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3rd Person view

Guest briggsy

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after i reinstalled SA, and started playing MTA, everything was fine, no crashes etc, but yesterday, after i restarted my PC when i was playing MTA the View would constantly rotate around the car, even when i was drving. the only view that worked was first person bumper view. but its realy hard to drive in this view. is there any fix for this problem? thanks

Btw, the same thign happens on my brothers PC now. thanks for your help!

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after i reinstalled SA, and started playing MTA, everything was fine, no crashes etc, but yesterday, after i restarted my PC when i was playing MTA the View would constantly rotate around the car, even when i was drving. the only view that worked was first person bumper view. but its realy hard to drive in this view. is there any fix for this problem? thanks

Btw, the same thign happens on my brothers PC now. thanks for your help!

are you using a joypad?

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