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Replacing the command with the marker. Please help me!


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HI guys

I downloaded Bank System . The system is such that when the player enters the marker, the ATM becomes active.



But, I want to get the  ATM system activated here by writing a text(Command For Example: /Bank). And in the custom area.


Server.Lua The part that defines ATM activation with the marker

atmls1 = 2116, -1118.3000488281,24.89999961853,0,0,162
atmls2 = 1186.1999511719,-1374.3000488281, 13.199999809265 ,0,0,90
atmls3 = 1975.4000244141,-2176.1000976563, 13.199999809265 ,0,0,178

atmsf1 = -1571.0999755859,666.59997558594, 6.8000001907349 ,0,0,88
atmsf2 = -2655.8999023438,257.89999389648, 4 ,0,0,90

atmredcounty = -74.800003051758,1116.3000488281, 19.39999961853 ,0,0,90

atmlv1 = 1715.5999755859,1533.5, 10.39 ,0,0,92
atmlv2 = 2176.6000976563,2443.6999511719, 10.5 ,0,0,178
atmlv3 = 2159.5,950.79998779297, 10.699999809265 ,0,0,270

atmler = { { 2116, -1118.3000488281,24.89999961853,0,0,162 }, { 1186.1999511719,-1374.3000488281, 13.199999809265 ,0,0,90 }, { 1975.4000244141,-2176.1000976563, 13.199999809265 ,0,0,178 }, { -1571.0999755859,666.59997558594, 6.8000001907349 ,0,0,88 }, { -2655.8999023438,257.89999389648, 4 ,0,0,90 }, {-74.800003051758,1116.3000488281, 19.39999961853 ,0,0,90 }, { 1715.5999755859,1533.5, 10.39 ,0,0,92 }, { 2176.6000976563,2443.6999511719, 10.5 ,0,0,178 }, { 2159.5,950.79998779297, 10.699999809265 ,0,0,270 } }

atm = {}
function displayLoadedRes ( res )
 for theKey,theAtm in ipairs(atmler) do 
atm[theAtm] = createObject ( 2942,  theAtm [ 1 ],  theAtm  [ 2 ],  theAtm [ 3 ], theAtm [ 4 ], theAtm [ 5 ], theAtm [ 6 ] )
atmx, atmy, atmz = getElementPosition (atm[theAtm])
atmMarker = createMarker ( atmx, atmy, atmz -1, "cylinder", 1.5, 100, 100, 200, 170 )
setElementData (atmMarker,"atm",true)
atmBlip = createBlipAttachedTo ( atm[theAtm], 52 )
setBlipVisibleDistance (atmBlip,200)
setElementCollisionsEnabled(atm[theAtm], false)
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), displayLoadedRes )

function MarkerHit( hitElement, matchingDimension )
if ((getElementType(hitElement) == "player")) then
local acc = getPlayerAccount (hitElement)
 if (acc and not isGuestAccount (acc)) then
  local atmmi = getElementData (source,"atm")
   if (atmmi == true) then
      triggerClientEvent(hitElement, "bankaGuiAc", hitElement)
addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", getRootElement(), MarkerHit )

please guide me


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atmls1 = 2116, -1118.3000488281,24.89999961853,0,0,162
atmls2 = 1186.1999511719,-1374.3000488281, 13.199999809265 ,0,0,90
atmls3 = 1975.4000244141,-2176.1000976563, 13.199999809265 ,0,0,178

atmsf1 = -1571.0999755859,666.59997558594, 6.8000001907349 ,0,0,88
atmsf2 = -2655.8999023438,257.89999389648, 4 ,0,0,90

atmredcounty = -74.800003051758,1116.3000488281, 19.39999961853 ,0,0,90

atmlv1 = 1715.5999755859,1533.5, 10.39 ,0,0,92
atmlv2 = 2176.6000976563,2443.6999511719, 10.5 ,0,0,178
atmlv3 = 2159.5,950.79998779297, 10.699999809265 ,0,0,270

atmler = { { 2116, -1118.3000488281,24.89999961853,0,0,162 }, { 1186.1999511719,-1374.3000488281, 13.199999809265 ,0,0,90 }, { 1975.4000244141,-2176.1000976563, 13.199999809265 ,0,0,178 }, { -1571.0999755859,666.59997558594, 6.8000001907349 ,0,0,88 }, { -2655.8999023438,257.89999389648, 4 ,0,0,90 }, {-74.800003051758,1116.3000488281, 19.39999961853 ,0,0,90 }, { 1715.5999755859,1533.5, 10.39 ,0,0,92 }, { 2176.6000976563,2443.6999511719, 10.5 ,0,0,178 }, { 2159.5,950.79998779297, 10.699999809265 ,0,0,270 } }

atm = {}
function displayLoadedRes ( res )
 for theKey,theAtm in ipairs(atmler) do 
atm[theAtm] = createObject ( 2942,  theAtm [ 1 ],  theAtm  [ 2 ],  theAtm [ 3 ], theAtm [ 4 ], theAtm [ 5 ], theAtm [ 6 ] )
atmx, atmy, atmz = getElementPosition (atm[theAtm])
atmMarker = createMarker ( atmx, atmy, atmz -1, "cylinder", 1.5, 100, 100, 200, 170 )
setElementData (atmMarker,"atm",true)
atmBlip = createBlipAttachedTo ( atm[theAtm], 52 )
setBlipVisibleDistance (atmBlip,200)
setElementCollisionsEnabled(atm[theAtm], false)
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), displayLoadedRes )

function Bank_( hitElement,v )
if ((getElementType(hitElement) == "player")) then
local acc = getPlayerAccount (hitElement)
 if (acc and not isGuestAccount (acc)) then
  local atmmi = getElementData (source,"atm")
   if (atmmi == v) then
      triggerClientEvent(hitElement, "bankaGuiAc", hitElement)
end end end end
addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", getRootElement(),function (hitElement )
Bank_(hitElement, true )
addCommandHandler ( "Bank", function ( source, commandName) 
Bank_( source,false)


Edited by #\_oskar_/#
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10 hours ago, ReZurrecti0n said:

triggerClientEvent(hitElement, "bankaGuiAc", hitElement) -- This seems to be what triggers the Bank

So, just make your own /Bank command and then trigger it with the above line. Make whatever adjustments needed of course

Hi thank you for the guidance

I made these changes but when I write the /bank the system is not activated.

function MarkerHit( command, matchingDimension )
if ((getElementType(commands) == "player")) then
local acc = getPlayerAccount (command)
 if (acc and not isGuestAccount (acc)) then
  local atmmi = getElementData (source,"atm")
   if (atmmi == true) then
      addCommandHandler(command, "bankaGuiAc", command)
addCommandHandler("bank", MarkerHit)
executeCommandHandler (  bank, player, matchingDimension  )

Please  very guide

Edited by Turk-oghlan
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If you're not yet familiar with Lua or MTA's Functions and are just learning, then I have to recommend starting out much more simple. Rather than trying to jump into some complex scripting that is a bank system, make your own very simple command. Once you grasp the basic concept of things, it'll become easier to "mod" something more to your liking...

function TestFunction(player,command)
 outputChatBox("This is just a test!",player,255,255,255)
 -- Add more code here, keep it simple until you got the very basics of scripting down, then move on to more complex things



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1 hour ago, ReZurrecti0n said:

If you're not yet familiar with Lua or MTA's Functions and are just learning, then I have to recommend starting out much more simple. Rather than trying to jump into some complex scripting that is a bank system, make your own very simple command. Once you grasp the basic concept of things, it'll become easier to "mod" something more to your liking...

function TestFunction(player,command)
 outputChatBox("This is just a test!",player,255,255,255)
 -- Add more code here, keep it simple until you got the very basics of scripting down, then move on to more complex things




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