Cristtk Posted September 12, 2019 Share Posted September 12, 2019 Ola, baixei um script de trabalhos para mta, o script é aberto e o dono que disponibilizou para quem quiser usar. To tendo um problema, o script ativa mas nada funciona. To estudando o script, ai queria saber se tem alguma forma de resolver o problema de ativar o script e nada funcionar. Esse é o código: Cliente.Lua local Marker_Emprego = createMarker ( -47.427, -1124.002, +6 0.078 -1, "cylinder", 1.5, 16, 111, 231, 50) local Blip_Emprego = createBlipAttachedTo( Marker_Emprego, 11 ) trashN = 1 location = nil local Trashesloc1 = { {199.635, -1384.151, 48.288}, {264.545, -1332.778, 52.842}, {284.777, -1320.584, 53.423}, {350.070, -1278.352, 53.538}, {402.468, -1255.487, 51.732}, {415.234, -1249.662, 51.103}, {543.424, -1200.640, 44.006}, {619.909, -1103.393, 46.252}, {659.012, -1063.778, 48.493}, {677.497, -1069.036, 48.712}, } local Trashesloc2 = { {2480.138, -1249.071, 28.771}, {2496.499, -1248.516, 33.210}, {2514.310, -1247.950, 34.621}, {2536.332, -1249.731, 38.633}, {2555.955, -1249.126, 44.265}, {2577.977, -1238.393, 47.431}, {2577.170, -1225.518, 51.642}, {2577.210, -1208.793, 57.449}, {2561.283, -1193.017, 61.353}, {2526.050, -1194.894, 56.032}, } local Trashesloc3 = { {643.592, -1714.940, 13.869}, {645.801, -1696.937, 14.429}, {648.737, -1657.511, 14.436}, {647.174, -1623.309, 14.627}, {674.267, -1594.801, 13.726}, {686.016, -1596.271, 13.664}, {759.969, -1600.941, 13.008}, {760.309, -1652.133, 4.426}, {762.769, -1696.082, 4.356}, {763.332, -1748.384, 12.215}, } local Trashesloc4 = { {1908.960, -2042.664, 13.099}, {1891.471, -2038.851, 13.107}, {1892.379, -2030.646, 13.107}, {1891.180, -2022.357, 13.099}, {1883.950, -2014.897, 13.107}, {1873.925, -2019.302, 13.107}, {1874.098, -2033.219, 13.107}, {1873.440, -2061.300, 13.107}, {1894.631, -2061.908, 13.107}, {1915.491, -2061.279, 13.107}, } local Trashesloc5 = { {2261.917, -1477.939, 22.529}, {2247.724, -1476.463, 22.945}, {2229.568, -1475.667, 23.416}, {2205.066, -1464.564, 23.544}, {2204.570, -1449.708, 23.544}, {2204.010, -1433.032, 23.544}, {2203.836, -1408.913, 23.544}, {2169.046, -1393.510, 23.544}, {2138.537, -1409.911, 23.546}, {2138.457, -1439.989, 23.542}, } local ctrls ={ "sprint", "jump", "enter_exit", "enter_passenger", "fire", "crouch", "aim_weapon", "next_weapon", "previous_weapon", } function randomt() local Table = math.random(1,5) if Table == 1 then return Trashesloc1 elseif Table == 2 then return Trashesloc2 elseif Table == 3 then return Trashesloc3 elseif Table == 4 then return Trashesloc4 elseif Table == 5 then return Trashesloc5 end end addEvent("GTITrashCollector.onWasteEnter", true) addEventHandler("GTITrashCollector.onWasteEnter", root, function() if (exports.GTIemployment:getPlayerJob(true) == "Lixeiro") and not (isElement(theTrash)) then if location == nil then newMission() end end end ) function Mission() if trashN < 10 then local x1, y1, z1 = unpack(location[trashN+1]) takeTrashmarker = createColSphere ( x1, y1, z1, 1.5 ) triggerServerEvent("GTITrashCollector.freeze", resourceRoot, false) blip = createBlipAttachedTo(takeTrashmarker, 0, 1.5, 51, 204, 0) theTrash = createObject(1264,x1,y1,z1) setElementCollisionsEnabled(theTrash,false) attachElements(takeTrashmarker,theTrash,0,0,0,0,0,0) theArrow = createMarker ( x1, y1, z1, "arrow", 1, 51, 204, 0, 170 ) attachElements(theArrow,theTrash,0,0,1.3,0,0,0) else if not isElement(paymarker) and not isTimer(paytimer) then triggerServerEvent("GTITrashCollector.freeze", resourceRoot, false) exports.GTIhud:dm("Return to the dump to get paid.", 255, 255, 0) paymarker = createMarker (-47.427, -1124.002, 0.078, "cylinder", 4, 255, 255, 0, 170 ) payblip = createBlipAttachedTo(paymarker,41) end end end function newMission() if (getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)) == 408) then location = randomt() local x1, y1, z1 = unpack(location[trashN+1]) local loca = getZoneName(x1,y1,z1) exports.GTIhud:dm("You've been requested to pick up rubbish in "..loca, 255, 255, 0) takeTrashmarker = createColSphere ( x1, y1, z1, 1 ) blip = createBlipAttachedTo(takeTrashmarker, 0, 3.5, 51, 204, 0) theTrash = createObject(1264,x1,y1,z1) setElementCollisionsEnabled(theTrash,false) attachElements(takeTrashmarker,theTrash,0,0,0,0,0,0) theArrow = createMarker ( x1, y1, z1, "arrow", 1, 51, 204, 0, 170 ) attachElements(theArrow,theTrash,0,0,1.3,0,0,0) end end addEvent("GTITrashCollector.createmarker", true) addEventHandler("GTITrashCollector.createmarker", root, function(SX,SY,SZ,theVeh) if isElement(theTrash) then local dist = exports.GTIutil:getDistanceBetweenElements3D(localPlayer,theTrash) if ( dist < 40 ) and not (isElement(trashmarker))then trashmarker = createMarker (SX, SY, SZ, "cylinder", 1, 51, 204, 0, 170 ) attachElements(trashmarker,theVeh,0,-5,-1.5,1,0,0) end end end ) function takeTheTrash(theElement) if ( source == takeTrashmarker ) and ( theElement == localPlayer ) and ( isElement ( theTrash ) ) and not ( isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) ) and not ( doesPedHaveJetPack(localPlayer) ) then destroyElement(takeTrashmarker) destroyElement(blip) destroyElement(theArrow) triggerServerEvent("GTITrashCollector.freeze", resourceRoot, true) for i,v in ipairs(ctrls) do toggleControl(v, false) end setPedWeaponSlot(localPlayer,0) triggerServerEvent("GTITrashCollector.anim", resourceRoot,2) timer5 = setTimer(function() exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(theTrash,localPlayer,12,0.3,0.53,0.2,0,0,0) triggerServerEvent("GTITrashCollector.anim", resourceRoot,1) end, 700,1) triggerServerEvent("GTITrashCollector.marker", resourceRoot) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientColShapeHit", root, takeTheTrash) function throwing(thePlayer) if ( source == trashmarker ) and ( thePlayer == localPlayer) and (isElement(theTrash)) and ( exports.bone_attach:isElementAttachedToBone(theTrash) == true ) then triggerServerEvent("GTITrashCollector.anim", resourceRoot,3) for i,v in ipairs(ctrls) do toggleControl(v, true) end destroyElement(trashmarker) timer2 = setTimer(function() exports.bone_attach:detachElementFromBone(theTrash) local origX, origY, origZ = getElementPosition ( theTrash ) local newZ = origZ + 3 moveObject ( theTrash, 750, origX, origY, newZ ) end,550,1) timer1 = setTimer(function() playSFX("genrl", 32, 10, false) destroyElement(theTrash) trashN = trashN + 1 exports.GTIhud:drawStat("TrashID", "Trash Bags", trashN.."/10", 255, 200, 0) Mission() end,1000,1) end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit",getRootElement(),throwing) function pay(thePlayer) if ( source == paymarker ) and ( thePlayer == localPlayer) and isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) and trashN == 10 and not isTimer(paytimer) then local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) if getElementModel( theVehicle ) == 408 then destroyElement(payblip) destroyElement(paymarker) toggleControl("enter_exit",false) exports.GTIhud:drawProgressBar("TrashPro", "Unloading...", 255, 200, 0, 10000) setElementFrozen(theVehicle,true) unloadsound = playSFX("genrl", 76, 0, true) paytimer = setTimer(function() toggleControl("enter_exit",true) stopSound(unloadsound) triggerServerEvent("", resourceRoot) playSFX("genrl", 77, 2, false) setElementFrozen(theVehicle,false) trashN = 0 exports.GTIhud:drawStat("TrashID", "Trash Bags", trashN.."/10", 255, 200, 0) newMission() end,10000,1) end end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit",getRootElement(),pay) function onTakeJob( job ) if ( job == "Lixeiro" ) then exports.GTIhud:drawStat("TrashID", "Trash Bags", trashN.."/10", 255, 200, 0) end end addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerGetJob", localPlayer, onTakeJob) function delelem() if (exports.GTIemployment:getPlayerJob(true) == "Lixeiro") then trashN = 0 location = nil if isElement(trashmarker) then destroyElement(trashmarker) end if isElement(takeTrashmarker) then destroyElement(takeTrashmarker) end if isTimer(timer1) then killTimer(timer1) end if isTimer(timer2) then killTimer(timer2) end if isTimer(timer3) then killTimer(timer3) end if isTimer(timer4) then killTimer(timer4) end if isTimer(paytimer) then killTimer(paytimer) end if isTimer(timer5) then killTimer(timer5) end if isElement(theArrow) then destroyElement(theArrow) end if isElement(unloadsound) then stopSound(unloadsound) end if isElement(theTrash) then destroyElement(theTrash) end if isElement(blip) then destroyElement(blip) end if isElement(payblip) then destroyElement(payblip) end if isElement(paymarker) then destroyElement(paymarker) end toggleAllControls(true) setPedAnimation(localPlayer,false) exports.GTIhud:drawStat("TrashID", "Trash Bags", trashN.."/10", 255, 200, 0) end end addEvent( "onClientRentalVehicleHide",true) addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerWasted", localPlayer, delelem) addEventHandler ("onClientRentalVehicleHide", root, delelem) function onJobQuit(job) if ( job == "Lixeiro" ) then trashN = 0 location = nil if isElement(trashmarker) then destroyElement(trashmarker) end if isElement(takeTrashmarker) then destroyElement(takeTrashmarker) end if isTimer(timer1) then killTimer(timer1) end if isTimer(timer2) then killTimer(timer2) end if isTimer(timer3) then killTimer(timer3) end if isTimer(timer4) then killTimer(timer4) end if isTimer(timer5) then killTimer(timer5) end if isTimer(paytimer) then killTimer(paytimer) end if isElement(theArrow) then destroyElement(theArrow) end if isElement(unloadsound) then stopSound(unloadsound) end if isElement(theTrash) then destroyElement(theTrash) end if isElement(blip) then destroyElement(blip) end if isElement(payblip) then destroyElement(payblip) end if isElement(paymarker) then destroyElement(paymarker) end setPedAnimation(localPlayer,false) toggleAllControls(true) exports.GTIhud:drawStat("TrashID", "", "", 255, 200, 0) end end addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerQuitJob", localPlayer, onJobQuit) Serve.Lua addEvent("GTITrashCollector.marker", true) addEventHandler("GTITrashCollector.marker", root, function() local theVeh = exports.GTIrentals:getPlayerRentalVehicle(client) if ( isElement(theVeh) ) and ( getElementModel(theVeh) == 408 ) then local SX,SY,SZ = getElementPosition(theVeh) triggerClientEvent ( client, "GTITrashCollector.createmarker", resourceRoot, SX, SY, SZ, theVeh ) end end ) addEvent("", true) addEventHandler("", root, function() local pay = exports.GTIemployment:getPlayerJobPayment(client, "Trash Collector") local hrPay = exports.GTIemployment:getPlayerHourlyPay(client) local hrExp = exports.GTIemployment:getHourlyExperience() local pay = math.ceil( pay*10 ) local Exp = math.ceil( (pay/hrPay)*hrExp ) local pay = math.ceil( math.random(pay*0.8, pay*1.2) ) exports.GTIemployment:modifyPlayerJobProgress(client, "Trash Collector", 10) exports.GTIemployment:modifyPlayerEmploymentExp(client, Exp, "Trash Collector") exports.GTIemployment:givePlayerJobMoney(client, "Trash Collector", pay) end) function trashEnter ( thePlayer, seat, jacked ) if isElement(source) and ( getElementModel ( source ) == 408 ) and (exports.GTIrentals:getPlayerRentalVehicle(thePlayer) == source) and (seat == 0) and (exports.GTIemployment:getPlayerJob(thePlayer,true) == "Trash Collector") then triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "GTITrashCollector.onWasteEnter", resourceRoot ) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), trashEnter ) addEvent("GTITrashCollector.freeze", true) addEventHandler("GTITrashCollector.freeze", root, function(fre) local theveh = exports.GTIrentals:getPlayerRentalVehicle(client) if fre == false then setElementFrozen(theveh,false) elseif fre == true then setElementFrozen(theveh,true) end end ) addEvent("GTITrashCollector.anim", true) addEventHandler("GTITrashCollector.anim", root, function(anim) if anim == 1 then exports.GTIanims:setJobAnimation(client, "CARRY", "crry_prtial", 50, false, true, false, false) exports.GTIanims:setJobAnimation(client, "CARRY", "crry_prtial", 50, false, true, false, true) elseif anim == 2 then exports.GTIanims:setJobAnimation(client, "CARRY", "liftup", 1000, true, false, false, false) elseif anim == 3 then exports.GTIanims:setJobAnimation(client, "GRENADE", "WEAPON_throwu", 500, true, false, false, false) end end ) Se for possivel vocês me falar uma forma de resolver o problema eu agradeço. 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DNL291 Posted September 12, 2019 Share Posted September 12, 2019 Digite /debugscript 3 para encontrar mensagens de erro. Certifique-se que os resources nas linhas dos exports estejam colocados no seu server. Obs: Por favor, coloque o seu código com a formatação Lua, só clicar no botão <> , colar o código e selecionar a linguagem Lua. Link to comment
Other Languages Moderators Lord Henry Posted September 12, 2019 Other Languages Moderators Share Posted September 12, 2019 Da próxima vez, utilize a formatação adequada do fórum. Link to comment
Cristtk Posted September 12, 2019 Author Share Posted September 12, 2019 (edited) Ok,desculpe sou novo no forum e não sabia. Segui abaixo o script client e serve. Cliente.Lua local Marker_Emprego = createMarker ( -47.427, -1124.002, +6 0.078 -1, "cylinder", 1.5, 16, 111, 231, 50) local Blip_Emprego = createBlipAttachedTo( Marker_Emprego, 11 ) trashN = 1 location = nil local Trashesloc1 = { {199.635, -1384.151, 48.288}, {264.545, -1332.778, 52.842}, {284.777, -1320.584, 53.423}, {350.070, -1278.352, 53.538}, {402.468, -1255.487, 51.732}, {415.234, -1249.662, 51.103}, {543.424, -1200.640, 44.006}, {619.909, -1103.393, 46.252}, {659.012, -1063.778, 48.493}, {677.497, -1069.036, 48.712}, } local Trashesloc2 = { {2480.138, -1249.071, 28.771}, {2496.499, -1248.516, 33.210}, {2514.310, -1247.950, 34.621}, {2536.332, -1249.731, 38.633}, {2555.955, -1249.126, 44.265}, {2577.977, -1238.393, 47.431}, {2577.170, -1225.518, 51.642}, {2577.210, -1208.793, 57.449}, {2561.283, -1193.017, 61.353}, {2526.050, -1194.894, 56.032}, } local Trashesloc3 = { {643.592, -1714.940, 13.869}, {645.801, -1696.937, 14.429}, {648.737, -1657.511, 14.436}, {647.174, -1623.309, 14.627}, {674.267, -1594.801, 13.726}, {686.016, -1596.271, 13.664}, {759.969, -1600.941, 13.008}, {760.309, -1652.133, 4.426}, {762.769, -1696.082, 4.356}, {763.332, -1748.384, 12.215}, } local Trashesloc4 = { {1908.960, -2042.664, 13.099}, {1891.471, -2038.851, 13.107}, {1892.379, -2030.646, 13.107}, {1891.180, -2022.357, 13.099}, {1883.950, -2014.897, 13.107}, {1873.925, -2019.302, 13.107}, {1874.098, -2033.219, 13.107}, {1873.440, -2061.300, 13.107}, {1894.631, -2061.908, 13.107}, {1915.491, -2061.279, 13.107}, } local Trashesloc5 = { {2261.917, -1477.939, 22.529}, {2247.724, -1476.463, 22.945}, {2229.568, -1475.667, 23.416}, {2205.066, -1464.564, 23.544}, {2204.570, -1449.708, 23.544}, {2204.010, -1433.032, 23.544}, {2203.836, -1408.913, 23.544}, {2169.046, -1393.510, 23.544}, {2138.537, -1409.911, 23.546}, {2138.457, -1439.989, 23.542}, } local ctrls ={ "sprint", "jump", "enter_exit", "enter_passenger", "fire", "crouch", "aim_weapon", "next_weapon", "previous_weapon", } function randomt() local Table = math.random(1,5) if Table == 1 then return Trashesloc1 elseif Table == 2 then return Trashesloc2 elseif Table == 3 then return Trashesloc3 elseif Table == 4 then return Trashesloc4 elseif Table == 5 then return Trashesloc5 end end addEvent("GTITrashCollector.onWasteEnter", true) addEventHandler("GTITrashCollector.onWasteEnter", root, function() if (exports.GTIemployment:getPlayerJob(true) == "Lixeiro") and not (isElement(theTrash)) then if location == nil then newMission() end end end ) function Mission() if trashN < 10 then local x1, y1, z1 = unpack(location[trashN+1]) takeTrashmarker = createColSphere ( x1, y1, z1, 1.5 ) triggerServerEvent("GTITrashCollector.freeze", resourceRoot, false) blip = createBlipAttachedTo(takeTrashmarker, 0, 1.5, 51, 204, 0) theTrash = createObject(1264,x1,y1,z1) setElementCollisionsEnabled(theTrash,false) attachElements(takeTrashmarker,theTrash,0,0,0,0,0,0) theArrow = createMarker ( x1, y1, z1, "arrow", 1, 51, 204, 0, 170 ) attachElements(theArrow,theTrash,0,0,1.3,0,0,0) else if not isElement(paymarker) and not isTimer(paytimer) then triggerServerEvent("GTITrashCollector.freeze", resourceRoot, false) exports.GTIhud:dm("Return to the dump to get paid.", 255, 255, 0) paymarker = createMarker (-47.427, -1124.002, 0.078, "cylinder", 4, 255, 255, 0, 170 ) payblip = createBlipAttachedTo(paymarker,41) end end end function newMission() if (getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)) == 408) then location = randomt() local x1, y1, z1 = unpack(location[trashN+1]) local loca = getZoneName(x1,y1,z1) exports.GTIhud:dm("You've been requested to pick up rubbish in "..loca, 255, 255, 0) takeTrashmarker = createColSphere ( x1, y1, z1, 1 ) blip = createBlipAttachedTo(takeTrashmarker, 0, 3.5, 51, 204, 0) theTrash = createObject(1264,x1,y1,z1) setElementCollisionsEnabled(theTrash,false) attachElements(takeTrashmarker,theTrash,0,0,0,0,0,0) theArrow = createMarker ( x1, y1, z1, "arrow", 1, 51, 204, 0, 170 ) attachElements(theArrow,theTrash,0,0,1.3,0,0,0) end end addEvent("GTITrashCollector.createmarker", true) addEventHandler("GTITrashCollector.createmarker", root, function(SX,SY,SZ,theVeh) if isElement(theTrash) then local dist = exports.GTIutil:getDistanceBetweenElements3D(localPlayer,theTrash) if ( dist < 40 ) and not (isElement(trashmarker))then trashmarker = createMarker (SX, SY, SZ, "cylinder", 1, 51, 204, 0, 170 ) attachElements(trashmarker,theVeh,0,-5,-1.5,1,0,0) end end end ) function takeTheTrash(theElement) if ( source == takeTrashmarker ) and ( theElement == localPlayer ) and ( isElement ( theTrash ) ) and not ( isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) ) and not ( doesPedHaveJetPack(localPlayer) ) then destroyElement(takeTrashmarker) destroyElement(blip) destroyElement(theArrow) triggerServerEvent("GTITrashCollector.freeze", resourceRoot, true) for i,v in ipairs(ctrls) do toggleControl(v, false) end setPedWeaponSlot(localPlayer,0) triggerServerEvent("GTITrashCollector.anim", resourceRoot,2) timer5 = setTimer(function() exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(theTrash,localPlayer,12,0.3,0.53,0.2,0,0,0) triggerServerEvent("GTITrashCollector.anim", resourceRoot,1) end, 700,1) triggerServerEvent("GTITrashCollector.marker", resourceRoot) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientColShapeHit", root, takeTheTrash) function throwing(thePlayer) if ( source == trashmarker ) and ( thePlayer == localPlayer) and (isElement(theTrash)) and ( exports.bone_attach:isElementAttachedToBone(theTrash) == true ) then triggerServerEvent("GTITrashCollector.anim", resourceRoot,3) for i,v in ipairs(ctrls) do toggleControl(v, true) end destroyElement(trashmarker) timer2 = setTimer(function() exports.bone_attach:detachElementFromBone(theTrash) local origX, origY, origZ = getElementPosition ( theTrash ) local newZ = origZ + 3 moveObject ( theTrash, 750, origX, origY, newZ ) end,550,1) timer1 = setTimer(function() playSFX("genrl", 32, 10, false) destroyElement(theTrash) trashN = trashN + 1 exports.GTIhud:drawStat("TrashID", "Trash Bags", trashN.."/10", 255, 200, 0) Mission() end,1000,1) end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit",getRootElement(),throwing) function pay(thePlayer) if ( source == paymarker ) and ( thePlayer == localPlayer) and isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) and trashN == 10 and not isTimer(paytimer) then local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) if getElementModel( theVehicle ) == 408 then destroyElement(payblip) destroyElement(paymarker) toggleControl("enter_exit",false) exports.GTIhud:drawProgressBar("TrashPro", "Unloading...", 255, 200, 0, 10000) setElementFrozen(theVehicle,true) unloadsound = playSFX("genrl", 76, 0, true) paytimer = setTimer(function() toggleControl("enter_exit",true) stopSound(unloadsound) triggerServerEvent("", resourceRoot) playSFX("genrl", 77, 2, false) setElementFrozen(theVehicle,false) trashN = 0 exports.GTIhud:drawStat("TrashID", "Trash Bags", trashN.."/10", 255, 200, 0) newMission() end,10000,1) end end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit",getRootElement(),pay) function onTakeJob( job ) if ( job == "Lixeiro" ) then exports.GTIhud:drawStat("TrashID", "Trash Bags", trashN.."/10", 255, 200, 0) end end addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerGetJob", localPlayer, onTakeJob) function delelem() if (exports.GTIemployment:getPlayerJob(true) == "Lixeiro") then trashN = 0 location = nil if isElement(trashmarker) then destroyElement(trashmarker) end if isElement(takeTrashmarker) then destroyElement(takeTrashmarker) end if isTimer(timer1) then killTimer(timer1) end if isTimer(timer2) then killTimer(timer2) end if isTimer(timer3) then killTimer(timer3) end if isTimer(timer4) then killTimer(timer4) end if isTimer(paytimer) then killTimer(paytimer) end if isTimer(timer5) then killTimer(timer5) end if isElement(theArrow) then destroyElement(theArrow) end if isElement(unloadsound) then stopSound(unloadsound) end if isElement(theTrash) then destroyElement(theTrash) end if isElement(blip) then destroyElement(blip) end if isElement(payblip) then destroyElement(payblip) end if isElement(paymarker) then destroyElement(paymarker) end toggleAllControls(true) setPedAnimation(localPlayer,false) exports.GTIhud:drawStat("TrashID", "Trash Bags", trashN.."/10", 255, 200, 0) end end addEvent( "onClientRentalVehicleHide",true) addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerWasted", localPlayer, delelem) addEventHandler ("onClientRentalVehicleHide", root, delelem) function onJobQuit(job) if ( job == "Lixeiro" ) then trashN = 0 location = nil if isElement(trashmarker) then destroyElement(trashmarker) end if isElement(takeTrashmarker) then destroyElement(takeTrashmarker) end if isTimer(timer1) then killTimer(timer1) end if isTimer(timer2) then killTimer(timer2) end if isTimer(timer3) then killTimer(timer3) end if isTimer(timer4) then killTimer(timer4) end if isTimer(timer5) then killTimer(timer5) end if isTimer(paytimer) then killTimer(paytimer) end if isElement(theArrow) then destroyElement(theArrow) end if isElement(unloadsound) then stopSound(unloadsound) end if isElement(theTrash) then destroyElement(theTrash) end if isElement(blip) then destroyElement(blip) end if isElement(payblip) then destroyElement(payblip) end if isElement(paymarker) then destroyElement(paymarker) end setPedAnimation(localPlayer,false) toggleAllControls(true) exports.GTIhud:drawStat("TrashID", "", "", 255, 200, 0) end end addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerQuitJob", localPlayer, onJobQuit) Serve.Lua addEvent("GTITrashCollector.marker", true) addEventHandler("GTITrashCollector.marker", root, function() local theVeh = exports.GTIrentals:getPlayerRentalVehicle(client) if ( isElement(theVeh) ) and ( getElementModel(theVeh) == 408 ) then local SX,SY,SZ = getElementPosition(theVeh) triggerClientEvent ( client, "GTITrashCollector.createmarker", resourceRoot, SX, SY, SZ, theVeh ) end end ) addEvent("", true) addEventHandler("", root, function() local pay = exports.GTIemployment:getPlayerJobPayment(client, "Trash Collector") local hrPay = exports.GTIemployment:getPlayerHourlyPay(client) local hrExp = exports.GTIemployment:getHourlyExperience() local pay = math.ceil( pay*10 ) local Exp = math.ceil( (pay/hrPay)*hrExp ) local pay = math.ceil( math.random(pay*0.8, pay*1.2) ) exports.GTIemployment:modifyPlayerJobProgress(client, "Trash Collector", 10) exports.GTIemployment:modifyPlayerEmploymentExp(client, Exp, "Trash Collector") exports.GTIemployment:givePlayerJobMoney(client, "Trash Collector", pay) end) function trashEnter ( thePlayer, seat, jacked ) if isElement(source) and ( getElementModel ( source ) == 408 ) and (exports.GTIrentals:getPlayerRentalVehicle(thePlayer) == source) and (seat == 0) and (exports.GTIemployment:getPlayerJob(thePlayer,true) == "Trash Collector") then triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "GTITrashCollector.onWasteEnter", resourceRoot ) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), trashEnter ) addEvent("GTITrashCollector.freeze", true) addEventHandler("GTITrashCollector.freeze", root, function(fre) local theveh = exports.GTIrentals:getPlayerRentalVehicle(client) if fre == false then setElementFrozen(theveh,false) elseif fre == true then setElementFrozen(theveh,true) end end ) addEvent("GTITrashCollector.anim", true) addEventHandler("GTITrashCollector.anim", root, function(anim) if anim == 1 then exports.GTIanims:setJobAnimation(client, "CARRY", "crry_prtial", 50, false, true, false, false) exports.GTIanims:setJobAnimation(client, "CARRY", "crry_prtial", 50, false, true, false, true) elseif anim == 2 then exports.GTIanims:setJobAnimation(client, "CARRY", "liftup", 1000, true, false, false, false) elseif anim == 3 then exports.GTIanims:setJobAnimation(client, "GRENADE", "WEAPON_throwu", 500, true, false, false, false) end end ) Aparece esse erro +' ERROR: Loading script failed: GTItrashCollector\TrashCollectorClient.Lua:1:unexpected symbol near ' +' Edited September 12, 2019 by Lord Henry Corrigida formatação de código. 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DNL291 Posted September 13, 2019 Share Posted September 13, 2019 O erro está aqui: local Marker_Emprego = createMarker ( -47.427, -1124.002, +6 0.078 -1, "cylinder", 1.5, 16, 111, 231, 50) Por causa do "+6" Link to comment
Cristtk Posted September 13, 2019 Author Share Posted September 13, 2019 Certo o marker ja apareceu. Poderia me tirar mais uma duvida? Se sim, como faço pra colocar esse emprego numa agencia de empregos onde o jogador seleciona la e pega o emprego. Normamelte tem qe substituir algumas coisas no script de trabalho pra funcionar. local Emprego = getElementData ( source, "PH->Emprego->Empregado" ) if Emprego == "Lixeiro" or getElementData ( source, "char.factionID") == 999 then Os empregos que funciona com a agencia de empregos tem essa linha de código ai. Onde substituo esses dados no primeiro script enviado no começo do tópico? Link to comment
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