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Blockland revisited.

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Ever played Blockland?


Basically it is an online multiplayer lego simulator, you are a small lego man and you can 'shoot' blocks onto the ground, building structures and scenes live with other people in the same way as with the real toy bricks, but whilst standing amongst them, going in and out of the buildings, climbing the stairs and ramps, interacting with the other players etc. All great fun surprisingly, and a staple diet for regulars in #mta last year.

Now, ever used the mtasa:race map editor?

It would be simply awesome to be able to do something blocklandish with it, synchronised map building, object placing and testing with one or more other people. Its a bit left field I know but it'd be hilarious fun if it ever happened. I can picture it already :)

* places walls around player2 to imprison them as player2 builds a ramp and spawns a pcj to escape.

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