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مساعدة كيفية وضع صورة

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السلام عليكم عندى فى القيم مود اما اللاعب يسجل دخول  للسيرفر قبل لوحة اختيار الشخصيات 

موجود الكود دة

CamGameType = {

الى هو خلفية من اللعبة ظاهرة اما اللاعب يسجل دخولة عايز احوط صورة  بعد مايسجل دخول بدل خلفية اللعبة

ومش عارف الكود

المراد وضع صورة بدل هذة الخلفية




Edited by ايهاب
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--- Client Side 

local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize ( )
function renderLogo ( ) 
dxDrawImage ( 0 , 0 , sx , sy , "logo.png" , 0 , 0 , 0 , tocolor(255,255,255,255) , false )

addEvent ( "renderEvent" , true )
addEventHandler ( "renderEvent" , root , function ( ) 
addEventHandler ( "onClientRender" ,root, renderLogo)
end ) 

---- Server Side 

addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", root,function()
triggerClientEvent ( source , "renderEvent" , source )


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1 hour ago, -Ilker. said:

CamGameType = {
    {-266.91101, -2985.31860, 55.43195};
    { 246.51774597168, -1373.8842773438, 144.62593078613, 206.80244445801, -1460.8732910156, 115.37501525879 };
    { 936.66528320313, -1952.71875, 96.436546325684, 851.63366699219, -1917.1932373047, 57.60916519165 };
    { 2171.0629882813, -1733.7960205078, 28.407825469971, 2270.751953125, -1737.8638916016, 21.657291412354 };
    { 2160.9128417969, 1914.1270751953, 70.156799316406, 2075.7458496094, 1914.4643554688, 17.750059127808 };
    { 1763.7528076172, 2677.8356933594, 77.898124694824, 1764.3044433594, 2762.3271484375, 24.410757064819 };
    { 495.47686767578, 2498.5187988281, 68.611221313477, 398.80816650391, 2499.5329589844, 43.035179138184 };
    { -662.50531005859, 2309.900390625, 151.14398193359, -674.19750976563, 2212.4936523438, 131.77304077148 };
    { -2574.7844238281, 1336.4937744141, 11.8532371521, -2601.1931152344, 1428.2474365234, 41.582878112793 };
    { -2800.7409667969, 1223.7073974609, 21.463973999023, -2810.4326171875, 1124.2016601563, 23.62508392334 };
    { -2667.4091796875, 375.99395751953, 10.6223487854, -2767.3198242188, 376.38967895508, 6.4156184196472 };
    { -2535.4235839844, -309.27734375, 45.601852416992, -2446.4743652344, -266.33096313477, 29.993312835693 };	
    { 1324.1005859375, -2285.8576660156, 48.428714752197, 1420.0893554688, -2285.1794433594, 20.398273468018 }; --LS Airport
    { 1558.7504882813, 2772.923828125, 36.910488128662, 1462.1025390625, 2775.1691894531, 11.334444046021 }; --LV Golf Club	
    { 2083.1591796875, 1285.4011230469, 83.587997436523, 2180.4367675781, 1283.6098632813, 60.48295211792 }; --LV Pyramid	
    { 1860.1906738281, -1468.1575927734, 51.304958343506, 1796.4697265625, -1403.0015869141, 10.142612457275 }; --LS Stadium	
    { 504.29766845703, -1784.1157226563, 13.753237724304, 474.2275390625, -1879.0340576172, 4.4632802009583 }; --LS Beach House




مش شغالة بس باين انها شى صعب

عايز دى مكانها بص 

انا حطيت الاماكن الى تظهر اما اللاعب يسجل دخولة بس بيجيب ليا مكان واحد كل ما اللاعب يسجل دخولة كل مرة اناعايزة يختار عشوائى  كل ما اللاعب يسجل دخولة يختار مكان

مكان من دول يظهر خلفية انا عايز يختار عشوائى بحيث كل مرة اللاعب يسجل دخولة يطلع خلفية مختلفة عن كل مرة

لانة بيختار دة بسب

  1. {-266.91101, -2985.31860, 55.43195};


Edited by ايهاب
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بالنسبة للكود الأول على حسب القيم مود حقك 

وبالنسبة للطلب الثاني عن طريق الـ math.random 



CamGameType = {
    {-266.91101, -2985.31860, 55.43195};
    { 246.51774597168, -1373.8842773438, 144.62593078613, 206.80244445801, -1460.8732910156, 115.37501525879 };
    { 936.66528320313, -1952.71875, 96.436546325684, 851.63366699219, -1917.1932373047, 57.60916519165 };
    { 2171.0629882813, -1733.7960205078, 28.407825469971, 2270.751953125, -1737.8638916016, 21.657291412354 };
    { 2160.9128417969, 1914.1270751953, 70.156799316406, 2075.7458496094, 1914.4643554688, 17.750059127808 };
    { 1763.7528076172, 2677.8356933594, 77.898124694824, 1764.3044433594, 2762.3271484375, 24.410757064819 };
    { 495.47686767578, 2498.5187988281, 68.611221313477, 398.80816650391, 2499.5329589844, 43.035179138184 };
    { -662.50531005859, 2309.900390625, 151.14398193359, -674.19750976563, 2212.4936523438, 131.77304077148 };
    { -2574.7844238281, 1336.4937744141, 11.8532371521, -2601.1931152344, 1428.2474365234, 41.582878112793 };
    { -2800.7409667969, 1223.7073974609, 21.463973999023, -2810.4326171875, 1124.2016601563, 23.62508392334 };
    { -2667.4091796875, 375.99395751953, 10.6223487854, -2767.3198242188, 376.38967895508, 6.4156184196472 };
    { -2535.4235839844, -309.27734375, 45.601852416992, -2446.4743652344, -266.33096313477, 29.993312835693 };	
    { 1324.1005859375, -2285.8576660156, 48.428714752197, 1420.0893554688, -2285.1794433594, 20.398273468018 }; --LS Airport
    { 1558.7504882813, 2772.923828125, 36.910488128662, 1462.1025390625, 2775.1691894531, 11.334444046021 }; --LV Golf Club	
    { 2083.1591796875, 1285.4011230469, 83.587997436523, 2180.4367675781, 1283.6098632813, 60.48295211792 }; --LV Pyramid	
    { 1860.1906738281, -1468.1575927734, 51.304958343506, 1796.4697265625, -1403.0015869141, 10.142612457275 }; --LS Stadium	
    { 504.29766845703, -1784.1157226563, 13.753237724304, 474.2275390625, -1879.0340576172, 4.4632802009583 }; --LS Beach House


local rTable = math.random ( #CamGameType ) 


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2 hours ago, -Ilker. said:

بالنسبة للكود الأول على حسب القيم مود حقك 

وبالنسبة للطلب الثاني عن طريق الـ math.random 



CamGameType = {
    {-266.91101, -2985.31860, 55.43195};
    { 246.51774597168, -1373.8842773438, 144.62593078613, 206.80244445801, -1460.8732910156, 115.37501525879 };
    { 936.66528320313, -1952.71875, 96.436546325684, 851.63366699219, -1917.1932373047, 57.60916519165 };
    { 2171.0629882813, -1733.7960205078, 28.407825469971, 2270.751953125, -1737.8638916016, 21.657291412354 };
    { 2160.9128417969, 1914.1270751953, 70.156799316406, 2075.7458496094, 1914.4643554688, 17.750059127808 };
    { 1763.7528076172, 2677.8356933594, 77.898124694824, 1764.3044433594, 2762.3271484375, 24.410757064819 };
    { 495.47686767578, 2498.5187988281, 68.611221313477, 398.80816650391, 2499.5329589844, 43.035179138184 };
    { -662.50531005859, 2309.900390625, 151.14398193359, -674.19750976563, 2212.4936523438, 131.77304077148 };
    { -2574.7844238281, 1336.4937744141, 11.8532371521, -2601.1931152344, 1428.2474365234, 41.582878112793 };
    { -2800.7409667969, 1223.7073974609, 21.463973999023, -2810.4326171875, 1124.2016601563, 23.62508392334 };
    { -2667.4091796875, 375.99395751953, 10.6223487854, -2767.3198242188, 376.38967895508, 6.4156184196472 };
    { -2535.4235839844, -309.27734375, 45.601852416992, -2446.4743652344, -266.33096313477, 29.993312835693 };	
    { 1324.1005859375, -2285.8576660156, 48.428714752197, 1420.0893554688, -2285.1794433594, 20.398273468018 }; --LS Airport
    { 1558.7504882813, 2772.923828125, 36.910488128662, 1462.1025390625, 2775.1691894531, 11.334444046021 }; --LV Golf Club	
    { 2083.1591796875, 1285.4011230469, 83.587997436523, 2180.4367675781, 1283.6098632813, 60.48295211792 }; --LV Pyramid	
    { 1860.1906738281, -1468.1575927734, 51.304958343506, 1796.4697265625, -1403.0015869141, 10.142612457275 }; --LS Stadium	
    { 504.29766845703, -1784.1157226563, 13.753237724304, 474.2275390625, -1879.0340576172, 4.4632802009583 }; --LS Beach House


local rTable = math.random ( #CamGameType ) 


=  ثابت بردوة مش بيتغير

لى الاسف

Edited by ايهاب
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Just now, -Ilker. said:

كيف مسويه انت وريني انا مجربه وشغال !!

AllTeamName = {
Grove = {2494.96948, -1684.03101, 14.3313, 2494.98486, -1685.02856, 14.26363, 2495.38843, -1688.54297, 13.87171}, 
Aztecas = {1764.75586, -1928.03674, 15.2383, 1763.80432, -1928.0498, 14.93086, 1761.0708, -1928.08801, 13.57734}, 
Police = {1568.73779, -1695.54541, 7.0456, 1568.71582, -1694.55835, 6.8869, 1568.64075, -1691.68494, 5.89063}, 
Ballas = {2217.03027, -1167.91956, 27.0701, 2217.0166, -1168.89661, 26.85767, 2216.97534, -1171.77625, 25.72656}, 
["No Team"] = {901.33551, -1208.65796, 18.4756, 901.27332, -1207.69299, 18.22063, 901.05676, -1204.8208, 16.98322}, 
Medic = {2022.72839, -1426.36877, 18.3914, 2023.34521, -1425.61548, 18.16297, 2025.20178, -1423.47644, 16.99219}, 
Rot = {357.4391784668, 271.10339355469, 179.70733642578, 0, 179.01052856445, 132.08488464355}

CamGameType = {
    { 246.51774597168, -1373.8842773438, 144.62593078613, 206.80244445801, -1460.8732910156, 115.37501525879 };
    { 936.66528320313, -1952.71875, 96.436546325684, 851.63366699219, -1917.1932373047, 57.60916519165 };
    { 2171.0629882813, -1733.7960205078, 28.407825469971, 2270.751953125, -1737.8638916016, 21.657291412354 };
    { 2160.9128417969, 1914.1270751953, 70.156799316406, 2075.7458496094, 1914.4643554688, 17.750059127808 };
    { 1763.7528076172, 2677.8356933594, 77.898124694824, 1764.3044433594, 2762.3271484375, 24.410757064819 };
    { 495.47686767578, 2498.5187988281, 68.611221313477, 398.80816650391, 2499.5329589844, 43.035179138184 };
    { -662.50531005859, 2309.900390625, 151.14398193359, -674.19750976563, 2212.4936523438, 131.77304077148 };
    { -2574.7844238281, 1336.4937744141, 11.8532371521, -2601.1931152344, 1428.2474365234, 41.582878112793 };
    { -2800.7409667969, 1223.7073974609, 21.463973999023, -2810.4326171875, 1124.2016601563, 23.62508392334 };
    { -2667.4091796875, 375.99395751953, 10.6223487854, -2767.3198242188, 376.38967895508, 6.4156184196472 };
    { -2535.4235839844, -309.27734375, 45.601852416992, -2446.4743652344, -266.33096313477, 29.993312835693 };	
    { 1324.1005859375, -2285.8576660156, 48.428714752197, 1420.0893554688, -2285.1794433594, 20.398273468018 }; --LS Airport
    { 1558.7504882813, 2772.923828125, 36.910488128662, 1462.1025390625, 2775.1691894531, 11.334444046021 }; --LV Golf Club	
    { 2083.1591796875, 1285.4011230469, 83.587997436523, 2180.4367675781, 1283.6098632813, 60.48295211792 }; --LV Pyramid	
    { 1860.1906738281, -1468.1575927734, 51.304958343506, 1796.4697265625, -1403.0015869141, 10.142612457275 }; --LS Stadium	
    { 504.29766845703, -1784.1157226563, 13.753237724304, 474.2275390625, -1879.0340576172, 4.4632802009583 }; --LS Beach House


local rTable = math.random ( #CamGameType ) 


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5 minutes ago, -Ilker. said:

حاطه كلنت ولا سيرفر؟


8 minutes ago, -Ilker. said:

حاطه كلنت ولا سيرفر؟

حطيتوا فى الاتنين نفس المشكلة مش مهم خلاص  دة شى  مش مهم اوى فى السيرفر

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