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[QUESTION] How to get specific elements data from all player?


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Hello, sorry this is my first thread for asking something about how to get specific elements data for all players

i've tried some of code like getElementsByType, getElementData, but still i dont know how, and im new in Lua programming, but experience in code like C, and website programming such as php, jvscript.

addCommandHandler( "check", function(player)


			local checkplayerid = getElementsByType("playerid",below)
			local first = 1
			local found = false
			local i =0

			while(found == false) do

				local yes = isValueInTable(checkplayerid,first,i)
				if yes then
					outputChatBox(first .. 'and' .. i .. 'is same',player,255,100,100)
					outputChatBox(first .. 'is found!',player,255,100,100)
					found = true
				first = first + 1
				i = i + 1



function isValueInTable(theTable,value,columnID)
    assert(theTable, "Bad argument 1 @ isValueInTable (table expected, got " .. type(theTable) .. ")")
    local checkIsTable = type(theTable)
    assert(checkIsTable == "table", "Invalid value type @ isValueInTable (table expected, got " .. checkIsTable .. ")")
    assert(value, "Bad argument 2 @ isValueInTable (value expected, got " .. type(value) .. ")")
    assert(columnID, "Bad argument 3 @ isValueInTable (number expected, got " .. type(columnID) .. ")")
    local checkIsID = type(columnID)
    assert(checkIsID == "number", "Invalid value type @ isValueInTable (number expected, got " ..checkIsID .. ")")
    for i,v in ipairs (theTable) do
        if v[columnID] == value then
            return true,i
    return false


im using isValueInTable from wiki mta for check the value in table

im just a new scripter in Lua, im sorry for ugly code.

sorry bad english

Edited by grazia
editing mistake
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local players = getElementsByType("player")

-- test code
if #players > 0 then
	setElementData(players[math.random(#players)], "something", "something")

local found = false

for i=1, #players do
	local player = players[i]
	local something = getElementData(player, "something")
	if something == "something" then
		iprint(getPlayerName(player), " has something...")
		found = true

		break -- stop searching


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38 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:
    for i=1, #players do
    local player = players[i]
    local something = getElementData(player, "something")
    if something == "something" then
    iprint(getPlayerName(player), " has something...")
    found = true
    break -- stop searching





Damn, it worked! many thanks! i've learned a lot. but i just want to ask, what  is '#' for?


and this code you write it just like giving value to random players isn't?

-- test code
if #players > 0 then
	setElementData(players[math.random(#players)], "something", "something")


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54 minutes ago, grazia said:

Damn, it worked! many thanks! i've learned a lot. but i just want to ask, what  is '#' for?


# operator gives you back the size of the following table. In the example what @IIYAMA write to you means, that the forloop loops over all of the players one by one and if its found the value what you seach for just simple stop the looping.

And yes, math.random(#players) give you back a random index from the range of the players table. With the index you can get the player element from the players table and give an element data for it.

Edited by Awang
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1 hour ago, Awang said:

# operator gives you back the size of the following table. In the example what @IIYAMA write to you means, that the forloop loops over all of the players one by one and if its found the value what you seach for just simple stop the looping.

And yes, math.random(#players) give you back a random index from the range of the players table. With the index you can get the player element from the players table and give an element data for it.

Thank you for your kindess

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