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About realistic nights (dark nights)


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Well guys, i have a RP server, and i wanted to find a script that could make my nights even more darkness.

i found the "dynamic_lightning_nightmod", what is a script for Zombie's servers. 

But in this script, the lampposts are all off. Like, the lights in it are off. How can i solve it? I want the lights of the lampposts. But i wanna keep the night darkness as she are.

Thank you for the attention. 



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In the resource dynamic_lightning_nightmod edit the file c_nightmod.Lua line 39 it is:

local clearList = { "sl_dtwinlights*","nitwin01_la","sfnite*","vgsn_nl_strip","vehicleshatter*","vehiclescratch64",

edit to

local clearList = { "vehicleshatter*","vehiclescratch64"}

it is "list of the world textures that will be disabled" as the resource says, you can try to re add or remove the others, I left the ones with "vehicle", I tested and the lampposts are now lit but kinda dimmed, you can later saturate (I think) the lampposts with the same shader by Ren

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