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Hi, I'm here with more questions.

1. What's the difference between creating peds on server and client?

2. If I want to make a ped that shoot people, I must do it on client or server?

3. Where do you usually create your peds (client or server)? Why?

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1. + 3.

To answer this, you need to understand the difference between client and serverside:



  • The server is a computer. Which RUNS serverside.
  • The Clients are multiple computer connected to the server. Which RUNS clientside.
  • The internet and the network is in between. (ping is the delay which separates those two types of computers)
  • In case of a local-server the ping 0, but both sides are still separated.


And that will give the result as

@Patrick2562 said.





You make peds created by clientside/serverside shoot at clientside. The reason why it can't be done serverside is because MTA doesn't support it yet.


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