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testing dm maps


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and what should the bots do? run sensless against all walls or in barrels?

testing alone isn't helpful at all. You'll never find all bugs... maybe some relating to position of checkpoints/spawnpoints - only when you test with real players. in test-races YOU (as map creator) know exactly what to do. So you wont see all the bugs. If you play with more players, nobody knows the map, they find some more cause they drive for win and can crash into hidden things you would alone never notice.

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yeah. and you want that the bots shoot at theirselves?

if you really interested in testing maps you play with others. not with bots. because the actions of the bot are defined, other players action not. but exactly these are the ones you have to make sure they wont have problems. bots aren't in final mta, why should you test with them?

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There could be bots like the spawnpoints you can see now when testing the map in editor mode, but the ones now you can drive through. What about making the spawnpoints for the other players visible like in race now but vulnerable, so you can kill them and they'd just respawn and stand there. Don't tell me its pointless, it's neat to test some sniper points you've just created to see if they can be shot from there :P

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