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Get sub table name and table count

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Hey there community, Im here again with a little problem that is giving me headache.

Well, Im going to be clear, is there some way to get the sub table name and get the table count using this method:

local tableTest = {
	["Room1"] = {},
	["Room2"] = {},
	["Room3"] = {},
	["Room4"] = {}

outputChatBox("Table Count: "..#tableTest or 0)
for i, roomName in ipairs(tableTest) do

It always drops me that the Table Count is 0 and it doesn't output the Sub Table Names

I want to get the table count and get the sub table names: Room1, Room2, Room3, Room4

I hope you can help me. 


Edited by Overkillz
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ipairs loop only works an array structure tables. 

indexes: 1,2,3,4

The  #  only works for array structured tables.



But yours is an object/custom structured table.

indexes: 'Room1', 'Room2', 'Room3', 'Room4'

And for that you need the pairs loop



function getTableCount(thisTable)
	local count = 0
	for k, v in pairs(thisTable) do
		count = count + 1
	return count

local count = getTableCount(tableTest)







Edited by IIYAMA
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11 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:

ipairs loop only works an array structure tables. 

indexes: 1,2,3,4

The  #  only works for array structured tables.



But yours is an object/custom structured table.

indexes: 'Room1', 'Room2', 'Room3', 'Room4'

And for that you need the pairs loop



function getTableCount(thisTable)
	local count = 0
	for k, v in pairs(thisTable) do
		count = count + 1
	return count

local count = getTableCount(tableTest)



Alright, got it, but what about to get the name of those objects wihtout adding any thing inside each table.

EDIT: GOT IT. Looping it using pairs gives me the name.

Thanks matte :)

Edited by Overkillz
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9 minutes ago, Overkillz said:

Alright, got it, but what about to get the name of those objects wihtout adding any thing inside each table.

then you should start with an array structured table and create and object structured table afterwards.



Start with an array structured table.

local tableTestArray = {
	{key = "Room1"},
	{key = "Room2"},
	{key = "Room3"},
	{key = "Room4"}

local tableTestObject = {}

for i=1, #tableTestArray do
	tableTestObject[tableTestArray[i].key] = tableTestArray[i]


This allows you to access the data with multiple ways.

  • access to ipairs (loop in order)  --> tableTestArray
  • access to # (item count) --> tableTestArray
  • access with "Room1" --> tableTestObject


NOTE: the sub tables are LINKED between: tableTestArray <> tableTestObject

They are the same.

Edited by IIYAMA
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