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[HELP] I don't know what to do with this.


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OK. I was re-writing this script second time, after I wrote it at first. I wanted to add new feature. Then I've broke the script and I had to re-write it 2 times. Even second time didn't helped me. If you, community can help me, please, do whatever you want with these commands (addCommandHandlers) to make them work. Please. Here's the full script code IT'S IN POLISH, TRANSLATE IT A LITTLE BIT:

playersT = {}
moneyT = {}

--Funkcja zczytująca zapisane tabele
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, function()
	local xml = xmlLoadFile("accounts.xml")
	if xml then
		local xml = xmlLoadFile("accounts.xml")
		local plrsBrnch = xmlFindChild(xml, "players", 0)
		local mnBrnch = xmlFindChild(xml, "money", 0)
		local plrsTable = xmlNodeGetChildren(plrsBrnch)
		local mnTable = xmlNodeGetChildren(mnBrnch)
		for i, node in ipairs(plrsTable) do
			playersT[i] = xmlNodeGetAttribute(node, "name")
		for i, node in ipairs(mnTable) do
			moneyT[i] = xmlNodeGetAttribute(node, "value")
		local xml = xmlCreateFile("accounts.xml", "main")
		local plrsBrnch = xmlCreateChild(xml, "players")
		local mnBrnch = xmlCreateChild(xml, "money")

--Użyteczne 2 funkcje
function table.size(tab)
    local length = 0
    for _ in pairs(tab) do length = length + 1 end
    return length

function table.find(tabl,word) 
	if type(tabl) ~= "table" or word == nil then 
		return false 
		local ret = false 
		for k,v in pairs(tabl) do 
			if v == word then 
				return k 

--2 funkcje zapisujące tabele
addEventHandler("onResourceStop", root, function()
	local xml = xmlCreateFile("accounts.xml", "main")
	local plrsBrnch = xmlCreateChild(xml, "players")
	local mnBrnch = xmlCreateChild(xml, "money")
	for k, value in ipairs(playersT) do
		local plrsTable = xmlCreateChild(plrsBrnch, "object")
		xmlNodeSetAttribute(plrsTable, "name", value)
	for k, value in ipairs(moneyT) do
		local mnTable = xmlCreateChild(mnBrnch, "object")
		xmlNodeSetAttribute(mnTable, "value", value)

addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function()
	local xml = xmlCreateFile("accounts.xml", "main")
	local plrsBrnch = xmlCreateChild(xml, "players")
	local mnBrnch = xmlCreateChild(xml, "money")
	for k, value in ipairs(playersT) do
		local plrsTable = xmlCreateChild(plrsBrnch, "object")
		xmlNodeSetAttribute(plrsTable, "name", value)
	for k, value in ipairs(moneyT) do
		local mnTable = xmlCreateChild(mnBrnch, "object")
		xmlNodeSetAttribute(mnTable, "value", value)

--Reszta skryptu (komendy)

--Funkcja do przelewów
addCommandHandler("przelew", function(player, command, pname, amount)
	for k, v in ipairs(playersT) do
		if(string.match(getPlayerName(player), v)) then
			if pname and (getPlayerFromName(pname) ~= player) then
				if amount and (tonumber(amount) <= tonumber(getPlayerMoney(player))) then
					takePlayerMoney(player, tonumber(amount))
					givePlayerMoney(getPlayerFromName(pname), tonumber(amount))
					outputChatBox ("#09ff00Przelew ukończony pomyślnie!", player, 255, 255, 255, true)
					outputChatBox ("#ffffff" .. getPlayerName(player) .. "#09ff00 przelał Ci #ffffff$" .. amount .. "#09ff00 do twojego portfela!", getPlayerFromName(pname), 255, 255, 255, true)

--Funkcja do wpłacania pieniędzy
addCommandHandler("wplac", function(player, command, amount)
	for k, v in ipairs(playersT) do
		if(string.match(getPlayerName(player), v)) then
			if amount and (amount <= getPlayerMoney(player)) then
				local i = table.find(players, getPlayerName(player))
				moneyT[i] = tostring(tonumber(moneyT[i]) + tonumber(amount))
				takePlayerMoney(player, tonumber(amount))
				outputChatBox ("#09ff00Wpłaciłeś na konto bankowe #ffffff$" .. amount .. "#09ff00!", player, 255, 255, 255, true)
			local size = table.size(playersT)
			local i = size + 1
			playersT[i] = getPlayerName(player)
			moneyT[i] = amount
			takePlayerMoney(player, tonumber(amount))
			outputChatBox ("#09ff00Wpłaciłeś na konto bankowe #ffffff$" .. amount .. "#09ff00!", player, 255, 255, 255, true) 

--Funkcja do wypłacania pieniędzy
addCommandHandler("wyplac", function(player, command, amount)
	for k, v in ipairs(players) do
		if(string.match(getPlayerName(player), v)) then
			if amount then
				local i = table.find(players, getPlayerName(player))
				if(tonumber(moneyT[i] >= tonumber(amount))) then
					moneyT[i] = tostring(tonumber(moneyT[i]) - tonumber(amount))
					givePlayerMoney(player, tonumber(amount))
					outputChatBox ("#09ff00Wpypłaciłeś z konta bankowego #ffffff$" .. amount .. "#09ff00!", player, 255, 255, 255, true)



Do what u want with these command handlers, make them work and give the code back, please. I have no idea how to fix this.

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Are you trying to store player money? I'd suggest you use an XML styled more like this:

  <account name="playername1" balance="1000"></account>
  <account name="playername2" balance="1500"></account>

And use the Lua table associatively (like a directory) instead of as an array.

local moneyT = {
  ["playername1"] = 1000,
  ["playername2"] = 1500,

Generally, the way you were trying to tackle this problem is over-complicated. You're storing two related values in seperate arrays when you can use associative arrays and additionally avoid having to loop over every value searching for someone's account - if you use associative arrays, you can just index it by the player's name.

accountsT = {
  -- [playername] = balance

--Funkcja zczytująca zapisane tabele
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, 

    -- Open the XML
    local xml = xmlLoadFile("accounts.xml")

    if xml then
      local accounts = xmlNodeGetChildren(xml, "account")

      -- Loop through the accounts
      for i, node in ipairs(accounts) do
        local name = xmlNodeGetAttribute(node, "name")
        local balance = xmlNodeGetAttribute(node, "balance")

        -- Store `balance` in accountsT table under key `name`
        accountsT[name] = balance

      -- Unload the XML
      -- Create XML, save and unload
      local xml = xmlCreateFile("accounts.xml", "accounts")

--Funkcja zapisująca tabele
addEventHandler("onResourceStop", root, 
    -- Create the XML
    local xml = xmlCreateFile("accounts.xml", "accounts")

    -- Loop through each account
    for name, balance in ipairs(accountsT) do
      -- Create <account> node and store account number and balance as attributes
      local account = xmlCreateChild(xml, "account")
      xmlNodeSetAttribute(account, "name", name)
      xmlNodeSetAttribute(account, "balance", balance)

    -- Save the XML

--Reszta skryptu (komendy)

--Funkcja do przelewów
  function(player, command, pname, amount)
    local target = getPlayerFromName(pname)
    if not target then outputChatBox("ERROR_TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST", player, 255, 0, 0) return end -- be sure to translate this yourself

    -- Check if target is yourself
    if target == player then outputChatBox("ERROR_CANT_SENT_TO_YOURSELF", player, 255, 0, 0) return end -- be sure to translate this yourself

    -- Check if amount is valid
    amount = tonumber(amount) or 0 -- default to zero to give invalid amount error but allow math.floor to work 
    amount = math.floor(amount) -- make sure players aren't sending non-integers
    if not amount or amount <= 0 then outputChatBox("ERROR_INVALID_AMOUNT", player, 255, 0, 0) return end -- be sure to translate this yourself

    -- If trying to send more than you have
    if amount > getPlayerMoney(player) then outputChatBox("ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS", player, 255, 0, 0) return end -- be sure to translate this yourself

    takePlayerMoney(player, amount)
    givePlayerMoney(target, amount)
    outputChatBox("#09ff00Przelew ukończony pomyślnie!", player, 255, 255, 255, true)
    outputChatBox("#ffffff" .. getPlayerName(player) .. "#09ff00 przelał Ci #ffffff$" .. amount .. "#09ff00 do twojego portfela!", target, 255, 255, 255, true)

--Funkcja do wpłacania pieniędzy
  function(player, command, amount)
    amount = tonumber(amount) or 0 -- default to zero to given invalid amount error but allow math.floor to work
    amount = math.floor(amount)
    if not amount or amount <= 0 then outputChatBox("ERROR_INVALID_AMOUNT", player, 255, 0, 0) return end -- be sure to translate this yourself

    -- If trying to send more than you have
    if amount > getPlayerMoney(player) then outputChatBox("ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS", player, 255, 0, 0) return end -- be sure to translate this yourself

    local name = getPlayerName(player)
    -- Create player's account if it doesn't exist yet
    if not accountsT[name] then accountsT[name] = 0 end

    takePlayerMoney(player, amount) -- take player's money
    accountsT[name] = accountsT[name] + amount -- and add it onto his account

    outputChatBox("#09ff00Wpłaciłeś na konto bankowe #ffffff$" .. amount .. "#09ff00!", player, 255, 255, 255, true)

--Funkcja do wypłacania pieniędzy
  function(player, command, amount)
    amount = tonumber(amount) or 0 -- default to zero to given invalid amount error but allow math.floor to work
    amount = math.floor(amount)
    if not amount or amount <= 0 then outputChatBox("ERROR_INVALID_AMOUNT", player, 255, 0, 0) return end -- be sure to translate this yourself

    local name = getPlayerName(player)
    -- Create player's account if it doesn't exist yet
    if not accountsT[name] then accountsT[name] = 0 end

    local balance = accountsT[name]

    -- If trying to send more than you have
    if amount > balance then outputChatBox("ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS_ON_ACCOUNT", player, 255, 0, 0) return end -- be sure to translate this yourself

    accountsT[name] = accountsT[name] - amount -- reduce player's account balance
    givePlayerMoney(player, amount) -- and give him the amount

    outputChatBox("#09ff00Wpypłaciłeś z konta bankowego #ffffff$" .. amount .. "#09ff00!", player, 255, 255, 255, true)

I haven't tested the code above, but should it not work, hopefully you'll be able to fix whatever minor bugs I've got there. Don't forget to add your translations. I've restructured it to use returns to escape out of a function to avoid indentation leading to pyramids of doom.

I have also removed XML saving on player quit, since it's kinda redundant. As long as the server doesn't crash, you're safe just saving the XML when the resource is stopped.

Edited by MrTasty
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