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[HELP]Cars gun error


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Hello there

I added a gun to the vehicle but it does not occur where I want.

gun is not sticky to the vehicle

I want it to shoot with the mouse[ Left mouse button ].


function createMinigunWeapon()
    -- Create the weapon 1 meter above the player
    local x, y, z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer())
    local weapon = createWeapon("ak-47", -2413.2534179688, -593.76226806641, 134 + 1)
    -- Give it some ammo and fire it
    setWeaponClipAmmo(weapon, 1500)
    setWeaponState(weapon, "firing")
addCommandHandler("silah", createMinigunWeapon)
weapon createWeapon ( string ak-47, float -2414, float -593, float 134)

pls help

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5 hours ago, Zorgman said:

Use attachElements to stick the weapon to your vehicle.


still not the same.

function tankHat (commandName)
   local position = Vector3(getElementPosition (localPlayer)) -- Get the players position
   local tank = createWeapon ( ak-47, -1590.0594482422, -182.07429504395, 17.077798843384 + 5 ) -- Create a tank
   attachElements (tank,localPlayer, 2, 2, 5 ) -- Attach the tank to the player.
addCommandHandler( "silah", tankHat 

bool attachElements ( element ak-47, element vehicle, [ float -1590.0594482422 = +1, float -182.07429504395 = +1, float 17.077798843384 = +1, float -1590.0594482422 = 1, float -182.07429504395 = 1, float 17.077798843384 = 1 ] )

Pls help me

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First argument in createWeapon needs to be a string i.e. enclosed in quotation marks. Fixing that means just scratching the surface regarding your code and what you try to accomplish. You'll need to learn some lua basics first, I'm afraid you can't be helped otherwise - unless someone with a kind heart and free time does the job for you. Good luck!

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