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Question about Dx


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Those are individual rectangles put next to eachother. Download guieditor, make a rectangle, copy it, paste it, put it next/under the previous one. Done.


Edit: Can also make the script add them using simple math.

Edited by Forthwind
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1 hour ago, Forthwind said:

Those are individual rectangles put next to eachother. Download guieditor, make a rectangle, copy it, paste it, put it next/under the previous one. Done.


Edit: Can also make the script add them using simple math.

i won't by guieditor .... i want add them by using math but idk how 

This test code will draw 12 rectangle one next one !!

i want it draw the rectangle in 4 lines and every line has 3 rectangle , so 3x4=12 !! any one can help me ?

local test = {


addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,
for i, v in ipairs (items) do
dxDrawRectangle ( 500+i*50,400,50,50 tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 150 ) )


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You can use a loop inside another loop.
1 loop for rows and the other for columns.

local cols,rows = 4,6
local size = 45
local space = size + 5

addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, function( )
    for row=0,rows-1 do
        for col=0,cols-1 do
            dxDrawRectangle( 10+(space*row), 300+(space*col), size, size )
end )

Or instead of calculating the positions in real-time you can store it in a table then draw them.

Edited by Mr.Loki
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