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change brighness and gamma ingame

Guest id5473

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hey all,

when i play the game it usually doesnt apply the brightness settings i have selected. so i always need to go into the video options menu to change the brightness to the value it want it to be. (the slider is still on the right position but it doesnt take effect).

so i have to to move the slider somewhere and then back to the actual position to make the new brigthness settings work at all.

Is there a way to change the brigthness in the mta sa client? maybe via console?

btw i have ati graphic card.. in case thats of use to you..

i searched the forum for the word "brightness" but hadnt any usefull results.



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havent figured how to save setting for a certain game .. (or its .exe file)

but i managed to set up a profile with increased brigthness and saved it.

so now i have to load this profile manuel, before starting up mta..

works fine sofar .. thanks for the hint


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havent figured how to save setting for a certain game .. (or its .exe file)

but i managed to set up a profile with increased brigthness and saved it.

so now i have to load this profile manuel, before starting up mta..

works fine sofar .. thanks for the hint


I don't have an ATI card so I didn't know if the drivers have this feature of not. Nvidia drivers do. You can get third party utilities that can detect an exe and do this though.

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