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[HELP] another language for outputchatbox


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Hello, i need help with more languages in outputchatbox.

For example, u can choose ur lang with command /setlanguage english or another language, then it will show outputchatbox lang with ur language.

Something like this : 

    outputChatBox("#123456[!] [DM]: #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(killer).." #123456KILLED #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(source).." #123456!", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true)  ----- English language

    outputChatBox("#123456[!] [DM]: #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(killer).." #123456Zabil si #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(source).." #123456!", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true)  ----- another language 

Thanks for answer. 

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local lang1 = "english"
local lang2 = "polski"

function element(cm,lang)
if lang then
if lang == tostring(lang1) then
elseif lang == tostring(lang2) then


function chatbox()
 if getElementData(localPlayer,"language") == lang1 then
 outputChatBox("#123456[!] [DM]: #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(killer).." #123456KILLED #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(source).." #123456!", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true)  ----- English language
elseif getElementData(localPlayer,"language") == lang2 then
    outputChatBox("#123456[!] [DM]: #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(killer).." #123456Zabil si #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(source).." #123456!", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true)


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Hey,  thanks for answer but It doesnt work.  There is no error in debugscript.


my code


local lang1 = "en"
local lang2 = "cz"

function element(cm,lang)
if lang then
if lang == tostring(lang1) then
elseif lang == tostring(lang2) then

function w1 ()
if getElementData(localPlayer,"language") == lang1 then
outputChatBox("#bcff00[!] Don't forget to visit us in our forum", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true)
elseif getElementData(localPlayer,"language") == lang2 then
outputChatBox("#bcff00[!] Nezapomen nas navštivit i na našem foře", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true)
setTimer(w1, 2000, 0)      


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2 minutes ago, Synthe1 said:

Sorry but I have another problem with that.


How i can save it?

I mean, when I go reconnect I have to set the language again. 


You could save it in to an XML file > clientside


There is a resource that does that automatic for you:


Including a wiki guide:




No need for saving such data in to a database, as the user wants to have this info when he joins and not when he logins.


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2 hours ago, Synthe1 said:

I got it, thanks, I have last question,  how i can use that language 'system' for serverside? 

You are already using elementdata, in the most possible global way. So the selected language is also available there.


Edited by IIYAMA
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I tried this

if (string.find(message, "!skills")) and not (string.find(message, " !skills")) then   
    local account = getPlayerAccount(source)
	local kills = (getAccountData(account, "kills") or 0)
    local nick = getPlayerName(source)
    local nickA = string.gsub(nick, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")
if (string.find(message, "!skills")) and not (string.find(message, " !skills")) then   
    local account = getPlayerAccount(source)
	local kills = (getAccountData(account, "kills") or 0)
    local nick = getPlayerName(source)
    local nickA = string.gsub(nick, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")
	if getElementData(localPlayer,"language") == lang1 then
    outputChatBox("#FFFFFF "..nickA.. " #00CC40killed #FFFFFF ["..kills.."] #00CC40players!",255,0,0,true)
	elseif  getElementData(localPlayer,"language") == lang1 then
    outputChatBox("#FFFFFF "..nickA.. " #00CC40zabil #FFFFFF ["..kills.."] #00CC40hračov na CW!",255,0,0,true)

Its server side but it doesnt work. Can u help me with this last thing please? 

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12 minutes ago, Synthe1 said:

Its server side but it doesnt work. Can u help me with this last thing please? 

  • localPlayer doesn't exist on serverside. It only exist on your own MTA san application, which is clientside.
  • You need to define which player is going to receive the message on serverside.
  • You wrote two times lang1.
  • You forgot to write a fallback when no language is selected.


local language = getElementData(source,"language") 
if not language or language == lang1 then
	outputChatBox("#FFFFFF "..nickA.. " #00CC40killed #FFFFFF ["..kills.."] #00CC40players!", source,255,0,0,true)
elseif language == lang2 then
	outputChatBox("#FFFFFF "..nickA.. " #00CC40zabil #FFFFFF ["..kills.."] #00CC40hračov na CW!", source,255,0,0,true)


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