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1.03 server -> ASE

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Hi again,

The 1.0 server works/worked great for me. The 1.03 version however does not show up on ASE.

I am running this from a Fedora Core 2 server, with iptables properly configured.

Am I the only one with this problem or is this a bug?


btw FYI..

netstat does show the server is listening on the ASE port.

[root@xxxx root]# netstat -nlut|grep 22005
udp        0      0 *
[root@xxxx root]# netstat -nlut|grep 22128
udp        0      0 *
[root@xxxx root]# netstat -nlut|grep 44005
udp        0      0 *
[root@xxxx root]#

Also.. When an ASE query is sent to the server, it responds as it should.


Edited by Guest
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My setup hasnt changed either. Only the server files have.

Before I went to the 1.03 version it showed up just fine, so I know for a fact it is not firewall settings or something like that.

Like I said, when I send an ASE query string to the server, it responds as it should according to the ASE protocol, so I agree it is not likely that the ASE code implementation is to blame. (PM me for the server info if you want to verify this)

Yet it does not show up on ASE as much as I'd want it to ;)

[EDIT] Think I figured out the problem here. It seems my server has ended up in ASE SDK Test category, along with a bunch of other MTA:SA servers and all the GTA:Rumble servers ;) Hope that info gets you closer to the solution [/EDIT]

[EDIT2] On closer inspection it seems that the 1.03 release, returns "test" for gamename when queried instead of "mta". Compiled in the wrong ASE sourcefile? [/EDIT2]

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