zRodrigoMM Posted May 8, 2020 Share Posted May 8, 2020 Olá, acabei descobrindo que esse script funciona com database externa, e gostaria de mudar isso, alguém pode me mentorear ? local customCarNames = { {585, ""}, {401, ""}, {545, ""}, {479, ""}, {529, ""}, {551, ""}, {405, ""}, {415, ""}, {445, ""}, {527, ""}, {468, ""}, {586, ""}, {581, ""}, {462, ""}, {522, ""}, {521, ""}, {461, ""}, } function getVehicleRealName(model) for k, v in ipairs(customCarNames) do if v[1] == model then return v[2] end end return "Desconhecido" end shopsVehSpawns = { [1] = { 2131, -1133, 25.6, 0,0,359 }, [2] = { 555, -1278, 18, 0,0,100 }, [3] = { 1941, 2097, 10.8, 0,0,350 }, [4] = { -1988, 272, 36, 0,0,259 }, [5] = { -1642, 1213, 7.17, 0,0, 227 }, } function getFreeID() local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT ID FROM VehicleList ORDER BY ID ASC"), -1) newID = false for i, id in pairs (result) do if id["ID"] ~= i then newID = i break end end if newID then return newID else return #result + 1 end end function getFreePlate(vehicle, NewID, source) local str = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVXWYZ" local plate = "" for index = 1, 3 do plate = plate .. string.char(str:byte(math.random(1, #str))) end plate = string.upper(plate) plate = plate .. "" for index = 1, 1 do plate = plate .. math.random(1, 9) end for index = 1, 1 do plate = plate .. string.char(str:byte(math.random(1, #str))) end for index = 1, 2 do plate = plate .. math.random(1, 9) end setVehiclePlateText(vehicle, plate) setElementData(vehicle,"Placa",plate) dbExec(db, "UPDATE VehicleList SET Placa=? WHERE Account=? AND ID=?", plate, getAccountID(getPlayerAccount(source)),tonumber(NewID)) end function getFreePlate2(source) local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) if theVehicle then local str = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVXWYZ" local plate = "" for index = 1, 3 do plate = plate .. string.char(str:byte(math.random(1, #str))) end plate = string.upper(plate) plate = plate .. "" for index = 1, 1 do plate = plate .. math.random(1, 9) end for index = 1, 1 do plate = plate .. string.char(str:byte(math.random(1, #str))) end for index = 1, 2 do plate = plate .. math.random(1, 9) end setVehiclePlateText(theVehicle, plate) end end addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter",getRootElement(), getFreePlate2) function getVehicleByID(id) v = false for i, veh in ipairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if getElementData(veh, "ID") == id then v = veh break end end return v end function getVehicleByPlate(Placa) v = false for i, veh in ipairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if getElementData(veh, "Placa") == Placa then v = veh break end end return v end function updateVehicleInfo(player) if isElement(player) then local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ?", getAccountID(getPlayerAccount(player))), -1) if type(result) == "table" then setElementData(player, "VehicleInfo", result) end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() db = dbConnect("sqlite", "database.db") dbExec(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS VehicleList (ID, Placa, Account, Model, X, Y, Z, RotZ, Colors, Upgrades, Paintjob, Cost, HP, new_hydr)") for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do updateVehicleInfo(player) end end) addEvent("onOpenGui", true) addEventHandler("onOpenGui", root, function() updateVehicleInfo(source) end) addEvent("onBuyNewVehicle", true) addEventHandler("onBuyNewVehicle", root, function(Model, cost, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2) abc = false local data = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ?", getAccountID(getPlayerAccount(source))), -1) for i, data in ipairs (data) do if data["Model"] == Model then abc = true break end end if #data >= 20 then outputMessage("#838B83[#FFFF00BcV#838B83]#FFFF00 Voce Pode Comprar Apenas 20 Veiculos.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) return end if abc then outputMessage("#c1c1c1Você já tem este veiculo.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) return end if getPlayerMoney(source) >= tonumber(cost) then takePlayerMoney ( source, cost ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local _, _, rz = getElementRotation(source) local shopID = getElementData ( source, "atVehShop") local color = r1..","..g1..","..b1..","..r2..","..g2..","..b2 if shopID and shopsVehSpawns[shopID] then vehicle = createVehicle(Model, shopsVehSpawns[shopID][1], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][2], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][3], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][4], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][5], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][6]) else vehicle = createVehicle(Model, x-5, y+5, z, 0, 0, rz) end setVehicleColor(vehicle, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2) setElementData(vehicle, "Owner", source) local NewID = getFreeID() setElementData(vehicle, "ID", NewID) local NewPlate = getFreePlate(vehicle,NewID, source) local Placa = getElementData(vehicle,"Placa") dbExec(db, "INSERT INTO VehicleList VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", NewID, Placa, getAccountID(getPlayerAccount(source)), Model, x-5, y+5, z, rz, color, "", 3, cost, 1000, 0) outputMessage("#c1c1c1Por: #00FF66$"..cost, source, 38, 122, 216, true) updateVehicleInfo(source) setElementData(vehicle, "ownercar", getAccountID(getPlayerAccount(source))) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, vehicle ) vv[vehicle] = setTimer(function(source) if not isElement(source) then killTimer(vv[source]) vv[source] = nil end if isElement(source) and getElementHealth(source) <= 255 then setElementHealth(source, 255.5) setVehicleDamageProof(source, true) setVehicleEngineState(source, false) end end, 150, 0, vehicle) addEventHandler("onVehicleDamage", vehicle, function(loss) local account = getAccountID(getPlayerAccount(getElementData(source, "Owner"))) setTimer(function(source) if isElement(source) then dbExec(db, "UPDATE VehicleList SET HP = ? WHERE Account = ? AND Model = ?", getElementHealth(source), account, getElementModel(source)) updateVehicleInfo(getElementData(source, "Owner")) end end, 100, 1, source) end) addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", vehicle, function(player) if getElementHealth(source) <= 255.5 then setVehicleEngineState(source, false) else if isVehicleDamageProof(source) then setVehicleDamageProof(source, false) end end end) else outputMessage("#838B83[#FFFF00BcV#838B83]#FFFF00 Voce Não Tem Dinheiro Pra Comprar Esse Veiculo", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end end) vv = {} addEvent("SpawnMyVehicle", true) addEventHandler("SpawnMyVehicle", root, function(id) local data = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ? AND ID = ?", getAccountID(getPlayerAccount(source)), id), -1) if type(data) == "table" and #data ~= 0 then if getVehicleByID(id) then outputMessage("#c1c1c1O seu veiculo #00FF66"..(customCarNames[data[1]["Model"]] or getVehicleNameFromModel(data[1]["Model"])).." #c1c1c1já está spawnado.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) else local color = split(data[1]["Colors"], ',') r1 = color[1] or 255 g1 = color[2] or 255 b1 = color[3] or 255 r2 = color[4] or 255 g2 = color[5] or 255 b2 = color[6] or 255 vehicle = createVehicle(data[1]["Model"], data[1]["X"], data[1]["Y"], data[1]["Z"], 0, 0, data[1]["RotZ"]) setElementData(vehicle, "ID", id) local upd = split(tostring(data[1]["Upgrades"]), ',') for i, upgrade in ipairs(upd) do addVehicleUpgrade(vehicle, upgrade) end local Paintjob = data[1]["Paintjob"] or 3 setVehiclePaintjob(vehicle, Paintjob) setVehicleColor(vehicle, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2) if tonumber(data[1]["HP"]) <= 255.5 then data[1]["HP"] = 255 end if data[1]["new_hydr"] and data[1]["new_hydr"] == 1 then setElementData(vehicle, "NewHydr", true) else setElementData(vehicle, "NewHydr", false) end setElementData(vehicle, "ownercar", getAccountID(getPlayerAccount(source))) Placa = data[1]["Placa"] setElementData(vehicle, "Placa",Placa) setElementHealth(vehicle, data[1]["HP"]) setElementData(vehicle, "Owner", source) vv[vehicle] = setTimer(function(source) if not isElement(source) then killTimer(vv[source]) vv[source] = nil end if isElement(source) and getElementHealth(source) <= 255 then setElementHealth(source, 255.5) setVehicleDamageProof(source, true) setVehicleEngineState(source, false) end end, 50, 0, vehicle) addEventHandler("onVehicleDamage", vehicle, function(loss) local account = getAccountID(getPlayerAccount(getElementData(source, "Owner"))) setTimer(function(source) if isElement(source) then dbExec(db, "UPDATE VehicleList SET HP = ? WHERE Account = ? AND Model = ?", getElementHealth(source), account, getElementModel(source)) updateVehicleInfo(getElementData(source, "Owner")) end end, 100, 1, source) end) addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", vehicle, function(player) if getElementHealth(source) <= 255.5 then setVehicleEngineState(source, false) else if isVehicleDamageProof(source) then setVehicleDamageProof(source, false) end end end) outputMessage("#c1c1c1O seu veiculo #00FF66"..(customCarNames[data[1]["Model"]] or getVehicleNameFromModel(data[1]["Model"])).." #c1c1c1foi spawnado.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end else outputMessage("#c1c1c1Há um problema com o veiculo, notifique o administrador.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end end) addEvent("DestroyMyVehicle", true) addEventHandler("DestroyMyVehicle", root, function(id) local vehicle = getVehicleByID(id) if isElement(vehicle) then local data = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ? AND ID = ?", getAccountID(getPlayerAccount(source)), id), -1) if type(data) == "table" and #data ~= 0 then destroyVehicle(vehicle) outputMessage ("#c1c1c1O seu veiculo #00FF66"..(customCarNames[data[1]["Model"]] or getVehicleNameFromModel(data[1]["Model"])).." #c1c1c1foi removido.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) else outputMessage("#c1c1c1Selecione um veiculo.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end else outputMessage("#c1c1c1O seu veiculo não foi spawnado.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end end) addEvent("LightsMyVehicle", true) addEventHandler("LightsMyVehicle", root, function(id) local vehicle = getVehicleByID(id) if isElement(vehicle) then local Vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if Vehicle == vehicle then if getVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle) ~= 2 then setVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle, 2) outputMessage("#c1c1c1Seu veiculo #00FF66"..(customCarNames[getElementModel(vehicle)] or getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(vehicle))).." #c1c1c1teve as luzes acesas.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) elseif getVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle) ~= 1 then setVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle, 1) outputMessage("#c1c1c1Seu veiculo #00FF66"..(customCarNames[getElementModel(vehicle)] or getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(vehicle))).." #c1c1c1teve as luzes apagadas.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end else outputMessage("#838B83[#FFFF00ATRP#838B83]#FFFF00 Voce Não Está no Veiculo!", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end else outputMessage("#838B83[#FFFF00ATRP#838B83]#FFFF00 Seu Veiculo Não Está Spawnado", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end end) addEvent("LockMyVehicle", true) addEventHandler("LockMyVehicle", root, function(id) local vehicle = getVehicleByID(id) if isElement(vehicle) then if not isVehicleLocked(vehicle) then setVehicleLocked(vehicle, true) setVehicleDoorsUndamageable(vehicle, true) setVehicleDoorState(vehicle, 0, 0) setVehicleDoorState(vehicle, 1, 0) setVehicleDoorState(vehicle, 2, 0) setVehicleDoorState(vehicle, 3, 0) outputMessage("#c1c1c1O seu transporte #00FF66"..(customCarNames[getElementModel(vehicle)] or getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(vehicle))).." #c1c1c1foi #00FF66fechado.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) elseif isVehicleLocked(vehicle) then setVehicleLocked(vehicle, false) setVehicleDoorsUndamageable(vehicle, false) outputMessage("#c1c1c1O seu transporte #00FF66"..(customCarNames[getElementModel(vehicle)] or getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(vehicle))).." #c1c1c1foi #00FF66aberto.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end else outputMessage("#838B83[#FFFF00ATRP#838B83]#FFFF00 Seu Veiculo Não Foi Spawnado", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end end) addEvent("BlipMyVehicle", true) addEventHandler("BlipMyVehicle", root, function(id) local vehicle = getVehicleByID(id) if isElement(vehicle) then if not getElementData(vehicle, "ABlip") then setElementData(vehicle, "ABlip", true) createBlipAttachedTo(vehicle, 41, 2, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 65535, source) outputChatBox("#838B83[#FFFF00 ATRP#838B83 ]#FFFF00 Seu veículo Foi Marcado no Mapa, Aperte F11 Pra Encontra-lo.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) else local attached = getAttachedElements(vehicle) if (attached) then for k,element in ipairs(attached) do if getElementType(element) == "blip" then destroyElement(element) end end end setElementData(vehicle, "ABlip", false) outputChatBox("#838B83[#FFFF00 ATRP#838B83 ]#FFFF00 Seu veículo Foi Desmarcado do Mapa.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end else outputChatBox("#838B83[#FFFF00 ATRP#838B83 ]#FFFF00 Seu Veiculo Não foi Spawnado.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end end) addEvent("FixMyVehicle", true) addEventHandler("FixMyVehicle", root, function(id) if getPlayerMoney(source) >= tonumber(500) then takePlayerMoney ( source, 500 ) local vehicle = getVehicleByID(id) if isElement(vehicle) then fixVehicle(vehicle) setVehicleEngineState(vehicle, true) if isVehicleDamageProof(vehicle) then setVehicleDamageProof(vehicle, false) end end dbExec(db, "UPDATE VehicleList SET HP = ? WHERE Account = ? AND ID = ?", 1000, getAccountID(getPlayerAccount(source)), id) updateVehicleInfo(source) outputMessage ("#c1c1c1O seu transporte foi reparado.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) else outputMessage("#c1c1c1Você não tem dinheiro suficiente para reparar.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) outputMessage("#c1c1c1Preço: #00FF66$500.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end end) addEvent("WarpMyVehicle", true) addEventHandler("WarpMyVehicle", root, function(id) if not isPedInVehicle (source) then if getElementInterior(source) == 0 then if getPlayerMoney(source) >= tonumber(500) then local vehicle = getVehicleByID(id) if isElement(vehicle) then takePlayerMoney ( source, 500 ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) setElementPosition(vehicle, x, y, z) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, vehicle ) outputMessage ("#c1c1c1O seu veiculo #00FF66"..(customCarNames[getElementModel(vehicle)] or getVehicleNameFromModel(getElementModel(vehicle))).." #c1c1c1foi entregue a você.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) else outputMessage("#838B83[#FFFF00ATRP#838B83]#FFFF00 Seu Veiculo Não Está Spawnado.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end else outputMessage("#c1c1c1Você não tem os meios de se teletransportar para o veiculo.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end else outputMessage("#c1c1c1Você só poderá mudar de veiculo se sair do atual.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end else outputMessage("#838B83[#FFFF00ATRP#838B83]#FFFF00 Nós não podemos dirigir seu veiculo. Por favor, sair do outro veiculo.", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end end) addEvent("SellMyVehicle", true) addEventHandler("SellMyVehicle", root, function(id) local vehicle = getVehicleByID(id) local data = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ? AND ID = ?", getAccountID(getPlayerAccount(source)), id), -1) if type(data) == "table" and #data ~= 0 then local Money = math.ceil((data[1]["Cost"]*.9)*math.floor(data[1]["HP"])/100/10) givePlayerMoney (source, Money) if isElement(vehicle) then destroyElement(vehicle) end dbExec(db, "DELETE FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ? AND ID = ?", getAccountID(getPlayerAccount(source)), id) updateVehicleInfo(source) outputMessage("#838B83[#FFFF00 ATRP#838B83 ]#FFFF00 Voce Vendeu Seu Veiculo por R$:"..Money, source, 38, 122, 216, true) end end) function getDataOnLogin(_, account) updateVehicleInfo(source) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, getDataOnLogin) addEvent("inviteToBuyCarSended", true) addEventHandler("inviteToBuyCarSended", root, function(player, price, veh_name, veh_id) if player and price and veh_name and veh_id then local pl = getPlayerFromName ( player ) if pl then triggerClientEvent ( pl, "recieveInviteToBuyCar", pl, getPlayerName (source), getAccountID(getPlayerAccount(source)), price, veh_name, veh_id ) else outputMessage ( "#838B83[#FFFF00 ATRP#838B83 ]#FFFF00 Jogador Não Encontrado", source, 250, 10, 10, true) triggerClientEvent ( source, "cleanCarInvitations", source ) end end end) addEvent("invitationBuyCarNotAccepted", true) addEventHandler("invitationBuyCarNotAccepted", root, function(player, acc, price, veh_name, veh_id) local pl = getPlayerFromName ( player ) if pl then triggerClientEvent ( pl, "cleanCarInvitations", pl ) outputMessage ( "#838B83[#FFFF00 ATRP#838B83 ]#FFFF00 o Jogador Recusou a Oferta", pl, 250, 10, 10,true) end end) addEvent("invitationBuyCarAccepted", true) addEventHandler("invitationBuyCarAccepted", root, function(player, acc, price, veh_name, veh_id) local pl = getPlayerFromName ( player ) local avail = false if pl and getAccountID ( getPlayerAccount (pl)) == acc then avail = true triggerClientEvent ( pl, "cleanCarInvitations", pl ) --outputMessage ( "Игрок отказался покупать ваше авто", pl, 250, 10, 10) else for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType ( 'player' ) ) do if getAccountID(getPlayerAccount ( v )) == acc then avail = true pl = v break end end end price = tonumber(price) or 0 if avail then if isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( pl, "cleanCarInvitations", pl ) outputMessage ( "#838B83[#FFFF00 ATRP#838B83 ]#FFFF00 Voce Não Está Logado em Sua Conta", source, 250, 10, 10,true ) outputMessage ( "#838B83[#FFFF00 ATRP#838B83 ]#FFFF00 o Jogador Não Está Logado", pl, 250, 10, 10,true ) return true end if getPlayerMoney ( source ) >= price then local vehicle = getVehicleByID(tonumber(veh_id)) local data = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ? AND ID = ?", getAccountID(getPlayerAccount(pl)), veh_id), -1) if type(data) == "table" and #data ~= 0 and isElement ( vehicle ) then givePlayerMoney ( pl, price ) takePlayerMoney ( source, price ) dbExec(db, "UPDATE VehicleList SET Account = ? WHERE Account = ? AND ID = ?", getAccountID(getPlayerAccount(source)), getAccountID(getPlayerAccount(pl)), veh_id) updateVehicleInfo(source) updateVehicleInfo(pl) setElementData(vehicle, "Owner", source) setElementData(vehicle, "ownercar", getAccountID(getPlayerAccount(source))) outputMessage("#838B83[#FFFF00 ATRP#838B83 ]#FFFF00 Voce Vendeu Seu Veiculo Por R$:"..price, pl, 38, 122, 216, true) outputMessage("#838B83[#FFFF00 ATRP#838B83 ]#FFFF00 Comprou Um Veiculo Por R$:"..price, source, 38, 122, 216, true) triggerClientEvent ( pl, "cleanCarInvitations", pl ) else outputMessage ( "#838B83[#FFFF00 ATRP#838B83 ]#FFFF00 o Veiculo Não Está Spawnado", source, 250, 10, 10,true ) outputMessage ( "#838B83[#FFFF00 ATRP#838B83 ]#FFFF00 o Veiculo Não Está Spawnado", pl, 250, 10, 10,true ) triggerClientEvent ( pl, "cleanCarInvitations", pl ) end else outputMessage ( "#838B83[#FFFF00 ATRP#838B83 ]#FFFF00 Voce Não Tem Dinheiro Suficiente", source, 250, 10, 10,true ) end else outputMessage ( "#838B83[#FFFF00 ATRP#838B83 ]#FFFF00 Jogador Não Encontrado", source, 250, 10, 10,true) end end) function consultarPlaca(source, Command, Placa) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) if not isObjectInACLGroup("user."..accName,aclGetGroup("ComandosPolicia")) then return outputChatBox( "Você não tem permissão para este comando.", source, 250, 10, 10,true) end local data = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM VehicleList WHERE Placa = ?", Placa), -1) if not getVehicleByPlate(Placa) then outputChatBox( "Prenda o condutor Imediatamente.#FFFF00 Placa Fria", source, 250, 10, 10,true) return end if type(data) == "table" and #data ~= 0 then local dono = data[1]["Account"] local modelo = data[1]["Model"] outputChatBox( "#FFFF00*________________________*", source, 255,255,255,true) outputChatBox( "#FFFF00*__Banco de Dados DETRAN__*", source, 255,255,255,true) outputChatBox( "Nome Do Veículo:#FFFF00"..getVehicleRealName(modelo), source, 255,255,255,true) outputChatBox( "ID Proprietário:#FFFF00"..dono, source, 255,255,255,true) getnick(tonumber(dono)) outputChatBox( "Placa Consultada:#FFFF00"..Placa, source, 255,255,255,true) outputChatBox( "#FFFF00*________________________*", source, 255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox( "Veículo não spawnado ou inexistente", source, 250, 10, 10,true) end end addCommandHandler("consultar",consultarPlaca) function getPlayerID(id) v = false for i, player in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(player, "ID") == id then v = player break end end return v end function getnick(dono) if(dono) then local playerID = tonumber(dono) if(playerID) then local Player2 = getPlayerID(playerID) if(Player2) then outputChatBox ( "Nome do Proprietário:#FFFF00" .. getPlayerName(Player2) .."", player, 255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox ( "Nome do Proprietário( " .. dono .. " ) #ffffffOFFLINE!", player, 255,255,255,true) end end end end function outputMessage (text, player, r, g, b) return exports["scr-Lib"]:outputMessage(player, text, r, g, b); end Link to comment
zRodrigoMM Posted May 8, 2020 Author Share Posted May 8, 2020 O problema é que os carros não estão salvando após fechar o servidor, não sei o que está faltando. Link to comment
zRodrigoMM Posted May 9, 2020 Author Share Posted May 9, 2020 1 hour ago, Furzy said: setAccountDatagetAccountData Onde incrementar estes comandos ? eu apenas edito algumas coisas, tipo esse script tem uma database.db, separada da garagem, e não sei se tenho que criar uma para ela também. Link to comment
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