VictorScripting Posted September 22, 2019 Share Posted September 22, 2019 (edited) ENTÃO GALERA ESTOU COMEÇANDO AGORA A MEXER COM MYSQL TENHO UM SERVER E EU BOTEI UMA PAINEL LOGIN LIGADO NO MEU SQL MAIS ELE SÓ REGISTRA E LOGA CONTAS NO MYSQL EU QUERIA QUE REGISTRA-SE E LOGA-SE NO MTA TAMBÉM PODEM ME AJUDAR ? ESSE ABAIXO É O CLIENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() setTimer(function() if getElementData(localPlayer, "CharLoggedIn") then triggerServerEvent("saveChar",localPlayer,localPlayer) end end, 5000, 0) end ) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", resourceRoot, function() if getElementData(localPlayer, "CharLoggedIn") then triggerServerEvent("saveChar",localPlayer,localPlayer) end end ) local screenX,screenY = guiGetScreenSize () local sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize() local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize() local s = {guiGetScreenSize()} characterMainPosition = {2013.326171875, -1199.5458984375, 20.0234375, 292.23} camPosition = {2020.1691894531, -1197.8117675781, 21.294700622559, 2019.2813720703, -1198.2447509766, 21.138776779175} offX = math.sin (math.rad(characterMainPosition[4]+150)) * 3.5 offY = math.cos (math.rad(characterMainPosition[4]+150)) * 3.5 camPosition2 = {characterMainPosition[1]+offX, characterMainPosition[2]+offY, characterMainPosition[3]+1.5, characterMainPosition[1],characterMainPosition[2],characterMainPosition[3]+0.8} local registrationData = {} registrationData.rectangleX = sx/2-175 registrationData.rectangleY = sy/2-108 local camFading = 0 local camID = 0 local cams = {} cams[1] = {} cams[1]["start"] = {989.42987060547, -1145.4051513672, 50.296298980713, 990.40814208984, -1145.4158935547, 50.089214324951} cams[1]["end"] = {1289.6910400391, -1145.3928222656, 60.02209854126, 1290.6010742188, -1145.3928222656, 59.607643127441} cams[1]["duration"] = 30000 cams[1]["type"] = "Linear" cams[2] = {} cams[2]["start"] = {1903.8286132813, -1045.7442626953, 59.611099243164, 1904.4039306641, -1046.5063476563, 59.314086914063} cams[2]["end"] = {2190.9453125, -1133.1026611328, 59.537700653076, 2190.1284179688, -1133.6090087891, 59.261646270752} cams[2]["duration"] = 25000 cams[2]["type"] = "Linear" cams[3] = {} cams[3]["start"] = {2599.8889160156, -1843.7497558594, 31.999000549316, 2599.0422363281, -1844.1947021484, 31.707214355469} cams[3]["end"] = {2591.3696289063, -1628.0297851563, 31.608600616455, 2590.4177246094, -1627.7821044922, 31.428340911865} cams[3]["duration"] = 20000 cams[3]["type"] = "Linear" cams[4] = {} cams[4]["start"] = {182.54559326172, -1894.5426025391, 17.28630065918, 183.43125915527, -1894.0866699219, 17.198135375977} cams[4]["end"] = {445.75, -1873.6237792969, 25.646200180054, 445.55960083008, -1872.6608886719, 25.455194473267} cams[4]["duration"] = 25000 cams[4]["type"] = "Linear" local lastCamTick = 0 camID = math.random(1,#cams) lastCamTick = getTickCount () local loginData = {} loginData.windowWidth = 283 loginData.windowHeight = 520 loginData.windowX = sx/2-(loginData.windowWidth/2) loginData.windowY = sy/2-(loginData.windowHeight/2) local progress = 0 local progress2 = 0 info = {} local renderData = {} renderData.font = dxCreateFont("files/font.ttf", 19, false, "cleartype") renderData.font2 = guiCreateFont( "files/font.ttf", 10.8) renderData.sWidth, renderData.sHeight = guiGetScreenSize() renderData.wWidth, renderData.wHeight = renderData.sWidth / 2, renderData.sHeight / 2 local charselectData = {} charselectData["charname"] = {} charselectData["hunger"] = {} charselectData["health"] = {} charselectData["armor"] = {} charselectData["lastarea"] = {} charselectData["skin"] = {} local data = {} data.defaultWidth = 240 data.defaultHeight = 45 data.posX = sX - data.defaultWidth - 70 data.posY = 20 info.posX = sx/2 info.posY = sy/2 info.charSelectFont = dxCreateFont("files/font.ttf", 21, false, "cleartype") function updateCamPosition () if cams[camID] then local cTick = getTickCount () local delay = cTick - lastCamTick local duration = cams[camID]["duration"] local easing = cams[camID]["type"] if duration and easing then local progress = delay/duration if progress < 1 then local cx,cy,cz = interpolateBetween ( cams[camID]["start"][1],cams[camID]["start"][2],cams[camID]["start"][3], cams[camID]["end"][1],cams[camID]["end"][2],cams[camID]["end"][3], progress,easing ) local tx,ty,tz = interpolateBetween ( cams[camID]["start"][4],cams[camID]["start"][5],cams[camID]["start"][6], cams[camID]["end"][4],cams[camID]["end"][5],cams[camID]["end"][6], progress,easing ) setCameraMatrix (cx,cy,cz,tx,ty,tz) if camFading == 1 then local left = duration-delay if left <= 3000 then camFading = 1 fadeCamera (true,10,0,0,0) end elseif camFading == 2 then local left = duration-delay if left >= 2000 then camFading = 0 end end else local nextID = false while nextID == false do local id = math.random(1,#cams) if id ~= camID then nextID = id end end camFading = 2 fadeCamera (true,60) lastCamTick = getTickCount () camID = nextID fadeCamera(true, 60) setCameraMatrix (cams[camID]["start"][1],cams[camID]["start"][2],cams[camID]["start"][3],cams[camID]["start"][4],cams[camID]["start"][5],cams[camID]["start"][6]) end end end end function enableLoginInput (state) if isElement(renderData.username) then if guiGetEnabled(renderData.username) ~= state then guiSetEnabled (renderData.username,state) guiSetEnabled (renderData.password,state) end end end screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() windowWidth, windowHeight = 950, 600 left = (screenWidth/2) - (windowWidth/2) top = (screenHeight/2) - (windowHeight/2) windowLogoWidth, windowLogoHeight = 100, 100 lleft = (screenWidth/2) - (windowLogoWidth/2) ltop = (screenHeight/2) - (windowLogoHeight/2) function onClientClickToGui(dX, dY, dSz, dM, eX, eY) if(eX >= dX and eX <= dX+dSz and eY >= dY and eY <= dY+dM) then return true else return false end end local showingLoginWindow = false function showLoginWindow(state) if state == true then showingLoginWindow = true if not isElement(musicElement) then musicElement = playSound ("files/login.mp3") setSoundVolume (musicElement,0.5) end addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawRectangles) addEventHandler("onClientKey", getRootElement(), onLoginKeyClick) addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),renderPanelText) registrationData.loginButton = guiCreateButton(registrationData.rectangleX+330, registrationData.rectangleY+70, 110, 145, "Login", false) registrationData.registerButton = guiCreateButton(registrationData.rectangleX-115, registrationData.rectangleY+65, 90, 145, "Inscreva-se", false) guiSetAlpha(registrationData.loginButton, 0) guiSetAlpha(registrationData.registerButton, 0) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", registrationData.registerButton, registrationElements) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", registrationData.loginButton, tryToLogin) showNormalGui(true) showCursor(true) elseif state == false then showingLoginWindow = false destroy(registrationData.loginButton) destroy(registrationData.registerButton) removeEventHandler ("onClientPreRender",getRootElement(),updateCamPosition) removeEventHandler("onClientKey", getRootElement(), onLoginKeyClick) removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawRectangles) removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),renderPanelText) showNormalGui(false) showCursor(false) end end function drawRectangles() exports.vz_blur:createBlur() dxDrawRectangle(0, 0, sx, sy, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 120 )) setFarClipDistance(1500) setWeather (0) = dxDrawImage(left-11, top, 950, 600, "files/loginbg.png") end function renderPanelText() if renderData.uText or renderData.pwText then local pwLength = string.len(renderData.pwText) if pwLength > 0 then renderData.pwText = "" end for i=1, pwLength do renderData.pwText = renderData.pwText.."*" end dxDrawText(renderData.uText,renderData.wWidth - 100, renderData.wHeight - 11, 269, 10, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 204), 0.5, renderData.font) dxDrawText(renderData.pwText,renderData.wWidth - 100, renderData.wHeight + 45, 269, 10, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 204), 0.5, renderData.font) end end function joinHandler() if not getElementData(localPlayer, "CharLoggedIn") then showLoginWindow (true,true) local dim = getElementDimension(localPlayer) local int = getElementDimension(localPlayer) fadeCamera(true) setElementData(localPlayer, "CharLoggedIn", false) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), updateCamPosition) local playerid = tonumber(getElementData(localPlayer, "dbid")) or 0 myDim = 10 + playerid setElementDimension(localPlayer, myDim) setElementDimension(localPlayer, dim) setElementData(localPlayer, "char.timeSpent", 0, false) setElementData(localPlayer, "dbid", false) setElementData(localPlayer, "user.adminlevel", 0) setElementData(localPlayer, "", getPlayerName(localPlayer)) end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, joinHandler) function stopDamage() if not getElementData(localPlayer, "CharLoggedIn") then cancelEvent() end end addEvent("onRegisterFinish", true) addEventHandler("onRegisterFinish", getRootElement(), function () dxFadeCamera (true, 1500, 0,0,0) fadeCamera (false,1.5,0,0,0) setTimer ( function () fadeCamera (true,2) showLoginWindow (true,true) showRegistrationPanel(false) showCursor(true) end ,1500,1) end ) addEvent("onSuccessLogin", true) addEventHandler("onSuccessLogin", getRootElement(), function () dxFadeCamera (true, 1500, 0,0,0) fadeCamera (false,1.5,0,0,0) setTimer ( function () fadeCamera (true,2) showCursor(false) showRegistrationPanel(false) showCharacterCreation(false) showLoginWindow(false,false) end ,1500,1) end ) local showNormalGuiState = false function showNormalGui(state) if showNormalGuiState ~= state then if state == true then showChat(false) renderData.username = guiCreateEdit(renderData.wWidth - 105, renderData.wHeight - 17, 180, 25, "", false) guiSetFont(renderData.username, renderData.font2) guiSetAlpha(renderData.username, 0) guiEditSetMaxLength(renderData.username, 25) renderData.password = guiCreateEdit(renderData.wWidth - 105, renderData.wHeight + 35, 180, 25, "", false) guiSetFont(renderData.password, "default-small") guiSetAlpha(renderData.password, 0) guiEditSetMaxLength(renderData.password, 25) showNormalGuiState = true elseif state == false then destroy(renderData.username) destroy(renderData.password) showNormalGuiState = false end end end function registrationElements() if isElement(registrationData.registerButton) then dxFadeCamera (true, 1500, 0,0,0) fadeCamera (false,1.5,0,0,0) setTimer ( function () fadeCamera (true,2) showLoginWindow (false,false) showRegistrationPanel(true) showNormalGui(false) end ,1500,1) end end local registrationPanelState = false function showRegistrationPanel(state) if registrationPanelState ~= state then if state == true then registrationData.userNameEdit = guiCreateEdit(registrationData.rectangleX-48, registrationData.rectangleY+90, 230, 25, "", false) guiSetFont(registrationData.userNameEdit, renderData.font2) guiSetAlpha(registrationData.userNameEdit, 0) guiEditSetMaxLength(registrationData.userNameEdit, 23) registrationData.passwordEdit = guiCreateEdit(registrationData.rectangleX-48, registrationData.rectangleY+144, 230, 25, "", false) guiSetFont(registrationData.passwordEdit, "default-small") guiEditSetMasked(registrationData.passwordEdit, true) guiSetAlpha(registrationData.passwordEdit, 0) guiEditSetMaxLength(registrationData.passwordEdit, 23) registrationData.passwordAgainEdit = guiCreateEdit(registrationData.rectangleX+210, registrationData.rectangleY+90, 230, 25, "", false) guiSetFont( registrationData.passwordAgainEdit, "default-small") guiEditSetMasked(registrationData.passwordAgainEdit, true) guiSetAlpha(registrationData.passwordAgainEdit, 0) guiEditSetMaxLength(registrationData.passwordAgainEdit, 23) registrationData.emailEdit = guiCreateEdit(registrationData.rectangleX+210, registrationData.rectangleY+144, 230, 25, "", false) guiSetFont(registrationData.emailEdit, renderData.font2) guiSetAlpha(registrationData.emailEdit, 0) guiEditSetMaxLength(registrationData.emailEdit, 50) registrationData.acceptButton = guiCreateButton(registrationData.rectangleX+470, registrationData.rectangleY+70, 110, 145, "Inscreva-se", false) registrationData.leftButton = guiCreateButton(registrationData.rectangleX-248, registrationData.rectangleY+65, 90, 145, "Voltar", false) guiSetAlpha(registrationData.acceptButton, 0) guiSetAlpha(registrationData.leftButton, 0) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", registrationData.acceptButton, processRegistrationButton) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", registrationData.leftButton, leftToLogin) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), renderRegistration) addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),renderText) registrationPanelState = true showCursor(true) elseif state == false then destroy(registrationData.acceptButton) destroy(registrationData.leftButton) destroy(registrationData.userNameEdit) destroy(registrationData.passwordEdit) destroy(registrationData.passwordAgainEdit) destroy(registrationData.emailEdit) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), renderRegistration) removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),renderText) registrationPanelState = false showCursor(false) end end end function leftToLogin() dxFadeCamera (true, 1500, 0,0,0) fadeCamera (false,1.5,0,0,0) setTimer ( function () fadeCamera (true,2) showLoginWindow (true,true) showRegistrationPanel(false) showCharacterCreation(false) showCursor(true) end ,1500,1) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", getRootElement(), function (element) if not getElementData(localPlayer, "CharLoggedIn") then if isElement(registrationData.userNameEdit) or isElement(registrationData.passwordEdit) or isElement(registrationData.passwordAgainEdit) or isElement(registrationData.emailEdit) then renderData.uname = guiGetText(registrationData.userNameEdit) = guiGetText(registrationData.passwordEdit) renderData.pw2 = guiGetText(registrationData.passwordAgainEdit) = guiGetText(registrationData.emailEdit) end end end ) function renderText() if renderData.uname or or renderData.pw2 or then local lenght = string.len( if lenght > 0 then = "" end for i=1, lenght do ="*" end local lenght1 = string.len(renderData.pw2) if lenght1 > 0 then renderData.pw2 = "" end for i=1, lenght1 do renderData.pw2 = renderData.pw2.."*" end dxDrawText(renderData.uname,registrationData.rectangleX-45, registrationData.rectangleY+97, 230, 10, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 204), 0.5, renderData.font) dxDrawText(,registrationData.rectangleX-45, registrationData.rectangleY+155, 230, 10, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 204), 0.5, renderData.font) dxDrawText(renderData.pw2,registrationData.rectangleX+213, registrationData.rectangleY+101, 230, 10, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 204), 0.5, renderData.font) dxDrawText(,registrationData.rectangleX+213, registrationData.rectangleY+151, 230, 10, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 204), 0.5, renderData.font) end end function renderRegistration() exports.vz_blur:createBlur() = dxDrawImage(left-11, top, 950, 600, "files/register.png") end function processRegistrationButton() if source == registrationData.acceptButton then local username = tostring(guiGetText(registrationData.userNameEdit)) local password1 = tostring(guiGetText(registrationData.passwordEdit)) local password2 = tostring(guiGetText(registrationData.passwordAgainEdit)) local email = tostring(guiGetText(registrationData.emailEdit)) if string.len(username) >= 5 and string.len(username) <= 18 then if password1 == password2 then if string.len(password1) >= 6 and string.len(password2) <= 32 then if email and (email):match("[A-Za-z0-9%.%%%+%-]+@[A-Za-z0-9%.%%%+%-]+%.%w%w%w?%w?") then triggerServerEvent ("onClientTryToCreateAccount", localPlayer, guiGetText(registrationData.userNameEdit), guiGetText(registrationData.passwordEdit)) else exports.vz_info:showBox("Endereço de email inválido","error") end else exports.vz_info:showBox("A senha que você digitou é muito curta ou muito longa","error") end else exports.vz_info:showBox("Senhas não coincidem","error") end else exports.vz_info:showBox("O nome de usuário fornecido é muito curto ou longo","error") end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", getRootElement(), function (element) if not getElementData(localPlayer, "CharLoggedIn") then if isElement(renderData.username) and isElement(renderData.password) then renderData.uText = guiGetText(renderData.username) renderData.pwText = guiGetText(renderData.password) end end end ) function onLoginKeyClick (button,pressed) if button == "enter" and pressed == true then if isElement(renderData.username) and isElement(renderData.password) then tryToLogin() end end end function tryToLogin () if guiGetEnabled (renderData.username) == true then local username = guiGetText (renderData.username) local password = guiGetText (renderData.password) if string.len(username) >= 3 and string.len(username) <= 22 then if string.len(password) >= 3 and string.len(password) <= 32 then triggerServerEvent("onClientLoginRequest", getLocalPlayer(), username, password) else exports.vz_info:showBox("A senha que você digitou é muito curta ou muito longa", "error") end else exports.vz_info:showBox("O nome de usuário fornecido é muito curto ou longo", "error") end end end function showChar(requestAcc) dxFadeCamera (true, 1500, 0,0,0) fadeCamera (false,1.5,0,0,0) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), updateCamPosition) playSoundFrontEnd(19) setTimer(function() showLoginWindow (false,false) fadeCamera (true,2) if #requestAcc > 0 then setCameraMatrix (camPosition[1],camPosition[2],camPosition[3],camPosition[4],camPosition[5],camPosition[6]) charSelect() destroy(renderData.username) destroy(renderData.password) showChat(false) for k, v in pairs(requestAcc) do charselectData["charname"][k] = requestAcc[k][1] charselectData["skin"][k] = requestAcc[k][2] end if isElement(charselectPed) then return end charselectPed = createPed(charselectData["skin"][1], 2013.326171875, -1199.5458984375, 20.0234375) setElementDimension(charselectPed, 9999) setElementRotation(charselectPed, 0, 0, 292) setTimer (function() end,7200,1) setElementDimension(localPlayer, 9999) setElementData (charselectPed,"visibleName",(string.gsub(charselectData["charname"][1], "_", " ")),false) setElementData (charselectPed,"nameEnabled",true,false) else showCharacterCreation(true) end end, 1500, 1) end addEvent("createCharacterLogin", true) addEventHandler("createCharacterLogin", getRootElement(), showChar) local cameraMoveStartTick = nil local cameraMoveDuration = 4000 function drawDxElements() local name = string.gsub(charselectData["charname"][1], "_", " ") selectimage = dxDrawImage(data.posX-350, data.posY+300, 950, 600, "files/select.png") dxDrawText(name, data.posX+200, data.posY+562, data.posX, data.posY, tocolor(65, 105, 225, 255), 0.5, info.charSelectFont, "center") end function charSelect () bindKey("space", "down", spawnSelected)-- Botão usado para iniciar a sessão apos logar no servidor addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), drawDxElements) end function spawnSelected() playSoundFrontEnd(19) unbindKey("space", "down", spawnSelected) setPedAnimation (charselectPed,"ped",-1) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), drawDxElements) dxFadeCamera (true, 1500, 0,0,0) fadeCamera (false,1.5,0,0,0) setTimer(function() fadeCamera (true,2) triggerServerEvent("onClientCharacterRequest", getLocalPlayer(), string.gsub(charselectData["charname"][1], "_", " ")) showChat(true) setFarClipDistance(700) destroy(musicElement) setTimer(function() setElementData(localPlayer, "CharLoggedIn", true) end,1000,1) end, 1500, 1) end dxFadeState = nil dxFade = {} function dxFadeCamera (state, czas, r, g, b) if state == true then if dxFadeState == true then removeEventHandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), renderFading) else removeEventHandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), renderHiding) end dxFade.startTime = getTickCount () dxFade.endTime = dxFade.startTime + czas dxFade.startColor = {r,g,b,255} dxFade.endColor = {r,g,b,0} addEventHandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), renderFading) dxFadeState = true elseif state == false then if dxFadeState == false then removeEventHandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), renderHiding) else removeEventHandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), renderFading) end dxFade.startTime = getTickCount () dxFade.endTime = dxFade.startTime + czas dxFade.startColor = {r,g,b,0} dxFade.endColor = {r,g,b,255} addEventHandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), renderHiding) dxFadeState = false end end function renderFading () local r1,g1,b1,a1 = dxFade.startColor[1],dxFade.startColor[2],dxFade.startColor[3],dxFade.startColor[4] local r2,g2,b2,a2 = dxFade.endColor[1],dxFade.endColor[2],dxFade.endColor[3],dxFade.endColor[4] local now = getTickCount() local elapsedTime = now - dxFade.startTime local duration = dxFade.endTime - dxFade.startTime local progress = math.abs(elapsedTime / duration) if elapsedTime < duration then alpha = interpolateBetween (a2, 0, 0, a1, 0, 0, progress, "Linear") else alpha = 255 end if alpha == 255 then removeEventHandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), renderFading) end dxDrawRectangle (0,0, screenX, screenY, tocolor(r1, g1, b1, alpha), true) end function renderHiding () local r1,g1,b1,a1 = unpack(dxFade.startColor) local r2,g2,b2,a2 = unpack(dxFade.endColor) local now = getTickCount() local elapsedTime = now - dxFade.startTime local duration = dxFade.endTime - dxFade.startTime local progress = math.abs(elapsedTime / duration) if elapsedTime < duration then local alpha = interpolateBetween (a1, 0, 0, a2, 0, 0, progress, "Linear") else local alpha = 0 end dxDrawRectangle (0,0, screenX, screenY, tocolor(r1, g1, b1, alpha), true) end local showCharacterCreationState = false characterData = {} characterData.rectangleX = sx/2-175 characterData.rectangleY = sy/2-108 local skins = {1} local skinPos = 1 function showCharacterCreation(state) if showCharacterCreationState ~= state then if state == true then setCameraMatrix(2190.9453125, -1133.1026611328, 59.537700653076, 2190.1284179688, -1133.6090087891, 59.261646270752) exports.vz_info:showBox("Agora crie um personagem", "info") characterData.acceptButton = guiCreateButton(characterData.rectangleX+470, characterData.rectangleY+70, 110, 145, "", false) guiSetAlpha(characterData.acceptButton,0) guiSetFont(characterData.acceptButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(characterData.acceptButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", characterData.acceptButton, processCharacterCreationButtons) characterData.lastNameEdit = guiCreateEdit(characterData.rectangleX-48, characterData.rectangleY+90, 230, 25, "", false) guiSetFont(characterData.lastNameEdit, renderData.font2) guiSetAlpha(characterData.lastNameEdit,0) characterData.ageEdit = guiCreateEdit(characterData.rectangleX-52, characterData.rectangleY+144, 100, 25, "", false) guiSetFont(characterData.ageEdit, renderData.font2) guiSetAlpha(characterData.ageEdit,0) guiEditSetMaxLength(characterData.ageEdit, 2) characterData.weightEdit = guiCreateEdit(characterData.rectangleX+210, characterData.rectangleY+90, 100, 25, "", false) guiSetFont(characterData.weightEdit, renderData.font2) guiSetAlpha(characterData.weightEdit,0) guiEditSetMaxLength(characterData.weightEdit, 3) characterData.heightEdit = guiCreateEdit(characterData.rectangleX+58, characterData.rectangleY+144, 100, 25, "", false) guiSetFont(characterData.heightEdit, renderData.font2) guiSetAlpha(characterData.heightEdit,0) guiEditSetMaxLength(characterData.heightEdit, 3) characterData.descriptionMemo = guiCreateMemo(characterData.rectangleX, characterData.rectangleY+10, 10, 10, "[email protected]", false) guiSetAlpha(characterData.descriptionMemo,0) = guiCreateButton(characterData.rectangleX+215, characterData.rectangleY+120, 25, 50, "Homem", false) guiSetAlpha(,0) characterData.woman = guiCreateButton(characterData.rectangleX+320, characterData.rectangleY+120, 25, 50, "Mulher", false) characterData.leftButton = guiCreateButton(characterData.rectangleX-248, characterData.rectangleY+65, 90, 145, "Voltar", false) guiSetAlpha(characterData.leftButton,0) guiSetAlpha(characterData.woman,0) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), button_click) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", characterData.leftButton, leftToLogin) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), renderCharacterCreation) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), renderCharacterText) showCharacterCreationState = true showCursor(true) elseif state == false then destroy(characterData.acceptButton) destroy(characterData.ageEdit) destroy(characterData.weightEdit) destroy(characterData.heightEdit) destroy(characterData.lastNameEdit) destroy(characterData.descriptionMemo) destroy(characterData.leftButton) destroy( destroy(characterData.woman) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), renderCharacterCreation) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), renderCharacterText) showCharacterCreationState = false showCursor(false) destroy(manimg) destroy(womanimg) end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", getRootElement(), function (element) if not getElementData(localPlayer, "CharLoggedIn") then if isElement(characterData.lastNameEdit) or isElement(characterData.ageEdit) or isElement(characterData.weightEdit) or isElement(characterData.heightEdit) then characterData.nameedit = guiGetText(characterData.lastNameEdit) characterData.age = guiGetText(characterData.ageEdit) characterData.weight = guiGetText(characterData.weightEdit) characterData.height = guiGetText(characterData.heightEdit) end end end ) function renderCharacterText() if characterData.nameedit or characterData.age or characterData.weight or characterData.height then dxDrawText(characterData.nameedit,characterData.rectangleX-45, characterData.rectangleY+97, 230, 10, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 204), 0.5, renderData.font) dxDrawText(characterData.age,characterData.rectangleX-45, characterData.rectangleY+152, 230, 10, tocolor(235, 235, 255, 255), 0.5, renderData.font) dxDrawText(characterData.weight,characterData.rectangleX+213, characterData.rectangleY+97, 230, 10, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 204), 0.5, renderData.font) dxDrawText(characterData.height,characterData.rectangleX+65, characterData.rectangleY+152, 230, 10, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 204), 0.5, renderData.font) end end function renderCharacterCreation() exports.vz_blur:createBlur() renderData.logo = dxDrawImage(left-11, top, 950, 600, "files/charcreation.png") end sex = 2 function button_click() if (source==characterData.woman) and sex == 1 or sex == 2 then womanimg = guiCreateStaticImage(characterData.rectangleX+314, characterData.rectangleY+131, 28, 37, "files/woman.png", false) sex = 0 destroy(manimg) elseif ( and sex == 0 or sex == 2 then manimg = guiCreateStaticImage(characterData.rectangleX+215, characterData.rectangleY+130, 28, 37, "files/man.png", false) sex = 1 destroy(womanimg) end end function processCharacterCreationButtons() if source == characterData.createButton then showCharacterCreation(not showCharacterCreationState) elseif source == characterData.acceptButton then local data = {} local charname = tostring(guiGetText(characterData.lastNameEdit)) local age = tonumber(guiGetText(characterData.ageEdit)) local weight = tonumber(guiGetText(characterData.weightEdit)) local height = tonumber(guiGetText(characterData.heightEdit)) local sex = sex local description = tostring(guiGetText(characterData.descriptionMemo)) if string.len(charname) >= 5 and string.len(charname) <= 20 then if age >= 15 and age <= 90 then if weight >= 40 and weight <= 200 then if height >= 140 and height <= 220 then if sex == 1 or sex == 0 then if sex == 0 then sex = 0 elseif sex == 1 then sex = 1 end if sex then if string.len(description) >= 5 and string.len(description) <= 1000 then data["age"] = age data["weight"] = weight data["height"] = height data["gender"] = skins[skinPos] data["description"] = description data["skin"] = skin triggerServerEvent("OnClientTryToCreateCharacter", localPlayer, charname,skins,age,sex) end end else exports.vz_info:showBox("Selecione um gênero para o seu personagem", "error") end else exports.vz_info:showBox("A altura especificada é muito baixa ou muito alta", "error") end else exports.vz_info:showBox("O peso especificado é muito pequeno ou muito grande", "error") end else exports.vz_info:showBox("Muito baixa ou muito alta a idade especificada", "error") end else exports.vz_info:showBox("O nome que você digitou é muito curto ou longo", "error") end end end function destroy(element) if isElement(element) then destroyElement(element) end end ----------------------------------------------------------- ESSE ABAIXO É O SERVER -------------------------------------------------------------- -- © [2019] Varzen Advanced [2019] © -- -- © Creditos: Varzen Advanced © -- -- © Facebook: © -- -- © Youtube: © -- -- © Blog: © -- -------------------------------------------------------------- local connection = dbConnect("mysql",exports['vz_dbConnect']:getSQLData()) local key = "varzenadvanced2019" addEvent("onCharacterLogin", false) addEvent("onClientCharacterRequest", true) addEventHandler("onClientCharacterRequest", getRootElement(), function(charname) playerSource = client local id = getElementData(client, "char.accountID") local qh = dbQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `account` = ?", id) local row = dbPoll(qh, -1) if row then for k, row in ipairs (row) do local id = tonumber(row["id"]) local x = tonumber(row["x"]) local y = tonumber(row["y"]) local z = tonumber(row["z"]) local rot = tonumber(row["rot"]) local interior = tonumber(row["intID"]) local dimension = tonumber(row["dimID"]) local health = tonumber(row["health"]) local hunger = tonumber(row["hunger"]) local armor = tonumber(row["armor"]) local skin = tonumber(row["skin"]) local money = tonumber(row["money"]) local npoints = tonumber(row["npoints"]) local nsujo = tonumber(row["nsujo"]) local carlicense = tostring(row["drivinglicense"]) local bankmoney = tonumber(row["bankMoney"]) local playedMinutes = tonumber(row["playedMinutes"]) local lastLogin = tonumber(row["lastlogin"]) local gender = tonumber(row["gender"]) local age = tonumber(row["age"]) local weight = tonumber(row["weight"]) local height = tonumber(row["height"]) local adminnick = tostring(row["adminnick"]) local charname = tostring(row["charname"]) charname = string.gsub(tostring(charname), " ", "_") local walkingstyle = tonumber(row["walkingstyle"]) local jobID = tonumber(row["jobID"]) local jobName = tostring(row["jobName"]) local radiochannel = tonumber(row["radiochannel"]) local factionID = tonumber(row["factionID"]) local factionLeader = tonumber(row["factionLeader"]) local factionRank = tonumber(row["factionRank"]) local badgeNumber = tonumber(row["badgeNumber"]) local dutySkin = tonumber(row["dutySkin"]) local showOOC = tonumber(row["showOOC"]) local showRadar = tonumber(row["showRadar"]) local payTime = tonumber(row["payTime"]) local adminlevel = getElementData(playerSource, "char.adminlevel") local adminduty = getElementData(playerSource, "char.adminduty") setElementData(playerSource, "char.factionID", tonumber(factionID)) setElementData(playerSource, "char.factionLeader", tonumber(factionLeader)) setElementData(playerSource, "char.factionRank", tonumber(factionRank)) setElementData(playerSource, "char.badgeNumber", tonumber(badgeNumber)) setElementData(playerSource, "char.dutySkin", tonumber(dutySkin)) setElementData(playerSource, "age", tonumber(age)) setElementData(playerSource, "weight", tonumber(weight)) setElementData(playerSource, "height", tonumber(height)) setElementData(playerSource, "walkingstyle", tonumber(walkingstyle)) setElementData(playerSource, "char.jobID", tonumber(jobID)) setElementData(playerSource, "char.jobName", tostring(jobName)) if carlicense == "true" then setElementData(playerSource, "char.drivingLicense", true) else setElementData(playerSource, "char.drivingLicense", false) end setElementData(playerSource, "charname", tostring(charname)) setElementData(playerSource, "char.playedMinutes", tonumber(playedMinutes)) setElementData(playerSource, "char.lastLogin", tonumber(lastLogin)) setElementData(playerSource, "char.UID", tonumber(id)) setElementData(playerSource, "", tonumber(skin)) setElementData(playerSource, "char.adminlevel", tonumber(adminlevel)) setElementData(playerSource, "char.adminnick", adminnick) setElementData(playerSource, "char.bankMoney", tonumber(bankmoney)) setElementData(playerSource, "",tonumber(money)) setElementData(playerSource, "char.diamante",tonumber(npoints)) setElementData(playerSource, "char.moneysujo",tonumber(nsujo)) setElementData(playerSource, "",tonumber(radiochannel)) setElementData(playerSource, "char.payTime",tonumber(payTime)) setElementData(playerSource, "gender", tonumber(gender)) setElementData(playerSource, "visibleName", tostring(charname)) setElementData(playerSource, "char.phoneNumber", tonumber(id)) setElementData(playerSource, "showOOC", tonumber(showOOC)) setElementData(playerSource, "showRadar", tonumber(showRadar)) setPlayerName(playerSource, tostring(charname)) local name = string.gsub(tostring(charname), "_", " ") setPlayerNametagText(source, tostring(name)) setElementData(playerSource,"char.hunger",hunger) setElementData(playerSource, "dbid", getElementData(playerSource, "char.UID")) setElementData(playerSource, "", tonumber(health)) setPedAnimation(playerSource, false) setElementHealth(playerSource, health) setPedArmor(playerSource, armor) setPedSkin(playerSource, skin) spawnPlayer(playerSource, x, y, z+2, rot, skin, interior, dimension) setPedWalkingStyle(client, walkingstyle) dbExec(connection,"UPDATE `players` SET `lastlogin`=NOW() WHERE `id`=?",id) toggleAllControls(playerSource, true, true, true) fadeCamera(playerSource, true) triggerEvent("onCharacterLogin", playerSource, charname) if getElementData(playerSource, "char.jailTime") > 0 then setElementDimension(playerSource, 60000 + getElementData(playerSource, "charID")) setElementInterior(playerSource, 6) setElementPosition(playerSource, 263.821807, 77.848365, 1001.0390625) setPedRotation(playerSource, 267.438446) setElementData(playerSource, "char.jailTime", getElementData(playerSource, "char.jailTime")) setElementData(playerSource, "char.jailReason", getElementData(playerSource, "char.jailReason")) setElementData(playerSource, "char.adminJail", true) outputChatBox("[Prisão]: Você está na cadeia, motivo: "..getElementData(playerSource, "char.jailReason")..".", playerSource, 124, 9, 9, true) outputChatBox("[Prisão]: Tempo: "..getElementData(playerSource, "char.jailTime")..".", playerSource, 124, 9, 9, true) exports.vz_bans:loginPlayerJailed() else setElementData(playerSource, "char.jailTime", 0) setElementData(playerSource, "char.jailReason", nil) setElementData(playerSource, "char.adminJail", false) end end else outputDebugString( "Conexão com o MySQL falhou!") end end ) addEvent("onPlayerLogin", false) addEvent("onClientLoginRequest", true) addEventHandler("onClientLoginRequest", getRootElement(), function(username, password) if (string.len(password)~=64) then password = string.reverse((key) .. (password)) end local lgnQuery = dbQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username`=? AND `password`=?", username, password ) playerSource = client local lgnResult = dbPoll ( lgnQuery, -1 ) if #lgnResult > 0 then for k, row in ipairs ( lgnResult ) do triggerEvent("onPlayerLogin", playerSource, username, password) local id = tonumber(row["id"]) local pass = tonumber(row["password"]) local found = false for key, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local accid = tonumber(getElementData(v, "char.accountID")) if (accid) then if (accid==id) and (v~=playerSource) then found = true break end end end if not (found) then local admin = tonumber(row["admin"]) local adminduty = tonumber(row["adminduty"]) local adminjail = tonumber(row["adminjail"]) local adminJailTime = tonumber(row["adminjail_time"]) local adminJailBy = tostring(row["adminjail_by"]) local adminJailReason = row["adminjail_reason"] local banned = tonumber(row["banned"]) if tonumber(admin) == 0 then adminduty = 0 end setElementData(playerSource, "char.adminlevel", tonumber(admin)) local lasethp = tonumber(row["asethp"]) local lasetarmor = tonumber(row["asetarmor"]) local lasethunger = tonumber(row["asethunger"]) local lagoto = tonumber(row["agoto"]) local lagethere = tonumber(row["agethere"]) local lagivemoney = tonumber(row["agivemoney"]) local lasetmoney = tonumber(row["asetmoney"]) local lagiveitem = tonumber(row["agiveitem"]) local laadutyminute = tonumber(row["adutyminute"]) local lafuelveh = tonumber(row["afuelveh"]) local lafixveh = tonumber(row["afixveh"]) local lareply = tonumber(row["areply"]) local lapm = tonumber(row["apm"]) local lamakeveh = tonumber(row["amakeveh"]) local lajail = tonumber(row["ajail"]) local laban = tonumber(row["aban"]) if (banned==1) then kickPlayer(source,"Server Name","Sua conta está bloqueada") else setElementData(playerSource, "char.defaultUserName", username) setElementData(playerSource, "char.accountID", tonumber(id)) setElementData(playerSource, "char.adminduty", tonumber(adminduty)) setElementData(playerSource, "char.jailTime", adminJailTime) setElementData(playerSource, "char.jailReason", adminJailReason) setElementData(playerSource, "admin.sethp", lasethp) setElementData(playerSource, "admin.setarmor", lasetarmor) setElementData(playerSource, "admin.sethunger", lasethunger) setElementData(playerSource, "admin.goto", lagoto) setElementData(playerSource, "admin.gethere", lagethere) setElementData(playerSource, "admin.givemoney", lagivemoney) setElementData(playerSource, "admin.setmoney", lasetmoney) setElementData(playerSource, "admin.giveitem", lagiveitem) setElementData(playerSource, "admin.adutyminute", laadutyminute) setElementData(playerSource, "admin.fuelveh", lafuelveh) setElementData(playerSource, "admin.fixveh", lafixveh) setElementData(playerSource, "admin.reply", lareply) setElementData(playerSource, "", lapm) setElementData(playerSource, "admin.makeveh", lamakeveh) setElementData(playerSource, "admin.jail", lajail) setElementData(playerSource, "admin.ban", laban) fadeCamera(playerSource, true) requestAccounts(playerSource, id) local ip = getPlayerIP(playerSource) local serial = getPlayerSerial(playerSource) dbExec(connection,"UPDATE `users` SET `ip`=?, serial=? WHERE `id`=?",ip,serial,id) end end end else exports.vz_info:showBoxS(playerSource, "Nome de usuário ou senha inválidos", "error") end end ) addEvent("onClientTryToCreateAccount", true) addEventHandler("onClientTryToCreateAccount", getRootElement(), function(username, password) local value = dbQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM `users`") local result = dbPoll (value, -1 ) local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) password = string.reverse((key) .. (password)) if result then for _, row in ipairs ( result ) do if string.lower(row["username"]) == username then exports.vz_info:showBoxS(source, "Esse nome de usuário já existe", "error") return end if row["mtaserial"] == serial then exports.vz_info:showBoxS(source, "Você já tem uma conta", "error") return end end end exports.vz_info:showBoxS(source, "Registro bem sucedido!", "info") local data = dbExec(connection, "INSERT INTO users SET username = ?, password = ?, mtaserial = ?", username, password, serial) triggerClientEvent(source,"onRegisterFinish",source) end ) addEvent("OnClientTryToCreateCharacter", true) addEventHandler("OnClientTryToCreateCharacter", getRootElement(), function(charname, skins, age, sex) local value = dbQuery(connection, "SELECT `charname` FROM `players` WHERE `charname` = ?", tostring(charname)) local result = dbPoll (value, -1) local count = 0 local pw cname = nil if result then for _, row in ipairs ( result ) do cname = string.lower(row["charname"]) end if cname ~= nil then exports.vz_info:showBoxS(source, "O nome desse personagem já existe", "error") return end end dbFree(value) local accountID = getElementData(source, "char.accountID") data = dbExec( connection, "INSERT INTO `players` SET charname=?, account=?, intID=0, dimID=0, x=1481.06226, y=-1770.94824, z=18.79576, skin=0, age=?, gender=?", charname, accountID, age, sex) setPlayerName(source, charname) triggerClientEvent(source,"onSuccessLogin",source) requestAccounts(source, accountID) triggerClientEvent(source, "createCharacterLogin", source) end ) function requestAccounts(playerSource, id) local requestAcc = {} local query = dbQuery(connection, "SELECT id, charname,money, age, gender, skin, DATEDIFF(NOW(), lastlogin) FROM players WHERE account=?", id) local result = dbPoll(query, -1) if (#result>0) then for k, data in ipairs (result) do local i = 1 requestAcc[i] = {} requestAcc[i][0] = tonumber(data["id"]) requestAcc[i][1] = tostring(data["charname"]) requestAcc[i][2] = tonumber(data["skin"]) requestAcc[i][3] = tonumber(data["money"]) i = i + 1 end end triggerClientEvent(playerSource, "createCharacterLogin", playerSource, requestAcc, true, true) end addEvent("requestAccounts", true) addEventHandler("requestAccounts", getRootElement(), requestAccounts) function saveChar() if getElementData(source, "CharLoggedIn") then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local rot = getPedRotation(source) local health = getElementHealth(source) local hunger = getElementData(source, "char.hunger") or 0 local age = getElementData(source, "age") local gender = getElementData(source, "gender") local armor = getPedArmor(source) local interior = getElementInterior(source) local dimension = getElementDimension(source) local charname = getElementData(source, "charname") local skin = getElementData(source, "") local playedMinutes = getElementData(source, "char.playedMinutes") local money = getElementData(source, "") local npoints = getElementData(source,"char.diamante") local nsujo = getElementData(source,"char.moneysujo") local factionID = getElementData(source,"char.factionID") local factionLeader = getElementData(source,"char.factionLeader") local factionRank = getElementData(source,"char.factionRank") local badgeNumber = getElementData(source,"char.badgeNumber") local dutySkin = getElementData(source,"char.dutySkin") local bankMoney = getElementData(source, "char.bankMoney") local adminlevel = getElementData(source, "char.adminlevel") local jobID = getElementData(source, "char.jobID") local jobName = getElementData(source, "char.jobName") local radio = getElementData(source, "") local showOOC = getElementData(source, "showOOC") local showRadar = getElementData(source, "showRadar") local drivingLicense = tostring(getElementData(source, "char.drivingLicense")) local jailTime = getElementData(source, "char.jailTime") local jailReason = getElementData(source, "char.jailReason") or "null" local adminJail = getElementData(source, "char.adminJail") local payTime = getElementData(source, "char.payTime") local asethp = getElementData(source, "admin.sethp") local asetarmor = getElementData(source, "admin.setarmor") local asethunger = getElementData(source, "admin.sethunger") local agoto = getElementData(source, "admin.goto") local agethere = getElementData(source, "admin.gethere") local agivemoney = getElementData(source, "admin.givemoney") local agiveitem = getElementData(source, "admin.giveitem") local asetmoney = getElementData(source, "admin.setmoney") local aadutyminute = getElementData(source, "admin.adutyminute") local afuelveh = getElementData(source, "admin.fuelveh") local afixveh = getElementData(source, "admin.fixveh") local areply = getElementData(source, "admin.reply") local apm = getElementData(source, "") local amakeveh = getElementData(source, "admin.makeveh") local ajail = getElementData(source, "admin.jail") local aban = getElementData(source, "admin.ban") local update = dbExec(connection,"UPDATE players SET x=?, y=?, z=?, rot=?, health=?,hunger=?, armor=?, dimID=?, intID=?, money=?, npoints=?, nsujo=?, factionID=?, factionLeader=?, factionRank=?, badgeNumber=?, dutySkin=?, lastlogin=NOW(), playedMinutes=?, skin=?, charname=?, jobID=?, jobName=?, bankMoney=?, drivinglicense=?, radiochannel=?, showHUD=?, showOOC=?, showRadar=?, payTime=?, age=?, gender=? WHERE id=?",x,y,z,rot,health,hunger,armor,dimension,interior,money,npoints,nsujo,factionID,factionLeader,factionRank,badgeNumber,dutySkin,playedMinutes,skin,charname,jobID,jobName,bankMoney,drivingLicense,radio,showHUD,showOOC,showRadar,payTime,age,gender,getElementData(source, "char.UID")) local update2 = dbExec(connection,"UPDATE users SET lastlogin=NOW(), `admin`=?, adminjail_time=?, adminjail_reason=?, adminjail=? WHERE id = " .. getElementData(source,"char.accountID"),adminlevel, jailTime, jailReason, adminJail) local update3 = dbExec(connection,"UPDATE users SET asethp=?, asetarmor=?, asethunger=?, agoto=?, agethere=?, agivemoney=?, asetmoney=?, agiveitem=?, adutyminute=?, afuelveh=?, afixveh=?, areply=?, apm=?, amakeveh=? WHERE id = " .. getElementData(source,"char.accountID"), asethp, asetarmor, asethunger, agoto, agethere, agivemoney, asetmoney, agiveitem, aadutyminute, afuelveh, afixveh, areply, apm, amakeveh, ajail, aban) end end addEvent("saveChar", true) addEventHandler("saveChar",getRootElement(),saveChar) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), saveChar) addCommandHandler("ban", function(playerSource,commandName,targetPlayer,ttime,...) if getElementData(playerSource, "char.adminlevel") >= 5 then -- Administrador acima do nivel *5 pode banir local ttime = tonumber ( ttime ) if targetPlayer and ttime then local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.vz_main:findPlayerByPartialNick(source, targetPlayer) if (getElementData(targetPlayer, "char.adminlevel") or 0) < getElementData(playerSource, "char.adminlevel") then local pSerialC = getPlayerSerial(targetPlayer) local duration = (ttime*60)*60 local reason = table.concat({...}, " ") local adminName = getElementData(playerSource,"char.adminnick") if ttime == 0 then dbExec(connection ,"INSERT INTO bans SET accountid=?, bannedBy=?, timeZone=?, playerSerial=?, reason = ?, playername=?",getElementData(targetPlayer, "char.accountID"), adminName ,23414590357, pSerialC, reason, targetPlayerName) else dbExec(connection ,"INSERT INTO bans SET accountid=?, bannedBy=?, timeZone=?, playerSerial=?, reason = ?, playername=?",getElementData(targetPlayer, "char.accountID"), adminName ,getRealTime()["timestamp"]+duration, pSerialC, reason, targetPlayerName) end if ttime == 0 then text = "Eterno" else text = ttime .. " hora" end dbExec(connection, "UPDATE users SET banned=1, banned_by=?, banned_reason=? WHERE id=?", adminName, reason, getElementData(targetPlayer, "char.accountID")) kickPlayer(targetPlayer, adminName, reason ) setElementData(playerSource, "admin.ban", getElementData(playerSource, "admin.ban") + 1) outputChatBox("#4169E1[Ban]: #ffffff" ..adminName .. " baniu o jogador " .. targetPlayerName .. "", root, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox("#4169E1[Ban]: #ffffffHora do banimento: " .. text .. " - Motivo: #4169E1" .. reason .. "", root, 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("#ff0000[Error]: #ffffffVocê não pode banir um administrador superior a você", playerSource, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox("#4169E1[Ban]: #ffffff"..getElementData(playerSource,"char.adminnick").." tentou banir um administrador do servidor", targetPlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end else outputChatBox("#4169E1[Use]:#ffffff /" .. commandName .. " [ID] [hora (0 - eterno)] [motivo]", playerSource, 208, 101, 29, true) end end end ) addCommandHandler("offban", -- Administrador acima do nivel *5 pode banir jogadores offline function (thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, tttime, ...) if getElementData(thePlayer, "char.adminlevel") >= 5 then local tttime = tonumber(tttime) if not (targetPlayer) or not (tttime) or not (...) then outputChatBox("#4169E1[Use]: #ffffff/" .. commandName .. " [Nome Completo] [hora (0 - eterno)] [Motivo]", thePlayer , 255, 255, 255, true) else local targetPlayer = targetPlayer:gsub(" ", "_") local targetPlayerName = targetPlayer:gsub("_", " ") local adminName = getElementData(thePlayer,"char.adminnick") local reason = table.concat({...}, " ") local duration = (tttime*60)*60 if targetPlayer then if (getElementData(targetPlayer, "char.adminlevel") or 0) < getElementData(thePlayer, "char.adminlevel") then local qh = dbQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM players WHERE charname='" .. targetPlayer .. "'") local result, num = dbPoll (qh, -1) if num == 0 then outputChatBox("#ff0000[Falha]: #ffffffEsse banimento não existe", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) return end if result then for _, row in ipairs ( result ) do id = tonumber(row["id"]) accountid = tonumber(row["account"]) end if (accountid) then local qh2 = dbQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='" .. accountid .. "'") local result2 = dbPoll ( qh2, -1 ) if result2 then for _2, row2 in ipairs ( result2 ) do admin = tonumber(row2["admin"]) serial = row2["mtaserial"] ip = row2["ip"] end if (admin) > (getElementData(thePlayer, "char.adminlevel")) then outputChatBox("#ff0000[Falha]: #ffffffVocê não tem permissão", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) return end if tttime == 0 then text = "Eterno" else text = tttime .. " Hora" end if tttime == 0 then dbExec(connection ,"INSERT INTO bans SET accountid=?, bannedBy=?, timeZone=?, playerSerial=?, reason = ?, playername=?", accountid, adminName ,23414590357, serial, reason, targetPlayer) else dbExec(connection ,"INSERT INTO bans SET accountid=?, bannedBy=?, timeZone=?, playerSerial=?, reason = ?, playername=?", accountid, adminName ,getRealTime()["timestamp"]+duration, serial, reason, targetPlayer) end setElementData(thePlayer, "admin.ban", getElementData(thePlayer, "admin.ban") + 1) dbExec(connection, "UPDATE users SET banned=1, banned_by=?, banned_reason=? WHERE id=?", adminName, reason, accountid) outputChatBox("#4169E1[BAN Offline]: #ffffff" ..adminName .. " baniu " .. targetPlayerName .. "", root, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox("#4169E1[BAN Offline]: #ffffff" .. text .. " - Motivo: #4169E1" .. reason .. "", root, 255, 255, 255, true) end end else outputChatBox("#ff0000[Error]: #ffffffNenhum resultado encontrado", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end else outputChatBox("#ff0000[Error]: #ffffffVocê não pode banir um administrador superior a você", thePlayer, 124, 9, 9, true) outputChatBox("[BAN]:#ffffff "..adminName.." tentou banir um administrador do servidor", targetPlayer, 124, 9, 9, true) -- Quando um administrador tentar banir outro administrador, então aparece para todos administradores essa mensaguem end end end end end) addCommandHandler( "desbanir", function (playerSource, cmd, target, ...) if getElementData(playerSource, "char.adminlevel") >= 5 then local reason = table.concat ( { ... }, " " ) local acc local bannedNames = {} local bannedSerials = {} local bannedAccs = {} local bannedBy = {} if target and reason then local query = dbQuery ( connection, "SELECT * FROM `bans`" ) local result = dbPoll ( query, -1 ) if result then for k, rows in ipairs ( result ) do if string.find( rows["playername"]:lower(), target:lower() ) then table.insert ( bannedNames, rows["playername"] ) table.insert ( bannedSerials, rows["playerSerial"] ) table.insert ( bannedAccs, rows["accountid"] ) table.insert ( bannedBy, rows["bannedBy"] ) end end else outputChatBox("#ff0000[Error]: #ffffffNão foi possível encontrar uma punição no nome dado", playerSource, 255, 255, 255, true) end if #bannedNames > 1 then outputChatBox("#4169E1[SERVER NAME]: #ffffffTodas punições existentes do servidor", playerSource, 255, 255, 255, true) for k, bans in ipairs ( bannedNames ) do outputChatBox(bans, playerSource, 208, 101, 29, true) end bannedName = nil bannedSerial = nil bannedAccs = nil bannedBy = nil return end if #bannedNames == 0 then outputChatBox("#ff0000[Error]: #ffffffNenhuma punição encontrada", playerSource, 124, 9, 9, true) return end local exec = dbExec ( connection, "DELETE FROM bans WHERE playername = ?", bannedNames[1]) local exec = dbExec ( connection, "UPDATE `users` SET banned = 0 WHERE `id` = ?", bannedAccs[1]) outputChatBox("#4169E1[SERVER NAME]: #ffffffVocê desbaniu o jogador com sucesso", playerSource, 255, 255, 255, true) bannedName = nil bannedSerial = nil bannedAccs = nil bannedBy = nil else outputChatBox ("#4169E1[Use]: #ffffff/" .. cmd .. " [Nome Completo] [Motivo]", playerSource, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end ) -------------------------------------------------------- ALÉM DISSO QUANDO LOGA APARECE DOIS HUD AS VEZES E TODA VEZ O JOGADOR PERDE O DINHEIRO E NASCE COM 11K500 SE EU N ME ENGANO !!!! Edited September 22, 2019 by Lord Henry Link to comment
juaosilv Posted September 22, 2019 Share Posted September 22, 2019 Com esse painel vai tem q re-fazer ele quase todo. Mas é só fazer utilizando: logIn addAccount Link to comment
VictorScripting Posted September 22, 2019 Author Share Posted September 22, 2019 (edited) O ruim é não bom em em mysql e tbm n sei mexer com função de login ou register Queri saber se alguem poderia aplicar a função para e tbm o bug do dinheiro Edited September 22, 2019 by Victor Script Link to comment
VictorScripting Posted September 22, 2019 Author Share Posted September 22, 2019 alguém pode me ajudar a pelo menos aplicar a função do login no mta ?, tipo eu quero que quando ele clicar em registrar e botar o login senha: quero que bote a login e senha salvo no mta e no mysql, e quando ele clicar em login vai logar na conta do mysql e no mta ao mesmo tempo, no caso não quero que editem o mysql e só aplique a função para mim se quiser mando o prints de como é o paiinel para vocês verem Link to comment
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