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Server browser, and the mods which the server has to handle


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On the blog a guy posted this:

3. race + dm

By : Phant @ Time : 31 Jan 2006 08:00:59 pm : Home

forgot to ask but do we have to run each mod as a seperate server for each or can have say alternating modes

In reply to this, Oli posted:

5. mods

By : Oli @ Time : 31 Jan 2006 09:27:53 pm :

We arn't sure exactly how the mods will be loaded with the server just yet

I don't know if you found a solution on this yet, but my idea would be:

In the server browser, there should be added tabs so it would look like this:

[Well the tabs here how it is now.] here these added : [Current mode: ( e.g. racing or deathmatch ) Current map : ( well yeh, that explains itself ).

About the server, perhaps you could make it like switching between race or dm without having to restart the server, dunno if its possible.

So it'd be what I like to see, i hope you'll implent it someway like this but its up to you 8) keep it up :)

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eAi stated elsewhere that the two modes (and others presumably as they are developed) should be able to be switched live.

Oh ok. And what about the new server browser tabs?

Also 2 more questions which I already have found being asked but I haven't seen the answers on them :

Is it possible with the ingame-limitations of ASE to have a favorites tab and players in the server when clicking a server name once? ( like in other games with the score showing aswell )

And the motd? I hope it will be implented in the next release/patch. Ty anyway :)

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