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Hello, i have big problem with my script when im in vehlib and i edit car i want to save my car but it says this: 


[main]/mysql/connection.Lua:206: bad argument #2 to 'mysql_escape_string' (string expected, got boolean)
[10:08:27] ERROR: [main]/savevehicle-system/s_savevehicle_system.Lua:49: call: failed to call 'mysql:escape_string' [string "?"]
[10:08:27] ERROR: [main]/savevehicle-system/s_savevehicle_system.Lua:62: attempt to concatenate a boolean value
[10:08:27] ERROR: [main]/vehicle-system/s_vehicle_system.Lua:583: call: failed to call 'savevehicle-system:saveVehicle' [string "?"]
[10:08:27] ERROR: [main]/vehicle-system/s_vehicle_system.Lua:903: attempt to compare number with nil
[10:08:27] ERROR: [main]/vehicle-manager/vehicle-handling-editor/s_handling_system.Lua:358: call: failed to call 'vehicle-system:reloadVehicle' [string "?"]
[10:08:27] ERROR: [main]/vehicle-manager/vehicle-handling-editor/s_handling_system.Lua:366: exports: Call to non-running server resource (logs) [string "?"]



Can you someone help me with this, my handling won't to save and when i buy that car it have normal handling but not from vehlib

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