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Replacing the command with the marker. Please help me!


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HI guys

I downloaded Bank System . The system is such that when the player enters the marker, the ATM becomes active.





But, I want to get the system activated here by writing a text(Command Example: /Bank). And in the custom area.


Server.Lua The part that defines ATM activation with the marker

atmls1 = 2116, -1118.3000488281,24.89999961853,0,0,162
atmls2 = 1186.1999511719,-1374.3000488281, 13.199999809265 ,0,0,90
atmls3 = 1975.4000244141,-2176.1000976563, 13.199999809265 ,0,0,178

atmsf1 = -1571.0999755859,666.59997558594, 6.8000001907349 ,0,0,88
atmsf2 = -2655.8999023438,257.89999389648, 4 ,0,0,90

atmredcounty = -74.800003051758,1116.3000488281, 19.39999961853 ,0,0,90

atmlv1 = 1715.5999755859,1533.5, 10.39 ,0,0,92
atmlv2 = 2176.6000976563,2443.6999511719, 10.5 ,0,0,178
atmlv3 = 2159.5,950.79998779297, 10.699999809265 ,0,0,270

atmler = { { 2116, -1118.3000488281,24.89999961853,0,0,162 }, { 1186.1999511719,-1374.3000488281, 13.199999809265 ,0,0,90 }, { 1975.4000244141,-2176.1000976563, 13.199999809265 ,0,0,178 }, { -1571.0999755859,666.59997558594, 6.8000001907349 ,0,0,88 }, { -2655.8999023438,257.89999389648, 4 ,0,0,90 }, {-74.800003051758,1116.3000488281, 19.39999961853 ,0,0,90 }, { 1715.5999755859,1533.5, 10.39 ,0,0,92 }, { 2176.6000976563,2443.6999511719, 10.5 ,0,0,178 }, { 2159.5,950.79998779297, 10.699999809265 ,0,0,270 } }

atm = {}
function displayLoadedRes ( res )
 for theKey,theAtm in ipairs(atmler) do 
atm[theAtm] = createObject ( 2942,  theAtm [ 1 ],  theAtm  [ 2 ],  theAtm [ 3 ], theAtm [ 4 ], theAtm [ 5 ], theAtm [ 6 ] )
atmx, atmy, atmz = getElementPosition (atm[theAtm])
atmMarker = createMarker ( atmx, atmy, atmz -1, "cylinder", 1.5, 100, 100, 200, 170 )
setElementData (atmMarker,"atm",true)
atmBlip = createBlipAttachedTo ( atm[theAtm], 52 )
setBlipVisibleDistance (atmBlip,200)
setElementCollisionsEnabled(atm[theAtm], false)
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), displayLoadedRes )

function MarkerHit( hitElement, matchingDimension )
if ((getElementType(hitElement) == "player")) then
local acc = getPlayerAccount (hitElement)
 if (acc and not isGuestAccount (acc)) then
  local atmmi = getElementData (source,"atm")
   if (atmmi == true) then
      triggerClientEvent(hitElement, "bankaGuiAc", hitElement)
addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", getRootElement(), MarkerHit )


please guide me





Edited by Turk-oghlan
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