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Okay, I JUST installed both MTASA and GTASA, and when I load

Guest Kamunou Hyena

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Can you please give us some more information about the problem?

Did you download the game?

Are you using a no-cd crack?

Do you have a 1.0 exe?

Also if you just installed GTASA and MTASA play single player first (just start a single player game you dont have to beat it) then try again

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Ohh well just so you know I DID NOT DOWNLOAD SA. I BOUGHT IT. I don't know what version it is. But I'll tell you I downloaded Vice City cause I couldn't find it anywhere and ti works perfetly with mta, not a hacked client or anything. But with my BOUGHT San Andreas I can't get it to work, wtf.


Checking the wiki thing now.

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WOW I can't believe they fucking released a new version to get rid of the hot coffee to change the AO rating back to M. That's so retarded. LOOK AT THE GAME, and tell me the sex is the most explicite thing in that. How about the cut scenes with the racial remarks about the "fucking mexicans" or the "niggers in the hood"? GOD, the government is so stupid. "Sure killing cops and cussing out mexicans while holding up a store with a sawed-off shotgun is okay to be exposed to little boys but sex? omg fuck no." God I can't wait till I get to move to Canada. Fucking republicans and their anti-everything bullshit

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