SuperVisor Posted December 19, 2018 Share Posted December 19, 2018 updatesMemo = "" currentDate = "" local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local currentList = { } -- Tables local main = {} local read = { } local add = { button = {}, edit = {} } local remove = { button = {} } -- View Panel main.window = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 587) / 2, (screenH - 400) / 2, 587, 400, "Recent Updates", false) staticimage = guiCreateStaticImage(0.3104, 0.1000, 0.4200, 0.2800, "logo.png", true, main.window) guiWindowSetMovable ( main.window, false ) guiWindowSetSizable(main.window, false) guiSetVisible ( main.window, false ) main.grid = guiCreateMemo(0.0187, 0.501, 0.9659, 0.413, "", true, main.window) guiMemoSetReadOnly(main.grid,true) main.close = guiCreateButton(0.9000, 0.0900, 0.0587, 0.0587, "X", true, main.window) infogrids = guiCreateLabel(0.1554, 0.3851, 0.6884, 0.1174, "Recent Updates", true, main.window) guiLabelSetColor(infogrids, 0, 255, 0) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(infogrids, "center") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(infogrids, "center", false) guiSetFont(infogrids, "default-bold-small") -- Adding Panel add.window = guiCreateWindow( ( sx / 2 - 482 / 2 ), ( sy / 2 - 571 / 2 ), 482, 571, "Add Updates Panel", false) guiWindowSetSizable(add.window, false) guiSetVisible ( add.window, false ) guiCreateLabel(10, 32, 145, 15, "Date (DD/MM/YYYY):", false, add.window) add.edit['date'] = guiCreateEdit(9, 53, 454, 28, "", false, add.window) guiCreateLabel(10, 103, 145, 15, "Update:", false, add.window) add.edit['update'] = guiCreateMemo(13, 125, 450, 294, "", false, add.window) guiCreateLabel(10, 449, 145, 15, "Author:", false, add.window) add.edit['author'] = guiCreateEdit(9, 468, 454, 28, "", false, add.window) add.button['add'] = guiCreateButton(12, 508, 143, 44, "Add Update", false, add.window) add.button['cancel'] = guiCreateButton(165, 508, 143, 44, "Cancel/close", false, add.window) add.button['remove'] = guiCreateButton(320, 508, 143, 44, "Remove a update", false, add.window) -- Remove Panel remove.window = guiCreateWindow( ( sx / 2 - 552 / 2 ), ( sy / 2 - 533 / 2 ), 552, 533, "Remove an Update Panel", false) guiWindowSetSizable(remove.window, false) guiSetVisible ( remove.window, false ) remove.grid = guiCreateGridList(10, 28, 532, 443, false, remove.window) guiGridListAddColumn(remove.grid, "Date", 0.18) guiGridListAddColumn(remove.grid, "Update", 0.58) guiGridListAddColumn(remove.grid, "Developer", 0.2) remove.button['remove'] = guiCreateButton(376, 481, 166, 36, "Remove", false, remove.window) guiSetProperty(remove.button['remove'], "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0000") remove.button['back'] = guiCreateButton(10, 481, 166, 36, "Add a update", false, remove.window) -- Read More read.window = guiCreateWindow( ( sx / 2 - 407 / 2 ), ( sy / 2 - 397 / 2 ), 407, 397, "Read More", false) guiWindowSetSizable(read.window, false) guiSetVisible ( read.window, false ) guiSetAlpha ( read.window, 1 ) guiWindowSetMovable ( read.window, false ) = guiCreateLabel(9, 35, 275, 25, "Date: Loading..", false, read.window) = guiCreateLabel(9, 70, 388, 25, "Developer: Loading...", false, read.window) guiCreateLabel(9, 105, 388, 25, "Update:", false, read.window) read.update = guiCreateMemo(9, 127, 388, 253, "Loading..", false, read.window) guiMemoSetReadOnly(read.update, true) read.close = guiCreateButton(294, 25, 103, 35, "Exit", false, read.window) days = {"1st","2nd","3rd","4th","5th","6th","7th","8th","9th","10th","11th","12th","13th","14th","15th","16th","17th","18th","19th","20th","21st","22nd","23rd","24th","25th","26th","27th","28th","29th","30th","31st"} months = {"January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"} function accountsExport(ag1) updatesMemo = "" if (type(ag1) == 'table') then currentList = { } local updates = { } for index, variable in ipairs(ag1) do local lol = updates updates = { } table.insert(updates, {variable['Date_'], variable['Name'], variable['Developer']}) for i, v in ipairs(lol) do table.insert(updates, v) end end for i,v in ipairs(updates) do d, m, y = string.match(v[1], "(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+)") performdate = getdayofweek(d,m,y).." "..days[tonumber(d)].." "..months[tonumber(m)].." "..y if currentDate ~= v[1] then currentDate = v[1] updatesMemo = updatesMemo.. "".. performdate.."\n" end three = string.gsub(v[3],"%[","") three = string.gsub(three,"%]","") three = string.gsub(three,"","") three = string.gsub(three,"","") str = "- "..v[2].." ("..three..")" updatesMemo = updatesMemo ..string.gsub(str,"\n","").."\n\n" triggerEvent("accounts.GetUpdates", source, updatesMemo) end currentList = updates end end addEvent("updates.acc", true) addEventHandler("Supdates.acc", root, accountsExport) addEvent ( "Updates:onPanelChangeState", true ) addEventHandler ( "Updates:onPanelChangeState", root, function ( window, ag1 ) guiSetText(main.grid,"") updatesMemo = "" if ( window == 'main' ) then if ( guiGetVisible ( add.window ) ) then guiSetVisible ( add.window, false ) showCursor ( false ) end if ( guiGetVisible ( remove.window ) ) then guiSetVisible ( remove.window, false ) showCursor ( false ) end guiSetVisible ( main.window, true ) showCursor ( true ) if ( type ( ag1 ) == 'table' ) then currentList = { } -- Reverse the loop -- local updates = { } for index, variable in ipairs ( ag1 ) do local lol = updates updates = { } table.insert ( updates, { variable['Date_'], variable['Name'], variable['Developer'] } ) for i, v in ipairs ( lol ) do table.insert ( updates, v ) end end for i,v in ipairs ( updates ) do d, m, y = string.match(v[1], "(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+)") performdate = getdayofweek(d,m,y).." "..days[tonumber(d)].." "..months[tonumber(m)].." "..y if currentDate ~= v[1] then currentDate = v[1] updatesMemo = updatesMemo.. "".. performdate.."\n" end three = string.gsub(v[3],"%[","") three = string.gsub(three,"%]","") three = string.gsub(three,"","") three = string.gsub(three,"","") str = "- "..v[2].." ("..three..")" updatesMemo = updatesMemo ..string.gsub(str,"\n","").."\n\n" guiSetText(main.grid,updatesMemo) end currentList = updates else guiSetText ( main.grid, "Failed to load updates" ) end elseif ( window == 'manager' ) then if ( guiGetVisible ( remove.window ) ) then return end if ( guiGetVisible ( main.window ) ) then guiSetVisible ( main.window, false ) showCursor ( false ) end if ( guiGetVisible ( read.window ) ) then guiSetVisible ( read.window, false ) end guiSetVisible ( add.window, true ) showCursor ( true ) guiSetText ( add.edit['author'], getPlayerName ( localPlayer ) ) local time = getRealTime ( ) local day = time.monthday local month = time.month + 1 local year = time.year + 1900 if ( day < 10 ) then day = 0 .. day end if ( month < 10 ) then month = 0 .. month end guiSetText ( add.edit['date'], table.concat ( { day, month, year }, "/" ) ) guiSetInputMode ( "no_binds_when_editing" ) end end ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick', root, function ( btn ) if ( btn == 'left' ) then -- Main Panel if ( source == main.readmore ) then local row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( main.grid ) if ( row ~= -1 and col ~= 0 ) then guiSetVisible ( read.window, true ) guiBringToFront ( read.window ) guiSetText (, "Date: "..guiGridListGetItemText ( main.grid, row, 1 ) ) guiSetText ( read.update, guiGridListGetItemText ( main.grid, row, 2 ) ) guiSetText (, "Developer: "..guiGridListGetItemText ( main.grid, row, 3 ) ) else outputChatBox ( "Select an update.", 255, 255, 0 ) end elseif ( source == read.close ) then guiSetVisible ( read.window, false ) elseif ( source == main.close ) then guiSetText(main.grid,"") guiSetVisible ( main.window, false ) showCursor ( false ) if ( guiGetVisible ( read.window ) ) then guiSetVisible ( read.window, false ) end -- Adding Panel elseif ( source == add.button['cancel'] ) then guiSetVisible ( add.window, false ) showCursor ( false ) elseif ( source == add.button['add'] ) then local date, update, author = guiGetText ( add.edit['date'] ), guiGetText ( add.edit['update'] ), guiGetText ( add.edit['author'] ) if ( date ~= '' and update ~= '' and author ~= '' ) then triggerServerEvent ( "Updates:onServerEvent", localPlayer, 'addUpdate', { date, update, author } ) else outputChatBox ( "You need to enter all of the information.", 255, 0, 0 ) end elseif ( source == add.button['remove'] ) then guiSetVisible ( add.window, false ) guiSetVisible ( remove.window, true ) guiGridListClear ( remove.grid ) if ( currentList and #currentList > 0 ) then for index, var in ipairs ( currentList ) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( remove.grid ) guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 1, var[1], false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 2, var[2], false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 3, var[3], false, false ) end else guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, guiGridListAddRow ( remove.grid ), 2, "Please use /updates, then come back to this panel.", true, true ) guiGridListSetItemColor ( remove.grid, 0, 2, 255, 0, 0 ) end -- remove panel elseif ( source == remove.button['back'] ) then guiSetVisible ( remove.window, false ) guiSetVisible ( add.window, true ) elseif ( source == remove.button['remove'] ) then local row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( remove.grid ) if ( row ~= -1 and col ~= 0 ) then local date = guiGridListGetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 1 ) local update = guiGridListGetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 2 ) local author = guiGridListGetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 3 ) for index, var in ipairs ( currentList ) do if ( var[1] == date and var[2] == update and var[3] == author ) then table.remove ( currentList, index ) break end end guiGridListClear ( remove.grid ) if ( #currentList > 0 ) then for index, var in ipairs ( currentList ) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( remove.grid ) guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 1, var[1], false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 2, var[2], false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, row, 3, var[3], false, false ) end else guiGridListSetItemText ( remove.grid, guiGridListAddRow ( remove.grid ), 2, "No updates found.", true, true ) end triggerServerEvent ( 'Updates:onServerEvent', localPlayer, 'removeUpdate', { date, update, author } ) end end end end ) function getdayofweek(dd, mm, yy) local days = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" } local mmx = mm if (mm == 1) then mmx = 13; yy = yy-1 end if (mm == 2) then mmx = 14; yy = yy-1 end local val8 = dd + (mmx*2) + math.floor(((mmx+1)*3)/5) + yy + math.floor(yy/4) - math.floor(yy/100) + math.floor(yy/400) + 2 local val9 = math.floor(val8/7) local dw = val8-(val9*7) if (dw == 0) then dw = 7 end return days[dw] end fileDelete("client.lua") ---Command function updates () outputChatBox ( "#b23fff(SERVER):#ffffff A new update has been added, type /news to check it out.", 0, 255, 0, true ) end addCommandHandler("update", updates) How to make Gui show when player Login ! Script of Login Name ="LoginP" Link to comment
DNL291 Posted December 20, 2018 Share Posted December 20, 2018 -- server-side "onPlayerLogin" triggerClientEvent -- client-side addEvent addEventHandler guiSetVisible showCursor Link to comment
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