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Password Help.

Guest juan_salad

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# ServerPort
# Required: Yes
# Purpose: Defines the port for players to connect on
#          Format - ServerPort 
# Notes:
#     Must be a numerical value
ServerPort 22003

# ServerName
# Required: Yes
# Purpose: Defines the name of the server
#          Format - ServerName 
ServerName XSA server

# ServerPassword
# Required: Yes (Yes if server should be passworded)
# Purpose: Defines the server password
#          Format - ServerPassword 
#ServerPassword hackhack

# Required: Yes
# Purpose: Defines whether the server should report to the All Seeing Eye (can be seen in the Server Browser)
#          Format - ASE 
# Notes:
#     Set to 1 to enable, anything else to disable

# MaxPlayers
# Required: Yes
# Purpose: Defines the max players that can connect to the server
#          Format - MaxPlayers 
# Notes:
#     Must be a numerical value and must not go above 32
MaxPlayers 32

# AdminServer
# Required: No
# Purpose: Defines whether the server should enable Remote Admin
#          Format - AdminServer <1/0>
# Notes:
#     Set to 1 to enable, anything else to disable
AdminServer 1

# AdminPort
# Required: Yes (if AdminServer is enabled)
# Purpose: Defines the port for Remote Admins to connect on
#          Format - AdminPort 
# Notes:
#     Must be a numerical value
AdminPort 44003

# AdminPass
# Required: Yes (if AdminServer is enabled)
# Purpose: Defines the Remote Admin password
#          Format - AdminPass 
AdminPass hackhack

# AllowAdminShutdown
# Required: No
# Purpose: Defines whether the server can be shutdown from Remote Admin
#          Format - AllowAdminShutdown 
# Notes:
#     Set to 1 to enable, anything else to disable
AllowAdminShutdown 1

# LogFile
# Required: No
# Purpose: Defines the file which the server log should be written to
#          Format - LogFile 
LogFile mtaserver.log

# VoteMapEnabled
# Required: No
# Purpose: Defines whether map voting is enabled/disabled
#          Format - VoteMapEnabled 
VoteMapEnabled 1

# VoteMapPercentage
# Required: No
# Purpose: Defines the percentage of votes needed for a map vote to pass.
#          A high value is recommended (over 80%) to prevent voting abuse.
#          Format - VoteMapPercentage <0-100>
VoteMapPercentage 90

# VoteMapTimeDelay
# Required: No
# Purpose: Defines how long a player must wait before they can vote for a new map
#          Format - VoteMapTimeDelay 
# Notes:
#     This does not take effect if there are 2 or less players in the server
VoteMapTimeDelay 90

# Admin
# Required: No
# Purpose: Defines all the people in-server who can rcon_login to admin
#          Format - Admin 
# Notes:
#     admin-level must not go above 5
#     Names and passwords are case sensitive
#Admin Default password 5

# Required: No
# Purpose: Defines the admin level for . If this is not specified it is defaulted
#          Format - RCON 
# Notes:
#      must be between 1 and 5. If it is invalid, the level is defaulted
RCON kick 4
RCON ban 4
RCON mute 2
RCON unmute 2

# AutoUpdateAntiCheat
# Required: No (defaults to 1)
# Purpose: Defines whether the server should check Anti-Cheat for updates automatically on server start.
#          Format - AutoUpdateAntiCheat <1/0>
AutoUpdateAntiCheat 0

Can someone look at this and tell me why my server is still without a password. I thought i typed in everything correctly but obviously im mistaken.

Thanks in advance.

i replaced my passwors with "hackhack" for security reasons. In realality they are two different words. :)

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The hash ('#') in front of the line comments it out, meaning the server won't read it, reguardless of whether you edit the value or not. Just delete the '#' from in front of that line, save the config file and restart the server. It will work fine.

# ServerPassword 
# Required: Yes (Yes if server should be passworded) 
# Purpose: Defines the server password 
#          Format - ServerPassword 
ServerPassword hackhack

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