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Apply shader over previosly applied shader on same texture


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Hello guys! I've recently found out that i can't use 2+ different shaders on same texture. I tried to work around layered argument in dxCreateShader function and DepthBias variable in shader and got nothing. Only one shader can exist at the time.
I tried to apply one shader over another one so I used gTexture0 variable (defined in mta-helper.fx) to get material and draw my own texture over it. What am i missing?

shader pseudo-code:

// Fix by JeViCo
// Link: https://vk.com/jevico

texture gTexture0 < string textureState="0,Texture"; >;

texture tex;

technique Draw {
    pass P0 {
        Texture[0] = gTexture0;
        AlphaBlendEnable = true;
    pass P1 {
        Texture[0] = tex;

Of course i can make single-file shader however this is not what i'm trying to achieve

Edited by JeViCo
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  • Confused 1
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Scripting Moderators
11 hours ago, JeViCo said:


Can you share your solution so others might find it and do not create other topics for that?

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