 weeks later...

Then there isn't really much fun in it for the mouses, is there? All they can do is try to prevent the inevitable :?

A better idea for this would be to make a open landscape with a race track on it. The race track has low walls on the sides of it (just high enough to prevent the bikes to drive over it, even when doing a wheelie). The mosues (bikes) have to try and make it to the finish, while the cats (various armed aircraft) have to try and stop them (so respawn has to be disabled ofcourse). There should be nothing for the aircraft to bump into and nowhere for the bikes to hide.

So which bike manages to make it to finish first wins and if all bikes get destroyed, the "cats" win.

This however, is something the MTA team should work on; maps should be able to have teams and whenever only 1 team remains alive, that team should be declared the winner. It'd also be nice if different teams could have different name colors and maybe also car colors.

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