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[QUESTION] What's wrong with this? (setTimer)


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addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", getRootElement (),  
        function ( attacker, weapon ) 
            if ( weapon == 41 ) then 
                if ( getElementType ( source ) == "player" ) then 
                    fadeCamera(source, false) 
                      fadeCamera(source, true)
                    end, time, 1)
                    outputChatBox ( "Has cegado a " source, attacker, 0, 255, 120 ) 
                    outputChatBox ( "Has sido cegado con un gas pimienta.", source, 0, 255, 120 ) 

Hi! I made a pepper spray that blinds when you get hitted by it, but when i used it i have this errors

spray/spray.Lua:7 bad argument @ fadeCamera expected element at argument 1, got nil

spray/spray.Lua:9 attempt to concatenate global source a userdata value

Edited by Miliviu
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It doesn't "know" what source is, you have to pass the argument to the function within your timer

setTimer(function(source) -- Added source here
                      fadeCamera(source, true) -- So now it will get "source" from the function's argument (source)
                    end, time, 1, source) -- And here too, this tells the function what "source" will be

This should resolve that issue...

outputChatBox ( "Has cegado a " source, attacker, 0, 255, 120 ) -- There is no comma between the text string and source

outputChatBox ( "Has cegado a ", source, attacker, 0, 255, 120 ) -- Im still not sure if this would work exactly, but could just do another line

outputChatBox ( "Has cegado a ", source, 0, 255, 120 ) -- Send to the source
outputChatBox ( "Has cegado a ", attacker, 0, 255, 120 ) -- Send to the attacker


Edited by ReZurrecti0n
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Thanks! it worked! But now the message spams every second a player gets hitted by the spray, It's possible to limit the number of messages? Thanks in advantage

addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", getRootElement (),  
        function ( attacker, weapon ) 
            if ( weapon == 41 ) then 
                if ( getElementType ( source ) == "player" ) then 
                    fadeCamera(source, false) 
                      fadeCamera(source, true)
                    end, 5000, 1, source)
                    outputChatBox ( "Has cegado a alguien con un gas pimienta " , attacker, 0, 255, 120 ) 
                    outputChatBox ( "Has sido cegado con un gas pimienta por ." , source, 0, 255, 120 ) 


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Seconds = 3 -- prevent spamming for 3 sec.
Spamming = {}
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", getRootElement (),  
	function ( attacker, weapon ) 
		if ( weapon == 41 ) then 
			if ( getElementType ( source ) == "player" ) then 
				fadeCamera(source, false) 
				  fadeCamera(source, true)
				end, 5000, 1, source)
				if not Spamming[attacker] then 
					Spamming[attacker] = setTimer(function (attac) Spamming[attac] = nil end , Seconds * 1000,1,attacker)
					outputChatBox ( "Has cegado a alguien con un gas pimienta " , attacker, 0, 255, 120 ) 
					outputChatBox ( "Has sido cegado con un gas pimienta por ." , source, 0, 255, 120 ) 


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