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Some objects get collisionless

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There are some objects created in the map editor (.map files) that get collisionless after reconnecting, so basically the first time you join in they have collision but after that they get collisionless, if you're wondering what custom objects i'm using here is the table with them:

local objects = {
	-- id, dff, col, txd
	{3976, "policest02_lan", "policest02_lan"},
	{18023, "int_pizzaplace", "int_pizzaplace"},
	{5418, "lae711block01", "lae711block01"},
	{17700, "pigpenblok1_lae2", "pigpenblok1_lae2"},
	{14838, "int_strip_club", "int_strip_club"},
	{14785, "gen_otb", "gen_otb"},
	{4683, "ladtbuild2_lan2", "ladtbuild2_lan2"},
	{5732, "donut01_lawn", "donut01_lawn"},
	{18021, "int_din_donut_main", "int_din_donut_main"},
	{12853, "sw_gas01", "sw_gas01"},
	{17534, "cluckinbell1_lae", "cluckinbell1_lae"},
	{5168, "cluckinbell1_las2", "cluckinbell1_las2"},
	{5813, "lawnshop1", "lawnshop1"},
	{18022, "int_chick_main", "int_chick_main"},
	{18030, "gap", "gap"},
	{4572, "stolenbuilds11", "stolenbuilds11"},
	{4584, "halgroundlan2", "halgroundlan2"},
	{18026, "clothes_:~", "clothes_:~"},
	{17517, "barberblock1_lae", "barberblock1_lae"},
	{5521, "idlewofuk06_lae", "idlewofuk06_lae"},
	{18007, "int_barbera12", "int_barbera12"},
	{14682, "int_tatooa10", "int_tatooa10"},
	{18082, "cj_barber2", "cj_barber2"},
	{6095, "offvensp02_law", "offvensp02_law"},
	{18045, "mp_ammu01", "mp_ammu01"},
	{5106, "roadsbx_las2", "roadsbx_las2"},
	{4552, "amubloksun1_lan", "amubloksun1_lan"},
	{14665, "int_7_11a40", "int_7_11a40"},
	{4022, "foodmart1_lan", "foodmart1_lan"},
	{18031, "clothesexl", "clothesexl"},
	{6334, "rodeo02_law2", "rodeo02_law2"},
	{18008, "int_clothinga01", "int_clothinga01"},
	{6385, "rodeo02tr_law2"},
	{6351, "rodeo05_law2", "rodeo05_law2"},
	{18025, "clothes_sports", "clothes_sports"},
	{6353, "sunbils04_law2", "sunbils04_law2"},
	{18024, "int_clothe_ship", "int_clothe_ship"},
	{5414, "laejeffers02", "laejeffers02"},
	{5637, "laealpha5", "laealpha5"},
	{5459, "laejeffers01", "laejeffers01"},
	{12948, "sw_block01a", "sw_block01a", "sw_block01a"},
	{12976, "sw_diner1", "sw_diner1"},
	{14655, "trukstp01", "trukstp01"},
	{12862, "sw_block03", "sw_block03"},
	{5762, "foodmartlawn", "foodmartlawn"},
	{14667, "int_7_11a41", "int_7_11a41"},
	{5040, "unionliq_las", "unionliq_las", "unionliq_las"},
	{13361, "ce_pizza1", "ce_pizza1"},
	{12924, "sw_block06", "sw_block06"},
	{5140, "snpedtatshp", "snpedtatshp"},
	{5853, "sunset21_lawn", "sunset21_lawn"},
	{13131, "sw_block05", "sw_block05", "sw_block05"},
	{12984, "sw_block11", "sw_block11"},
	{18282, "cw_tsblock", "cw_tsblock"},
	{18552, ":Os_ammun", ":Os_ammun"},
	{18237, ":Ow_dinerwst", ":Ow_dinerwst"},
	{18020, "int_6burger_main", "int_6burger_main"},
	{18049, "ammu_twofloor", "ammu_twofloor"},
	{17515, "scumgym1_lae", "scumgym1_lae"},
	{14831, _, "lm_stripbar"},
	{14846, _, "int_ppol"},
	{5498, _, "laeroad33"},
	{5411, _, "laeroadsblk"},
	{5166, _, "dkcargohull2bd"},
	{5491, _, "laeroad26"},
	{5494, _, "laeroad29"},
	{5862, _, "road_lawn31"},
	{4898, _, "clifftestgrnd"},
	{5483, _, "laeroad17"},
	{5482, _, "laeroad16"},
	{14825, _, "int_boxing07"},
	{18053, _, "munation_xtras04"},
	{18052, _, "munation_xtras03"},
	{1977, _, "vendin3"},
	{18051, _, "range_xtras03"},
	{18092, _, "ammun3_counter"},

Help me please

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2 hours ago, JustinMTA said:

You should manually replace the .collision files or try removing the objects with script.

To locate XYZ of default map objects you gotta use this SAMP editor though, until @CodyJ(L) releases his custom map editor.

The object that loses collision it's not like the old bug where some random objects of the map lose collision because of replacing, because in theory it was fixed and the object doesn't lose the collision the first time you join, then you /reconnect and it loses collision, in order to get the collision back you need to restart your MTA Client, I know it's kinda weird and it might get fixed by replacing the collision of those objects who lost collision, but I would like to keep my scripts as optimized possible so I would like to know if anyone knows an alternative solution to replacing it's collision file.

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