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RPG Time Limiter


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rpgLimiter = {}
function shotCheck(weapon)
    if ( weapon == 35 or weapon == 36 ) then
        rpgLimiter[localPlayer] = true
        setTimer( function()
            rpgLimiter[localPlayer] = false
        end, 10000, 1)		
        toggleControl( "fire", false)
        toggleControl( "aim-wepaon", false)
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", localPlayer, shotCheck)

function disableRPGonSwitch( privSlot, newSlot)
    if ( ( ( getPedWeapon( localPlayer, newSlot) == 35 ) or ( getPedWeapon( localPlayer, newSlot) == 36 ) ) and ( rpgLimiter[localPlayer] == true ) ) then	
        toggleControl( "fire", false)
        toggleControl( "aim-wepaon", false)
        toggleControl( "fire", true)
        toggleControl( "aim-wepaon", true)
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch", root, disableRPGonSwitch)

I'm trying to make a limit between each RPG shots, but for some reasons when I use "onClientRender" instead of "onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch" it works...

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Try this method 


rpgLimiter = {}

function projectileCreation( creator )
	local projectileType = getProjectileType( source )
	if projectileType == 19 or projectileType == 20 then
		if ( isTimer(rpgLimiter[localPlayer]) ) then 
			setElementPosition ( source,0,0,-500)
			rpgLimiter[localPlayer] = setTimer(function () end,10000,1)
addEventHandler( "onClientProjectileCreation", getRootElement( ), projectileCreation )


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I'm trying to make my scripts with no FPS drop, if I use many setTimers, won't it affect it?

On 19/01/2020 at 18:20, !#NssoR_) said:
  1. rpgLimiter = {}
  4. function projectileCreation( creator )
  5. local projectileType = getProjectileType( source )
  6. if projectileType == 19 or projectileType == 20 then
  7. if ( isTimer(rpgLimiter[localPlayer]) ) then
  8. setElementPosition ( source,0,0,-500)
  9. destroyElement(source)
  10. else
  11. rpgLimiter[localPlayer] = setTimer(function () end,10000,1)
  12. end
  13. end
  14. end
  15. addEventHandler( "onClientProjectileCreation", getRootElement( ), projectileCreation )

It worked, but isn't there a way so the player won't be able to aim with the weapon?

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11 hours ago, WiBox said:

make my scripts with no FPS drop

You can create a timer after you switched to the RPG and remove it if you switched to another weapon

11 hours ago, WiBox said:

won't be able to aim

Use toggleControl("aim_weapon", false) on each onClientWeaponSwitch event triggering and allow to aim when the timer executes out (just insert toggleControl("aim_weapon", true) inside the timer)

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Man it's not about the way of how I wrote is wrong, it's about the "toggleControl("aim_weapon", false) isn't working only if I used "onClientRender" or 'onClientPreRender". I've tried the way you said, but it's still the same I used "print' to make sure that it's arriving to the command "toggleControl("aim_weapon", false) but that command isn't triggering... the logic of the script I wrote isn't wrong:

rpgTimer = {}
function shotCheck(weapon)
    if ( weapon == 35 or weapon == 36 ) then
		rpgTimer[localPlayer] = setTimer( function()
			toggleControl( "fire", true)
			toggleControl( "aim_weapon", true)
		end, 60000, 1)	
		toggleControl( "fire", false)
		toggleControl( "aim_weapon", false)
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", localPlayer, shotCheck)

function disableRPGonSwitch( privSlot, newSlot)
	if ( ( ( getPedWeapon( localPlayer, newSlot) == 35 ) or ( getPedWeapon( localPlayer, newSlot) == 36 ) ) and ( isTimer(rpgTimer[localPlayer]) ) )then		
		toggleControl( "fire", false)
		toggleControl( "aim_weapon", false)
		toggleControl( "fire", true)
		toggleControl( "aim_weapon", true)
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch", root, disableRPGonSwitch)

But still, and plus... Do you want to laugh?

function shotCheck(weapon)
    if ( weapon == 35 or weapon == 36 ) then
		toggleControl( "fire", false)
		toggleControl( "aim_weapon", false)
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", localPlayer, shotCheck)

I've tried it like that, it should disable Aiming and firing any type of weapon, ain't I right? It didn't stop anything, RPG neither the M4...

Also, I tried that way in Server-Side

rpgTimer = {}
function shotCheck(weapon)
		rpgTimer[source] = setTimer( function()
			toggleControl( source, "fire", false)
			toggleControl( source, "aim_weapon", false)
		end, 60000, 1)	
		toggleControl( source, "fire", false)
		toggleControl( source, "aim_weapon", false)
addEventHandler("onPlayerWeaponFire", root, shotCheck)

Nothing at all...

So, is there a special way if using this command "toggleControl", or it should've a time because I've detected something while using it, if you use it, the RPG stop firing for 0.3seconds, the weapon aiming goes back like you're aiming horizontally... I felt like I have to activate the "toggleControl" each 0.3seconds

It happend in this code:

rpgTimer = {}
function shotCheck(weapon)
    if ( weapon == 35 or weapon == 36 ) then
		rpgTimer[localPlayer] = setTimer( function()
			toggleControl( "fire", true)
			toggleControl( "aim_weapon", true)
		end, 60000, 1)	
		toggleControl( "fire", false)
		toggleControl( "aim_weapon", false)
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", localPlayer, shotCheck)

function disableRPGonSwitch( privSlot, newSlot)
	if ( ( ( getPedWeapon( localPlayer, newSlot) == 35 ) or ( getPedWeapon( localPlayer, newSlot) == 36 ) ) and ( isTimer(rpgTimer[localPlayer]) ) )then		
		toggleControl( "fire", false)
		toggleControl( "aim_weapon", false)
		toggleControl( "fire", true)
		toggleControl( "aim_weapon", true)
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch", root, disableRPGonSwitch)


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Nevermind, in another script that my friend added, he used once you enter a specific area you can't use your weapons and he used the event handler "onClientRender" so it seems while it was getting disable here, in my friend's script it re enable it... Thank you.

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