VORT3X Posted November 17, 2019 Share Posted November 17, 2019 (edited) [PT-BR] Paineis identicos, apenas com as function diferentes, dando interferencia, como arrumar ? os paineis são separados por acl, mas quando aperto a bind key, ele abre os dois, mas não tem permissão para acessar os recursos, mesmo assim atrapalha, por que todos os paineis das corporaçoes, são o mesmo, alterando apenas as function e o grupo de acl script: Spoiler function SetCorpFT(player) if player and not isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(player)) then if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup("BOPECMD")) then setElementData (player,resname..":soucmd", true) setElementData (player,resname..":gerenciar", true) setElementData (player,resname..":promover", true) setElementData (player,resname..":expulsar", true) setElementData (player,resname..":recrutar", true) setElementData (player,resname..":skin1", true) setElementData (player,resname..":skin2", true) setElementData (player,resname..":skin3", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr1", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr2", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr3", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr4", true) setElementData (player,resname..":soumembro", true) setElementData (player, "isPolice", true) return 1 end if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup("BOPE6")) then setElementData (player,resname..":gerenciar", true) setElementData (player,resname..":promover", true) setElementData (player,resname..":expulsar", true) setElementData (player,resname..":recrutar", true) setElementData (player,resname..":skin1", true) setElementData (player,resname..":skin2", true) setElementData (player,resname..":skin3", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr1", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr2", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr3", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr4", true) setElementData (player,resname..":soumembro", true) setElementData (player, "isPolice", true) return 1 end if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup("BOPE5")) then setElementData (player,resname..":gerenciar", true) setElementData (player,resname..":skin1", true) setElementData (player,resname..":skin2", true) setElementData (player,resname..":skin3", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr1", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr2", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr3", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr4", true) setElementData (player,resname..":soumembro", true) setElementData (player, "isPolice", true) return 1 end if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup("BOPE4")) then setElementData (player,resname..":skin1", true) setElementData (player,resname..":skin2", true) setElementData (player,resname..":skin3", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr1", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr2", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr3", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr4", true) setElementData (player,resname..":soumembro", true) setElementData (player, "isPolice", true) return 1 end if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup("BOPE3")) then setElementData (player,resname..":skin2", true) setElementData (player,resname..":skin3", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr1", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr2", true) setElementData (player,resname..":soumembro", true) setElementData (player, "isPolice", true) return 1 end if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup("BOPE2")) then setElementData (player,resname..":skin2", true) setElementData (player,resname..":skin3", true) setElementData (player,resname..":vtr1", true) setElementData (player,resname..":soumembro", true) setElementData (player, "isPolice", true) return 1 end if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup("BOPE1")) then setElementData (player,resname..":skin2", true) setElementData (player,resname..":skin3", true) setElementData (player,resname..":soumembro", true) return 1 end end end setTimer( function() for i, pl in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if pl ~= (false or nil) then SetCorpFT(pl) end end end, 10000, 0) function checkskinsBOPE ( ) if ( getElementType ( source ) == "player" ) then if ( getElementModel ( source ) == 255 ) then if getElementData(source,"vdbbopevtr1") == false and not (isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup("BOPECMD")) then showBox(source,"info",""..corp..": Acesso negado") return end end if ( getElementModel ( source ) == 256 ) then if getElementData(source,"vdbbopevtr2") == false and not (isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup("BOPECMD")) then showBox(source,"info",""..corp..": Acesso negado") return end end if ( getElementModel ( source ) == 257 ) then if getElementData(source,"vdbbopevtr3") == false and not (isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup("BOPECMD")) then showBox(source,"info",""..corp..": Acesso negado") return end end end end addEventHandler("onElementModelChange",getRootElement(),checkskinsBOPE) function CorpSkinBOPE(id) if tonumber(id) then setElementModel ( source, id ) showBox(source,"info","Você pegou skin "..corp..":") end end addEvent(resname..":setarskin", true) addEventHandler(resname..":setarskin", root, CorpSkinBOPE) function CorpKitBOPE() setElementHealth(source, 200) setPedArmor(source, 100) giveWeapon(source, 3, 200, true) giveWeapon(source, 23, 200, true) giveWeapon(source, 26, 200, true) giveWeapon(source, 28, 200, true) giveWeapon(source, 31, 200, true) giveWeapon(source, 34, 200, true) giveWeapon(source, 14, 200, true) showBox(source,"info","Você pegou Kit da "..corp..":") end addEvent(resname..":corpkitbope", true) addEventHandler(resname..":corpkitbope", root, CorpKitBOPE) function CorpTeleBaseBOPE () local CorpVTR = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if (CorpVTR) then setElementPosition(CorpVTR,1521.5, -1661.3000488281, 13.5) else setElementPosition(source,1521.5, -1661.3000488281, 13.5 ) end showBox(source,"info","Você teleportou-se para base da "..corp..":") end addEvent(resname..":corpteleportebasebope", true) addEventHandler(resname..":corpteleportebasebope", root, CorpTeleBaseBOPE) local CorpVTRBOPE = {} function CorpVTRvdbBOPE(viatura) local veiculo = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) if veiculo and getVehicleController(veiculo) == source and isElement( CorpVTRBOPE[source] ) and veiculo == CorpVTRBOPE[source] then if tonumber(viatura) == 1 then setElementModel (veiculo,tonumber(547)) elseif tonumber(viatura) == 2 then setElementModel (veiculo,tonumber(490)) setVehicleColor(veiculo,255,255,255,255,255,255) elseif tonumber(viatura) == 3 then setElementModel (veiculo,tonumber(427)) elseif tonumber(viatura) == 4 then setElementModel (veiculo,tonumber(497)) end else if CorpVTRBOPE[source] and isElement( CorpVTRBOPE[source] ) then destroyElement( CorpVTRBOPE[source] ) CorpVTRBOPE[source] = nil end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) if tonumber(viatura) == 1 then CorpVTRBOPE[source] = createVehicle(547, x,y,z) warpPedIntoVehicle (source,CorpVTRBOPE[source]) showBox(source,"info","Você pegou VTR da "..corp..":") return 1 end if tonumber(viatura) == 2 then CorpVTRBOPE[source] = createVehicle(490, x,y,z) warpPedIntoVehicle (source,CorpVTRBOPE[source]) setVehicleColor(CorpVTRBOPE[source],255,255,255,255,255,255) showBox(source,"info","Você pegou VTR da "..corp..":") return 1 end if tonumber(viatura) == 3 then CorpVTRBOPE[source] = createVehicle(427, x,y,z) setVehicleDamageProof() warpPedIntoVehicle (source,CorpVTRBOPE[source]) showBox(source,"info","Você pegou Moto da "..corp..":") return 1 end if tonumber(viatura) == 4 then CorpVTRBOPE[source] = createVehicle(497, x,y,z) warpPedIntoVehicle (source,CorpVTRBOPE[source]) showBox(source,"info","Você pegou Moto da "..corp..":") return 1 end end end addEvent(resname..":corpviatura", true) addEventHandler(resname..":corpviatura", root, CorpVTRvdbBOPE) function CorpDestruirVTRBOPE() if CorpVTRBOPE[source] and isElement( CorpVTRBOPE[source] ) then destroyElement( CorpVTRBOPE[source] ) CorpVTRBOPE[source] = nil showBox(source,"info","Viatura destruida") end end addEvent(resname..":corpdestruirviatura", true) addEventHandler(resname..":corpdestruirviatura", root, CorpDestruirVTRBOPE) addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, CorpDestruirVTRBOPE) p_lights = {} p_timer = {} p_lvar = {} function CorpLuzesBOPE() local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) local id = getElementModel(veh) if (id == 547) or (id == 490) or (id == 427) or (id == 497) or (id == 427) or (id == 523) or (id == 490) or (id == 416) then if(p_lights[veh] == 0) or(p_lights[veh] == nil) then p_lights[veh] = 1 showBox(source,"info","Luzes de Alerta ligadas") setVehicleOverrideLights ( veh, 2 ) p_timer[veh] = setTimer( function() if(p_lvar[veh] == 0) or (p_lvar[veh] == nil) then p_lvar[veh] = 1 -- 0 = vorne links 1 = vorne rechts 2 = hinten links 3 = hinten rechts setVehicleLightState ( veh, 1, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 2, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 0, 1) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 3, 1) setVehicleHeadLightColor(veh, 0, 0, 255) else setVehicleLightState ( veh, 3, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 0, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 1, 1) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 2, 1) setVehicleHeadLightColor(veh, 255, 0, 0) p_lvar[veh] = 0 end end, 500, 0) else p_lights[veh] = 0 showBox(source,"info","Luzes de Alerta desligadas") killTimer(p_timer[veh]) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 0, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 1, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 2, 0) setVehicleLightState ( veh, 3, 0) setVehicleHeadLightColor(veh, 255, 255, 255) setVehicleOverrideLights ( veh, 1 ) end else showBox(source,"info","Este Veiculo Não é uma Viatura") end end addEvent(resname..":corpluzesbope", true) addEventHandler(resname..":corpluzesbope", root, CorpLuzesBOPE() addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExplode", getRootElement(), function() if(p_lights[source] == 1) then killTimer(p_timer[source]) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onVehicleRespawn", getRootElement(), function() if(p_lights[source] == 1) then killTimer(p_timer[source]) end end ) addEventHandler("onElementDestroy", getRootElement(), function () if getElementType(source) == "vehicle" then if(p_lights[source] == 1) then killTimer(p_timer[source]) end end end) function CorpAbandonarBOPE(cargo) local acl = aclGetGroup(cargo) if (acl) then local conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) local checkacl = isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." ..conta, acl) if (checkacl) then aclGroupRemoveObject(acl, "user."..conta) showBox(source,"info",""..corp..": Você abandonou a Corporação") setElementData (source, "vdbsoumembroBOPE",false) outputServerLog("ABANDONOU "..corp..": "..getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." > "..cargo.."") end end end addEvent(resname..":abandonarcorpbope", true) addEventHandler(resname..":abandonarcorpbope", getRootElement(), CorpAbandonarBOPE) function IsCorpGroupBOPE ( thePlayer ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) local InBOPE = false for _, group in ipairs ( {"BOPECMD","BOPE6","BOPE5","BOPE4","BOPE3","BOPE2","BOPE1"} ) do if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. getAccountName ( account ), aclGetGroup ( group ) ) then InBOPE = true break end end return InBOPE end function CorpGetMembrosActBOPE(player) local info = {} for _,players in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementDimension( players) == 0 and getElementInterior(players) == 0 and not isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( players ) ) then if ( IsCorpGroupBOPE ( players ) ) then table.insert(info,{getPlayerName(players),players}) end end end triggerClientEvent(player,resname..":ListaCorp",player,info) end addEvent(resname..":corpmembrosativobope",true) addEventHandler(resname..":corpmembrosativobope",root,CorpGetMembrosActBOPE) function CorpGetMembrosBOPE(player) local info = {} for _,players in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if ( IsCorpGroupBOPE ( players ) ) then table.insert(info,{getPlayerName(players),players}) end end triggerClientEvent(player,resname..":ListaCorp",player,info) end addEvent(resname..":corptodosmembrosbope",true) addEventHandler(resname..":corptodosmembrosbope",root,CorpGetMembrosBOPE) function CorpGetAllPlayersBOPE(player) local info = {} for _,players in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if not isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( players ) ) and not ( IsCorpGroupBOPE ( players ) ) then table.insert(info,{getPlayerName(players),players}) end end triggerClientEvent(player,resname..":ListaCorp",player,info) end addEvent(resname..":corpgetplayersbope",true) addEventHandler(resname..":corpgetplayersbope",root,CorpGetAllPlayersBOPE) function CorpIrBOPE(teleporter) irtp = teleporter playerair = getPlayerFromName(irtp) if playerair then local veiculotp = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if (veiculotp) then showBox(source,"error","Saia do Veiculo") return end if getElementData(playerair,"emCombate") == true then showBox(source,"info","Erro o jogador esta em Combate "..irtp.."") return end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(playerair) setElementPosition(source, x, y, z + 2) showBox(source,"info","Você se teleportou até o jogador "..irtp.."") outputServerLog("TELEPORTE BOPE: Foi "..getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." > "..irtp.."") end end addEvent(resname..":TeleIrCorpbope", true) addEventHandler(resname..":TeleIrCorpbope", root, CorpIrBOPE) function CorpPuxarBOPE(teleporter) irtp = teleporter playerair = getPlayerFromName(irtp) if playerair then local veiculotp = getPedOccupiedVehicle(playerair) if (veiculotp) then showBox(source,"error","O Jogador esta em um veiculo") return end if getElementData(playerair,"emCombate") == true then showBox(source,"info","Erro o jogador esta em Combate "..irtp.."") return end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) setElementPosition(playerair, x, y, z + 2) showBox(source,"info","Você puxou o jogador "..irtp.." ") showBox(playerair,"info",""..getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." puxou você") outputServerLog("TELEPORTE BOPE: Puxou "..getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." > "..irtp.."") end end addEvent(resname..":TelePuxarCorpbope", true) addEventHandler(resname..":TelePuxarCorpbope", root, CorpPuxarBOPE) function CorpRemoverMembroBOPE(player, cargo) local accountName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(client)) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accountName, aclGetGroup ( "BOPECMD" ) ) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accountName, aclGetGroup ( "BOPE6" ) ) then arecrutar = getPlayerFromName(player) local contaarecrutar = getPlayerAccount(arecrutar) local cargoremove = aclGetGroup(cargo) if (cargoremove) then local contaaremover = getAccountName(contaarecrutar) local checkcargo = isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." ..contaaremover, cargoremove) if (checkcargo) then aclGroupRemoveObject(cargoremove, "user."..contaaremover) setElementData (arecrutar, "vdbsoumembroBOPE",false) showBox(arecrutar,"error",""..corp..": Você foi removido da Corporação") outputServerLog("EXPULSO "..corp..":: "..getPlayerName(arecrutar):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." > "..cargo.." > "..getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." ") end end end end addEvent(resname..":corpremovermembrobope", true) addEventHandler(resname..":corpremovermembrobope", getRootElement(), CorpRemoverMembroBOPE) function CorpRecrutarBOPE(player, cargo) local accountName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(client)) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accountName, aclGetGroup ( "BOPECMD" ) ) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accountName, aclGetGroup ( "BOPE6" ) ) then arecrutar = getPlayerFromName(player) local contaarecrutar = getPlayerAccount(arecrutar) --for _, checkcorp in ipairs ({}) do for _, checkcorp in ipairs ({"Suporte"}) do if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(arecrutar)), aclGetGroup( checkcorp )) then showBox(source,"error","o Jogador "..getPlayerName(arecrutar):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." pertence a outra Corp/Gang ["..checkcorp.."]") cancelEvent() return 1 end end local cargoset = aclGetGroup(cargo) if (cargoset) then local ncuenta = getAccountName(contaarecrutar) local checkrecrut = isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." ..ncuenta, cargoset) if (not checkrecrut) then aclGroupAddObject(cargoset, "user."..ncuenta) setElementData (arecrutar, "vdbsoumembroBOPE",false) showBox(arecrutar,"info",""..corp..": Você foi Recrutado (Aguarde 10 segundos até seu painel atualizar)") showBox(source,"info",""..corp..": Você Recrutou o "..getPlayerName(arecrutar):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." para "..corp.."") outputServerLog("RECRUTAMENTO "..corp..": "..getPlayerName(arecrutar):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." > "..cargo.." > "..getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." ") end end end end addEvent(resname..":corprecrutarbope", true) addEventHandler(resname..":corprecrutarbope", getRootElement(), CorpRecrutarBOPE) function CorpPromoverBOPE(player, cargo) local accountName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(client)) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accountName, aclGetGroup ( "BOPECMD" ) ) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accountName, aclGetGroup ( "BOPE6" ) ) then arecrutar = getPlayerFromName(player) local contaarecrutar = getPlayerAccount(arecrutar) for _, checkcorp in ipairs ({"Suporte"}) do --for _, checkcorp in ipairs ({}) do if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(arecrutar)), aclGetGroup( checkcorp )) then showBox(source,"error","o Jogador "..getPlayerName(arecrutar):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." pertence a outra Corp/Gang ["..checkcorp.."]") cancelEvent() return 1 end end local cargoset = aclGetGroup(cargo) if (cargoset) then local ncuenta = getAccountName(contaarecrutar) local checkrecrut = isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." ..ncuenta, cargoset) if (not checkrecrut) then aclGroupAddObject(cargoset, "user."..ncuenta) setElementData (arecrutar, "vdbsoumembroBOPE",false) showBox(arecrutar,"info",""..corp..": Você foi Promovido (Aguarde 10 segundos até seu painel atualizar)") showBox(source,"info",""..corp..": Você Promoveu o "..getPlayerName(arecrutar):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." para "..corp.."") outputServerLog("PROMOVEU "..corp..": "..getPlayerName(arecrutar):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." > "..cargo.." > "..getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." ") end end end end addEvent(resname..":corppromoverbope", true) addEventHandler(resname..":corppromoverbope", getRootElement(), CorpPromoverBOPE) function CorpOneACLBOPE(player, cargo) local accountName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(client)) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accountName, aclGetGroup ( "BOPECMD" ) ) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accountName, aclGetGroup ( "BOPE6" ) ) then arecrutar = getPlayerFromName(player) local contaarecrutar = getPlayerAccount(arecrutar) local cargoremove = aclGetGroup(cargo) if (cargoremove) then local contaaremover = getAccountName(contaarecrutar) local checkcargo = isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." ..contaaremover, cargoremove) if (checkcargo) then aclGroupRemoveObject(cargoremove, "user."..contaaremover) setElementData (arecrutar, "vdbsoumembroBOPE",false) outputServerLog(""..corp..": CARGO ONE: "..getPlayerName(arecrutar):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." > "..cargo.." > "..getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." ") end end end end addEvent(resname..":CorpCagoOnebope", true) addEventHandler(resname..":CorpCagoOnebope", getRootElement(), CorpOneACLBOPE) function QuitRemoverCorpBOPE () if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)),aclGetGroup("BOPE1")) then aclGroupRemoveObject (aclGetGroup("BOPE1"), "user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source))) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(),QuitRemoverCorpBOPE) function CorpAcessoBOPE() showBoxBOPE(source,"error","Acesso não permitido") end addEvent("acessonegadobope", true) addEventHandler("acessonegadobope", root,CorpAcessoBOPE) function showBoxBOPE(player, value, str) if isElement(player) then triggerClientEvent(player, "CreateBox", getRootElement(), value, str) end end function corpmsgbope(source,type,msg) if source and type and msg then showBoxBOPE(source,type,msg) end end addEvent(resname..":corpmsgbope", true) addEventHandler(resname..":corpmsgbope", root, corpmsgbope) Edited November 17, 2019 by Lord Henry Corrigida formatação de texto para Lua. 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DNL291 Posted November 17, 2019 Share Posted November 17, 2019 O problema pode estar no client-side, geralmente dá esses conflitos quando duplicam com outro resource parecido. Movido para https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/127-programação-em-Lua/ @VORT3X Link to comment
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