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Bom dia pessoal, já vi alguns recursos parecidos em alguns servidores, e gostaria de saber se é possivel escolher os mods que os players irão baixar, exemplo eu escolhos os mods essencias pra ele baixar antes de logar, e depois que ele loga ele baixa os recursos restantes assim ele podendo baixar 200mb de 800 e poder logar antes de terminar o download.

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10 minutes ago, Patrick said:

@[email protected] Hi! This is an English section. Please translate your message.

Good morning guys, I've seen some similar features on some servers, and I would like to know if it is possible to choose the mods that the players will download, example I choose the essential mods for him to download before logging in, and after he logs in he downloads the remaining resources so he can download 200mb of 800 and be able to log in before finishing the download. 
Sorry for spelling mistakes, I made it with the translator
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