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Ajuda Na Name Tag

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Opa Sou novo gostaria de pedir ajuda pois esta tudo perfeito só que desce apenas o colete e a vida não mostra pela nametag descendo
[Lua]local drawDistance = 70
g_StreamedInPlayers = {}

function drawHPBar(x, y, v, d)
	if v < 0 then
		v = 0
	elseif v > 100 then
		v = 100
	dxDrawRectangle(x - 21, y, 42, 6, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150 - d))
	dxDrawRectangle(x - 20, y + 1, v / 2.5, 4, tocolor((100 - v) * 2.55, v * 2.55, 0, 255 - d))

function drawArmourBar(x, y, v, d)
	if v < 0 then
		v = 0
	elseif v > 100 then
		v = 100
	dxDrawRectangle(x - 21, y, 42, 6, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150 - d))
	dxDrawRectangle(x - 20, y + 1, v / 2.5, 4, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255 - d))

function onClientRender()
	local cx, cy, cz, lx, ly, lz = getCameraMatrix()
	for k, player in pairs(g_StreamedInPlayers) do
		if isElement(player) and isElementStreamedIn(player) then
			local vx, vy, vz = getPedBonePosition(player, 8)
			local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(cx, cy, cz, vx, vy, vz)
			if dist < drawDistance and isLineOfSightClear(cx, cy, cz, vx, vy, vz, true, false, false) then
				local x, y = getScreenFromWorldPosition(vx, vy, vz + 0.3)
				if x and y then
					local name = getPlayerName(player)
					local w = dxGetTextWidth(name, 1, "default-bold", true)
					local h = dxGetFontHeight(1, "default-bold", true)
					dxDrawText(name, x - w + 40, y - 30, x + h, y, tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1, "default-bold", "center", "top", false, false, false, true)
					local health = getPedMaxHealth(player)
					local armour = getPedArmor(player)
					if health > 0 then
						drawHPBar(x, y - 6, health, dist)
					if armour > 0 then
						drawArmourBar(x, y - 12, armour, dist)
			table.remove(g_StreamedInPlayers, k)
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, onClientRender)

function onClientElementStreamIn()
	if getElementType(source) == "player" and source ~= getLocalPlayer() then
		setPlayerNametagShowing(source, false)
		table.insert(g_StreamedInPlayers, source)
addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamIn", root, onClientElementStreamIn)

function onClientResourceStart(startedResource)
	visibleTick = getTickCount()
	normalhealthbar = false
	for k, v in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
		if isElementStreamedIn(v) and v ~= getLocalPlayer() then
			setPlayerNametagShowing(v, false)
			table.insert(g_StreamedInPlayers, v)
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, onClientResourceStart)

function dxDrawColorText(str, ax, ay, bx, by, color, scale, font)
  local pat = "(.-)#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)"
  local s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, 1)
  local last = 1
  while s do
    if cap == "" and col then
      color = tocolor(tonumber("0x" .. col:sub(1, 2)), tonumber("0x" .. col:sub(3, 4)), tonumber("0x" .. col:sub(5, 6)), 255)
    if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then
      local w = dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font)
      dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font)
      ax = ax + w
      color = tocolor(tonumber("0x" .. col:sub(1, 2)), tonumber("0x" .. col:sub(3, 4)), tonumber("0x" .. col:sub(5, 6)), 255)
    last = e + 1
    s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, last)
  if last <= #str then
    cap = str:sub(last)
    local w = dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font)
    dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font)

function getPedMaxHealth(ped)
    -- Output an error and stop executing the function if the argument is not valid
    assert(isElement(ped) and (getElementType(ped) == "ped" or getElementType(ped) == "player"), "Bad argument @ 'getPedMaxHealth' [Expected ped/player at argument 1, got " .. tostring(ped) .. "]")

    -- Grab his player health stat.
    local stat = getPedStat(ped, 24)

    -- Do a linear interpolation to get how many health a ped can have.
    -- Assumes: 100 health = 569 stat, 200 health = 1000 stat.
    local maxhealth = 100 + (stat - 569) / 4.31

    -- Return the max health. Make sure it can't be below 1
    return math.max(1, maxhealth)
end[/Lua ]
Edited by Thg Map
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