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[HELP] DGS System

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Hi, sorry for bad english.
I have a question about DGS.
I create a window in which I create a button (buttonWindow) and add an event to it, but the function works even if you clicked on the window (wnd).

wnd = dgsCreateWindow (...)
buttonWindow = dgsCreateButton (...,wnd)
addEventHandler ("onDgsMouseClick", buttonWindow, buttonWindowFunction)

function buttonWindowFunction ()

How can I fix this?
Thank you in advance! :) 

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2 hours ago, MRmihailZH said:

Hi, sorry for bad english.
I have a question about DGS.
I create a window in which I create a button (buttonWindow) and add an event to it, but the function works even if you clicked on the window (wnd).

wnd = dgsCreateWindow (...)
buttonWindow = dgsCreateButton (...,wnd)
addEventHandler ("onDgsMouseClick", buttonWindow, buttonWindowFunction)

function buttonWindowFunction ()

How can I fix this?
Thank you in advance! :) 


Didn't understand the code a bit, but try so!
function button()
	buttonWindow = dgsCreateButton()
	addEventHandler("onDgsMouseClick", buttonWindow, buttonWindowFunction)
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", root, button)

function buttonWindowFunction()


write the required parameters in parentheses:



Edited by Hugos
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