Duff1995 Posted February 2, 2020 Share Posted February 2, 2020 --meu sistema de level local recompensa = 100 -- quantidade= function experience () for i, p in ipairs( getElementsByType( "player" ) ) do local exp = getElementData(p, "Exp") local exps = tonumber(getElementData(p, "Exp")) local lvls = tonumber(getElementData(p, "Level")) if lvls and exps then local needexp = lvls * 1500 if not exp then setElementData(p, "Level", 0) setElementData(p, "Exp", 0) else if exps >= needexp then setElementData(p, "Level", lvls + 1) setElementData(p, "Exp", 0) givePlayerMoney(p, recompensa) outputChatBox ("#106FE7( #ffffffLEVEL#106FE7 ) #FFFFFF Parabéns você passou para o level #106FE7" .. lvls + 1 .. "", p, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end end end setTimer(experience, 100, 0) function killandexp (ammo, killer, killerweapon, bodypart) if (killer) and (killer ~= source) then local exp = getElementData(killer, "Exp") local exps = tonumber(getElementData(killer, "Exp")) if not exp then setElementData(killer, "Exp", 0) else setElementData(killer, "Exp", exps + 2) triggerClientEvent(killer,"xplevel",killer) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), killandexp) function ChuvaXP (player) if (hasObjectPermissionTo(player, "command.kick", false)) then for id, players in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local exp = getElementData(players, "Exp") local exps = tonumber(getElementData(players, "Exp")) if not exp then setElementData(players, "Exp", 0) else setElementData(players, "Exp", exps + 100) triggerClientEvent(players,"xplevel",players) end end end end addCommandHandler("chuvaxp", ChuvaXP) function ChuvaXPO (player) if (hasObjectPermissionTo(player, "general.tab_bans", false)) then outputChatBox ("#106FE7(#ffffffCHUVA XP#106FE7) ➺ #ffffff".. getPlayerName(player) .." #FFFFFFDeu #106FE7(#FFFFFFXP: #106FE7100 #106FE7) #FFFFFFPara Todos", root, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler("chuvaxp", ChuvaXPO) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function(p, c) local lvl = getAccountData(c, "lvl") local exp = getAccountData(c, "exp") if lvl and exp then setElementData(source, "Level", lvl) setElementData(source, "Exp", exp) else setElementData(source, "Level", 0) setElementData(source, "Exp", 0) setAccountData(c, "exp", 0) setAccountData(c, "lvl", 0) end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function() local acc = getPlayerAccount(source) if acc and not isGuestAccount(acc) then local lvl = getElementData(source, "Level") or 0 local exp = getElementData(source, "Exp") if lvl and exp then setAccountData(acc, "exp", exp) setAccountData(acc, "lvl", lvl) else setAccountData(acc, "exp", 0) setAccountData(acc, "lvl", 0) end end end) addCommandHandler("setlevel", function(player, cmd, target, amount) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if not isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup("CDD|superMOD")) then outputChatBox("Você não tem acesso a esta equipe!", player, 255, 0, 0) return end if target then if tonumber(amount) then local targetplayer = getPlayerFromName(target) if targetplayer then setElementData(targetplayer, "Level", amount) setElementData(targetplayer, "Exp", 0) outputChatBox("Você instalou com sucesso "..amount.." nível do jogador "..getPlayerName(targetplayer).."!", player, 0, 255, 0, true) else outputChatBox("Erro: jogador não encontrado", player, 255, 0, 0) end else outputChatBox("Use: / setlevel [Nickname] [Level]", player, 255, 0, 0) end else outputChatBox("Use: / setlevel [Nickname] [Level]", player, 255, 0, 0) end end) --trabalho que quero que quando o player finalize receba exp MarkerSafeEntregadorDeJornal = createMarker( 1280.835, -1541.986, 13.522, "cylinder", 35, 0, 255, 0, 0) EntregadorDeJornalPickup = createPickup ( 1280.835, -1541.986, 13.522, 3, 1210) MarkerEntregadorDeJornal = createMarker ( 1280.835, -1541.986, 13.522, "cylinder", 1.2, 255, 255, 255, 0 ) attachElements ( MarkerEntregadorDeJornal, EntregadorDeJornalPickup, 0, 0, -1 ) BlipEntregadorDeJornal = createBlipAttachedTo ( MarkerEntregadorDeJornal, 42 ) setBlipVisibleDistance ( BlipEntregadorDeJornal, 150 ) function CancelarSumirPickup ( player ) cancelEvent() end addEventHandler ( "onPickupHit", EntregadorDeJornalPickup, CancelarSumirPickup ) LetraParaMarkers = "k" cmd1 = "hq" cmd2 = "profissao" local HQEntregadorDeJornalBlip = createBlip ( 1280.835, -1541.986, 13.522 ) setElementVisibleTo ( HQEntregadorDeJornalBlip, root, false ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- function VerificarBlipEmprego(player) if player then acc = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if isGuestAccount ( acc ) then return end setElementVisibleTo ( HQEntregadorDeJornalBlip, player, false ) end end setTimer( function() for i, pl in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if pl ~= (false or nil) then if getElementData ( pl, "Emprego" ) == "Entregador de Jornal" then return end VerificarBlipEmprego(pl) end end end, 3000,0) -------------------------------------------------------------------- function ComandoHQ ( source ) if getElementData ( source, "Emprego" ) == "Entregador de Jornal" then if isElementVisibleTo ( HQEntregadorDeJornalBlip, source ) then setElementVisibleTo ( HQEntregadorDeJornalBlip, source, false ) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(source, "Seu Local de Trabalho foi Desmarcado do Mapa!", "info") else setElementVisibleTo ( HQEntregadorDeJornalBlip, source, true ) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(source, "Seu Local de Trabalho foi Marcado no Mapa!", "info") end end end addCommandHandler ( cmd1, ComandoHQ ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- function AceitarEmprego02 (source) exports.Scripts_OnMarkerMsgs_:delete(source) unbindKey ( source, LetraParaMarkers, "down", AceitarEmprego02 ) if getElementData ( source, "AirNew>Encaminhamento" ) == "Entregador de Jornal" then setElementData ( source, "AirNew>Encaminhamento", false ) setElementData ( source, "Emprego", "Entregador de Jornal" ) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(source, "Você Agora Trabalha de Entregador de Jornal, Para Mais Informações Digite ( /Profissao )", "success") else exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(source, "Você Precisa Estar Encaminhado da Agencia de Empregos para Trabalhar neste Local!", "error") end end function RecusarEmprego02 (source) exports.Scripts_OnMarkerMsgs_:delete(source) unbindKey ( source, LetraParaMarkers, "down", RecusarEmprego02 ) if isElementVisibleTo ( HQEntregadorDeJornalBlip, source ) then setElementVisibleTo ( HQEntregadorDeJornalBlip, source, false ) end removeElementData ( source, "Emprego", "Entregador de Jornal" ) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(source, "Você se Demitiu do Emprego de Entregador de Jornal com Sucesso!", "warning") end -------------------------------------------------------------------- function ComandosProf ( ThePlayer ) if getElementData ( ThePlayer, "Emprego" ) == "Entregador de Jornal" then playSoundFrontEnd ( ThePlayer, 43 ) outputChatBox ( "#F9A631~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #F96031Profissão #F9A631~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", ThePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) outputChatBox ( "#F96031» #BEE09AComandos da Profissão de Entregador de Jornal", ThePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) outputChatBox ( "#F96031» #55D444/HQ #ffffff- #9ABDE0Para Marcar / Desmarcar o seu Local de Trabalho", ThePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) outputChatBox ( "#F96031» #55D444/Rotas #ffffff- #9ABDE0Abre a Lista de Rotas Disponiveis Para Trabalhar", ThePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) outputChatBox ( "#F96031» #FFD700Entre na Bike e Digite /Rotas Selecione uma Rota e Siga os Checkpoints!", ThePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) outputChatBox ( "#F9A631~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #F96031Profissão #F9A631~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", ThePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) end end addCommandHandler(cmd2, ComandosProf ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- function emarker(marker,md) if (md) then if isPedInVehicle ( source ) then return end if marker == MarkerEntregadorDeJornal then if getElementData ( source, "Emprego" ) == "Entregador de Jornal" then exports.Scripts_OnMarkerMsgs_:create(source,"Aperte 'K' Para se Demitir do Emprego de Entregador de Jornal") bindKey ( source, LetraParaMarkers, "down", RecusarEmprego02 ) else exports.Scripts_OnMarkerMsgs_:create(source,"Aperte 'K' Para Aceitar o Emprego de Entregador de Jornal") bindKey ( source, LetraParaMarkers, "down", AceitarEmprego02 ) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerMarkerHit",getRootElement(),emarker) function lmarker(marker,md) if (md) then if marker == MarkerEntregadorDeJornal then exports.Scripts_OnMarkerMsgs_:delete(source) unbindKey ( source, LetraParaMarkers, "down", AceitarEmprego02 ) unbindKey ( source, LetraParaMarkers, "down", RecusarEmprego02 ) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerMarkerLeave",getRootElement(),lmarker) function CriarVeiculosComData () VeiculosComDataEntregadorDeJornal = { createVehicle(510, 1271.167, -1527.32, 13.564, 0, 0, 270 ), createVehicle(510, 1271.146, -1529.044, 13.564, 0, 0, 270 ), createVehicle(510, 1271.117, -1531.384, 13.564, 0, 0, 270 ), createVehicle(510, 1271.117, -1531.384 -2, 13.564, 0, 0, 270 ), createVehicle(510, 1271.117, -1531.384 -4, 13.564, 0, 0, 270 ), createVehicle(510, 1271.117, -1531.384 -6, 13.564, 0, 0, 270 ), createVehicle(510, 1271.117, -1531.384 -8, 13.564, 0, 0, 270 ), createVehicle(510, 1271.117, -1531.384 -10, 13.564, 0, 0, 270 ), createVehicle(510, 1271.117, -1531.384 -12, 13.564, 0, 0, 270 ), createVehicle(510, 1271.117, -1531.384 -14, 13.564, 0, 0, 270 ), createVehicle(510, 1271.117, -1531.384 -16, 13.564, 0, 0, 270 ), createVehicle(510, 1271.117, -1531.384 -18, 13.564, 0, 0, 270 ), createVehicle(510, 1271.117, -1531.384 -20, 13.564, 0, 0, 270 ), } for i, veh in ipairs(VeiculosComDataEntregadorDeJornal) do setElementData ( veh, "Emprego", "Entregador de Jornal" ) setVehicleDamageProof(veh,true) setVehicleColor( veh, 0, 0, 0 ) setVehiclePlateText ( veh, "RPGAMING" ) addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", veh, VerificarEmprego ) --addEventHandler("onVehicleExit", veh, SairDoVeiculosComData ) local tx, ty, tz = getElementPosition(veh) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(veh) setVehicleRespawnPosition(veh, tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, CriarVeiculosComData ) function VerificarEmprego (thePlayer, seat) local Jogador = getElementData(thePlayer, "Emprego" ) if seat == 0 then if Jogador == "Entregador de Jornal" then else cancelEvent() exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(thePlayer, "Esse Veiculo é Exclusivo dos Entregadores de Jornal!", "error") end end end --[[function SairDoVeiculosComData () local veh = source setTimer(function() if getVehicleOccupant(veh) == false then respawnVehicle(veh) end end, 30000, 1) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), SairDoVeiculosComData ) --]] -------------------------------------------------------------------- local rElement = getRootElement() function respawnVehicles(player, seconds) for i, veh in ipairs(VeiculosComDataEntregadorDeJornal) do if isEmpty( veh ) then respawnVehicle ( veh ) end end end setTimer(respawnVehicles, 60000,0) function isEmpty( vehicle ) local passengers = getVehicleMaxPassengers( vehicle ) if type( passengers ) == 'number' then for seat = 0, passengers do if getVehicleOccupant( vehicle, seat ) then return false end end end return true end -------------------------------------------------------------------- atualrotnumberJORNAL = {} ppcikJORNAL = {} blips = {} rotasJORNAL = { ["Entregas de Jornais - Los Santos (1) - 20 Entregas - $670"] = { {1282.185, -1546.146, 13.547}, {1292.531, -1536.74, 13.491}, --{1117.78308, -1030.55933, 31.88287}, --{11270.73914, -1027.27011, 32.35918}, --{1466.25684, -1172.65686, 23.88302}, --{1673.56787, -1169.50952, 23.92861}, --{1791.41406, -1164.77539, 23.82813}, --{2095.31763, -1292.43701, 23.97214}, --{2150.26270, -1291.66003, 23.97753}, --{2352.627019, -1513.26306, 24.00000}, --{2561.87158, -1467.34753, 24.01236}, --{2756.12573, -1180.33130, 69.39844}, --{2863.57446, -1440.18982, 10.95315}, --{2507.24414, -1725.65881, 13.54688}, --{23270.33276, -1721.86511, 13.58705}, --{2228.38867, -1722.77356, 13.55438}, --{2175, -1742, 13.55438}, --{2072.61230, -1793.96008, 13.54688}, --{1871.15784, -1923.91858, 13.54688}, --{1352.39136, -1758.33508, 13.50781}, }, ["Entregas de Jornais - Los Santos (2) - 20 Entregas - $750"] = { {823.93018, -1413.86011, 13.46503}, {2709.32098, -1504.01135, 13.54223}, {797.72333, -1580.373270, 13.54688}, {645.75140, -1694.06555, 14.89330}, {422.36475, -1758.63403, 8.18526}, {305.55188, -1771.70020, 4.54249}, {168.62589, -1770.10681, 4.43438}, {138.38370, -1460.07129, 25.62103}, {169.82892, -1348.34363, 69.36220}, {280.87973, -1320.37817, 53.81308}, {543.01135, -1202.30334, 44.50127}, {562.19452, -1060.57458, 74.59800}, {782.98035, -808.70764, 65.19865}, {2708.08984, -684.05566, 116.23006}, {1091.30396, -627.89929, 111.38203}, {1280.77197, -614.80652, 102.93521}, {1437.30725, -935.30865, 36.26117}, {1335.64368, -1066.11133, 27.87136}, {1144.98792, -1131.54431, 23.82813}, {1022.52026, -1122.13037, 23.87152}, }, ["Entregas de Jornais - Los Santos (3) - 20 Entregas - $1500"] = { {1324.671, -1433.923, 14.969}, {1184.128, -1316.365, 13.573}, {1096.775, -1288.524, 13.554}, {994.57, -1298.388, 13.39}, {814.181, -1342.959, 13.533}, {792.273, -1626.558, 13.391}, {1077.013, -1859.017, 13.547}, {1408.296, -1881.205, 13.547}, {1830.151, -1841.683, 13.578}, {1924.561, -1789.748, 13.383}, {2096.031, -1806.206, 13.552}, {2289.097, -1724.15, 13.547}, {2268.405, -1667.375, 15.377}, {2011.597, -1597.769, 13.572}, {1911.033, -1604.44, 13.547}, {1864.723, -1604.331, 13.539}, {1671.314, -1583.68, 13.547}, {1581.473, -1448.472, 13.539}, {1519.231, -1449.773, 13.539}, {1363.771, -1431.401, 13.539}, }, } pay = { ["Entregas de Jornais - Los Santos (1) - 20 Entregas - $670"] = 670, ["Entregas de Jornais - Los Santos (2) - 20 Entregas - $750"] = 750, ["Entregas de Jornais - Los Santos (3) - 20 Entregas - $1500"] = 1500, } function ifPlayerEnterOnMarker(markerHit,matchingDimension) if isPedInVehicle(source) then if markerHit == ppcikJORNAL[source] then if (matchingDimension) then if isElement(ppcikJORNAL[source]) then local rname = getElementData(source,"rtnameJornal") or nil if rname == nil then return end destroyElement(ppcikJORNAL[source]) triggerClientEvent(source,"AirNew>JOBEntregadorDeJornal>blips<Client",source,false) local vh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) toggleAllControls ( source, false ) setControlState ( source, "handbrake", true ) if atualrotnumberJORNAL[source] <= #rotasJORNAL[rname] then exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(source, "Entregando Jornais... Aguarde 2 Segundos!", "info") setTimer(gerarrota,2500,1,source) setTimer(function(source) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(source, "Jornais Entregues, Siga Para o Proximo Checkpoint!", "success") end,2500,1,source) elseif atualrotnumberJORNAL[source] == #rotasJORNAL[rname]+1 then setElementData(source,"rtnameJornal",rname) atualrotnumberJORNAL[source] = 1 local rec = pay[rname] givePlayerMoney(source,tonumber(rec)) local vh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) setTimer(function(source) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(source, "Você Recebeu um Valor de $"..rec.." Por Finalizar as Entregas de Jornais!", "success") end,2500,1,source) setTimer(function(source) toggleAllControls ( source, true ) end, 2500,1, source ) setTimer(function(source) setControlState ( source, "handbrake", false ) end, 2500,1, source ) setElementData(source,"rtnameJornal",nil) local exp = getElementData(player, "Exp") local exps = tonumber(getElementData(player, "Exp")) --setElementData(player, "Exp", 0) setElementData(player, "Exp", exps + 100) triggerClientEvent(player,"xplevel",player) end end end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerMarkerHit",getRootElement(),ifPlayerEnterOnMarker) -------------------------------------------------------------------- function VerificarCairBike(player) if player then acc = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if isGuestAccount ( acc ) then return end local rname = getElementData(player,"rtnameJornal") or nil if rname == nil then triggerClientEvent ( "Desligar:AntiQueda", player ) else triggerClientEvent ( "Ligar:AntiQueda", player ) end end end setTimer( function() for i, pl in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if pl ~= (false or nil) then if getElementData ( pl, "Emprego" ) == "Entregador de Jornal" then VerificarCairBike(pl) end end end end, 3000,0) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pickjobJornal(source) if not isElement(source) then return end local im = isPedInVehicle(source) if im == false then return end local job = getElementData(source,"Emprego") or false if job == "Entregador de Jornal" then local vh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if isElement(vh) then local x,y = getElementPosition(vh) local x1,y1 = getElementPosition(source) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(x,y,x1,y1) local isMarkerSafe = isElementWithinMarker(vh,MarkerSafeEntregadorDeJornal) local id = getElementModel(vh) local seat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat(source) if dist > 0 then return end if id == 510 then if seat == 0 then if isMarkerSafe == false then return end triggerClientEvent(source,"AirNew>JOBEntregadorDeJornal>AbrirPainel<Client",source,rotasJORNAL) end end end end end addCommandHandler("rotas",pickjobJornal) function receivert(source,rotaname) if isElement(ppcikJORNAL[source]) then destroyElement(ppcikJORNAL[source]) end triggerClientEvent(source,"AirNew>JOBEntregadorDeJornal>blips<Client",source,false) setElementData(source,"rtnameJornal",rotaname) atualrotnumberJORNAL[source] = 1 gerarrota(source) end addEvent("AirNew>request>Startrota>Server>EntregadorDeJornal", true) addEventHandler("AirNew>request>Startrota>Server>EntregadorDeJornal",getRootElement(), receivert) function gerarrota(source) local rname = getElementData(source,"rtnameJornal") or nil if rname == nil then return end if not isElement(ppcikJORNAL[source]) and isPedInVehicle(source) then local vh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) toggleAllControls ( source, true ) setControlState ( source, "handbrake", false ) local id = tonumber(atualrotnumberJORNAL[source]) local x,y,z = rotasJORNAL[rname][id][1],rotasJORNAL[rname][id][2],rotasJORNAL[rname][id][3] ppcikJORNAL[source] = createMarker (x, y,z, "checkpoint", 4, 255, 0, 0, 50,source) triggerClientEvent(source,"AirNew>JOBEntregadorDeJornal>blips<Client",source,true,x,y,z) atualrotnumberJORNAL[source] = id+1 end end function sair ( quitType ) if isElement(ppcikJORNAL[source]) then destroyElement(ppcikJORNAL[source]) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), sair ) function SairDaBike ( thePlayer, seat, jacked ) local rname = getElementData(thePlayer,"rtnameJornal") or nil if rname == nil then return end canceljobtimer (thePlayer) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(thePlayer, "Você Saiu da Bike, Entregas Canceladas!", "warning") end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", getRootElement(), SairDaBike ) function canceljobtimer(source) if isElement(ppcikJORNAL[source]) then destroyElement(ppcikJORNAL[source]) end triggerClientEvent(source,"AirNew>JOBEntregadorDeJornal>blips<Client",source,false) atualrotnumberJORNAL[source] = 1 setElementData(source,"rtnameJornal",nil) end function canceljobdeath() local job = getElementData(source,"Emprego") or false if job ~= "Entregador de Jornal" then return end local rname = getElementData(source,"rtnameJornal") or nil if rname == nil then return end canceljobtimer(source) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(source, "Você Morreu e Suas Entregas Foram Canceladas!", "warning") end addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement( ),canceljobdeath) Link to comment
Duff1995 Posted February 2, 2020 Author Share Posted February 2, 2020 o problema é que quando o player termina o trabalho e ganha o dinheiro, nao to conseguindo por pra ele ganhar uma quantia X de exp saca Link to comment
Developer. Posted February 3, 2020 Share Posted February 3, 2020 (edited) Faça o seguinte. Nas linhas 436, 437, 439 e 440 troque player por source. Algumas dicas simples: - Antes de tudo, procure postar suas duvidas nesta seção, pois isto ajuda a manter a organização do fórum: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/127-programação-em-Lua/ - Abaixo vou deixar um post explicando melhor como funciona este fórum: - Sempre que estiver mexendo com seus mods ative o debugscript 3, digitando /debugscript 3 no chat ( para desligar use /debugscript 0). Isto lhe ajuda a identificar o que esta dando erro! - Se você entende quase 0 de scripts de uma olhada nesses posts: Post por manawydan - Lógica de Programação Básica: Post por DNL291 - Informações úteis - Scripting/Configurações/Tutoriais para o MTA: Para finalizar, caso não funcione o script só estar comentando novamente, e por favor se puder informe o erro com uma print ou algo do tipo (não se esqueça de ativar o debugscript!). Facilita bastante a estar te ajudando. Edited February 3, 2020 by Developer. 1 Link to comment
Duff1995 Posted February 3, 2020 Author Share Posted February 3, 2020 (edited) Te amo cara obrigado Edited February 3, 2020 by Lord Henry Link to comment
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