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A questão do logout ali eu nem prestei atenção, já que no sistema dele o logout não era permitido e kickava o jogador que deslogasse, afim de forçar um onPlayerQuit.

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On 7/1/2019 at 4:22 PM, Lord Henry said:

Ela tem 10 de munição, certo?

Agora aperte E para trocar pro slot 0 (a arma vai sair da sua mão) e então execute o mesmo comando mas coloque false no lugar de true. Depois volte pro slot da arma e verifique se aumentou a munição.

Sim, mais o problema de não salvar nenhuma arma vai arrumar todas? Ou só da AK-47?

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18 hours ago, Luccas said:

Sim, mais o problema de não salvar nenhuma arma vai arrumar todas? Ou só da AK-47?

function playerLogin (thePreviousAccount, theCurrentAccount, autoLogin)
	if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (source))) then
		local accountData = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-money")
		if (accountData) then
			local playerMoney = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-money")
			local playerSkin = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-skin")
			local playerHealth = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-health")
			local playerArmor = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-armor")
			local playerX = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-x")
			local playerY = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-y")
			local playerZ = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-z")
			local playerInt = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-int")
			local playerDim = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-dim")
			local playerWanted = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-wantedlevel")
			local playerTeam = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-Team")
			spawnPlayer (source, playerX, playerY, playerZ +1, 0, playerSkin, playerInt, playerDim)
			setPlayerMoney (source, playerMoney)
			setTimer (setElementHealth, 500, 1, source, playerHealth)
			setTimer (setPedArmor, 500, 1, source, playerArmor)
			setTimer (setPlayerWantedLevel, 500, 1, source, playerWanted)
			if getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weapons") then
				local weaponData = fromJSON (getAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weapons")) -- Converte a string JSON em uma table.
				for i=1, 46 do -- Para cada ID de arma, faça: (seria do 0 ao 46, mas não precisa obter a mão do jogador)
					if weaponData[tostring(i)] then -- Se existe o ID "i" de arma na table, então:
						giveWeapon (source, i, weaponData[tostring(i)]) -- Os índices da table JSON sempre são em string.
			setCameraTarget (source)
			fadeCamera (source, true, 2.0)
			spawnPlayer (source, 1481.0855712891, -1771.2996826172, 18.795753479004, 0, 78, 0, 0)
			setPlayerMoney (source, 200)
			setCameraTarget (source)
			fadeCamera (source, true, 2.0)
addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", root, playerLogin)

function onLogout ()
	kickPlayer (source, nil, "Logging out is disallowed.")
addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogout", root, onLogout)

function onQuit (quitType, reason, responsibleElement)
	if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (source))) then
		account = getPlayerAccount (source)
		if (account) then
			local x, y, z = getElementPosition (source)
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-money", tostring (getPlayerMoney (source)))
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-skin", tostring (getPedSkin (source)))
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-health", tostring (getElementHealth (source)))
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-armor", tostring (getPedArmor (source)))
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-R", r)
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-G", g)
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-B", b)
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-x", x)
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-y", y)
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-z", z)
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-int", getElementInterior (source))
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-dim", getElementDimension (source))
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-wantedlevel", getPlayerWantedLevel (source))
			local ammo = {}
			for i=0,12 do --Weapon Slots
				for k=1,46 do --Weapon IDs (seria do 0 ao 46, mas não precisa obter a mão do jogador, arma 0.)
					if getPedWeapon (source, i) == k then
						ammo[k] = getPedTotalAmmo (source, i)
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weapons", toJSON ( { ammo[1], ammo[2], ammo[3], ammo[4], ammo[5], ammo[6], ammo[7], ammo[8], ammo[9], ammo[10], ammo[11], ammo[12], ammo[13], ammo[14], ammo[15], ammo[16], ammo[17], ammo[18], ammo[19], ammo[20], ammo[21], ammo[22], ammo[23], ammo[24], ammo[25], ammo[26], ammo[27], ammo[28], ammo[29], ammo[30], ammo[31], ammo[32], ammo[33], ammo[34], ammo[35], ammo[36], ammo[37], ammo[38], ammo[39], ammo[40], ammo[41], ammo[42], ammo[43], ammo[44], ammo[45], ammo[46] } ))
addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, onQuit)

function onWasted (totalAmmo, killer, killerWeapon, bodypart, stealth)
	if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount(source))) then
		local theWeapon = getPedWeapon (source)
		local weaponAmmo = getPedTotalAmmo (source)
		fadeCamera (source, false)
		setTimer (spawnPlayer, 1000, 1, source, 2036.1735839844, -1413.0563964844, 16.9921875, 0, getPedSkin (source), 0, 0, getPlayerTeam(source))
		setTimer (setCameraTarget, 1250, 1, source)
		setTimer (fadeCamera, 2000, 1, source, true)
		setTimer (giveWeapon, 2000, 1, source, theWeapon, weaponAmmo, true)
addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", root, onWasted)

É esse o script, bota no server-side que ta funcionando com todas armas


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Olhando seu código aqui por cima, é válido lembrar que não é necessário kickar o jogador pra bloquear o logout, pode ter jogadores que entraram a pouco tempo no seu servidor e nem jogaram o suficiente pra entender como funciona e continuar jogando dai eles tomam um kick desnecessário e nunca mais voltam, você pode cancelar, fazendo desta forma:

addEventHandler ("onPlayerCommand", root, function (cmd)
	if cmd == "logout" then -- Se o comando digitado for o "/logout", então:
		outputChatBox ("Comando bloqueado: /"..cmd, source, 255, 30, 30) -- Envia output informando o jogador.
		cancelEvent () -- Cancela a execução do comando.


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On 08/07/2019 at 11:35, carlos eduardo said:

function playerLogin (thePreviousAccount, theCurrentAccount, autoLogin)
	if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (source))) then
		local accountData = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-money")
		if (accountData) then
			local playerMoney = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-money")
			local playerSkin = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-skin")
			local playerHealth = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-health")
			local playerArmor = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-armor")
			local playerX = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-x")
			local playerY = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-y")
			local playerZ = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-z")
			local playerInt = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-int")
			local playerDim = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-dim")
			local playerWanted = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-wantedlevel")
			local playerTeam = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-Team")
			spawnPlayer (source, playerX, playerY, playerZ +1, 0, playerSkin, playerInt, playerDim)
			setPlayerMoney (source, playerMoney)
			setTimer (setElementHealth, 500, 1, source, playerHealth)
			setTimer (setPedArmor, 500, 1, source, playerArmor)
			setTimer (setPlayerWantedLevel, 500, 1, source, playerWanted)
			if getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weapons") then
				local weaponData = fromJSON (getAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weapons")) -- Converte a string JSON em uma table.
				for i=1, 46 do -- Para cada ID de arma, faça: (seria do 0 ao 46, mas não precisa obter a mão do jogador)
					if weaponData[tostring(i)] then -- Se existe o ID "i" de arma na table, então:
						giveWeapon (source, i, weaponData[tostring(i)]) -- Os índices da table JSON sempre são em string.
			setCameraTarget (source)
			fadeCamera (source, true, 2.0)
			spawnPlayer (source, 1481.0855712891, -1771.2996826172, 18.795753479004, 0, 78, 0, 0)
			setPlayerMoney (source, 200)
			setCameraTarget (source)
			fadeCamera (source, true, 2.0)
addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", root, playerLogin)

function onLogout ()
	kickPlayer (source, nil, "Logging out is disallowed.")
addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogout", root, onLogout)

function onQuit (quitType, reason, responsibleElement)
	if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (source))) then
		account = getPlayerAccount (source)
		if (account) then
			local x, y, z = getElementPosition (source)
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-money", tostring (getPlayerMoney (source)))
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-skin", tostring (getPedSkin (source)))
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-health", tostring (getElementHealth (source)))
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-armor", tostring (getPedArmor (source)))
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-R", r)
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-G", g)
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-B", b)
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-x", x)
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-y", y)
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-z", z)
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-int", getElementInterior (source))
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-dim", getElementDimension (source))
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-wantedlevel", getPlayerWantedLevel (source))
			local ammo = {}
			for i=0,12 do --Weapon Slots
				for k=1,46 do --Weapon IDs (seria do 0 ao 46, mas não precisa obter a mão do jogador, arma 0.)
					if getPedWeapon (source, i) == k then
						ammo[k] = getPedTotalAmmo (source, i)
			setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weapons", toJSON ( { ammo[1], ammo[2], ammo[3], ammo[4], ammo[5], ammo[6], ammo[7], ammo[8], ammo[9], ammo[10], ammo[11], ammo[12], ammo[13], ammo[14], ammo[15], ammo[16], ammo[17], ammo[18], ammo[19], ammo[20], ammo[21], ammo[22], ammo[23], ammo[24], ammo[25], ammo[26], ammo[27], ammo[28], ammo[29], ammo[30], ammo[31], ammo[32], ammo[33], ammo[34], ammo[35], ammo[36], ammo[37], ammo[38], ammo[39], ammo[40], ammo[41], ammo[42], ammo[43], ammo[44], ammo[45], ammo[46] } ))
addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, onQuit)

function onWasted (totalAmmo, killer, killerWeapon, bodypart, stealth)
	if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount(source))) then
		local theWeapon = getPedWeapon (source)
		local weaponAmmo = getPedTotalAmmo (source)
		fadeCamera (source, false)
		setTimer (spawnPlayer, 1000, 1, source, 2036.1735839844, -1413.0563964844, 16.9921875, 0, getPedSkin (source), 0, 0, getPlayerTeam(source))
		setTimer (setCameraTarget, 1250, 1, source)
		setTimer (fadeCamera, 2000, 1, source, true)
		setTimer (giveWeapon, 2000, 1, source, theWeapon, weaponAmmo, true)
addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", root, onWasted)

É esse o script, bota no server-side que ta funcionando com todas armas


Não funcionou mano

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