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group personal commands


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2 hours ago, Saml1er said:

Try to put some code together, when you do that, post it here, and we'll help. You'll need:



I am shy to show ma script because a lot of mistakes I have done in it.

Can you make one for me, please?

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2 hours ago, Saml1er said:

Try to put some code together, when you do that, post it here, and we'll help. You'll need:



     local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) 
     if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "VIP" ) ) then 
           giveCash ( thePlayer )  
function giveCash (player)
                outputChatBox ("$-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$",source,0, 255, 0,true)
                outputChatBox ("The player'"..getPlayerName(player).."' is rich now because he ",source,250, 255, 0,true)
                outputChatBox ("Has received 10m$ ",source,0, 255, 221,true)
                outputChatBox ("$-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$",source,0, 255, 0,true)

function giveCash (player)
                outputChatBox ("$---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$",source,0, 255, 0,true)
                outputChatBox ("The player'"..getPlayerName(player).."' is extremely rich now because he ",source,250, 255, 0,true)
                outputChatBox ("  Has received 99m$ ",source,0, 255, 221,true)
                outputChatBox ("$---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$",source,0, 255, 0,true)


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-- if you remove this line with "local" keyword, these
-- functions will be visible to other files in the resource.
-- Currently, you can only use them within this file only.
local isPlayerInGroup, giveCash
local function giveCashCommand (player)
    if isPlayerInGroup (player, "VIP") then
        giveCash (player)
        outputChatBox ("You are not in the VIP group", player)
addCommandHandler("givemecash", giveCashCommand) 

function giveCash (player)
    outputChatBox ("$---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$",root,0, 255, 0,true)
    outputChatBox ("The player'"..getPlayerName(player).."' is extremely rich now because he ",root,250, 255, 0,true)
    outputChatBox ("  Has received 99m$ ", root,0, 255, 221,true)
    outputChatBox ("$---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$",root,0, 255, 0,true)

function isPlayerInGroup (player, group)
    local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer )
    if playerAccount then
        local accName = getAccountName ( playerAccount ) 
        if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( group ) ) then 
            -- the player is in the group, return true 
            return true
    -- the player is not in the group, return false
    return false

I haven't tested the code, but I quickly came up with this.

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23 hours ago, Saml1er said:


-- if you remove this line with "local" keyword, these
-- functions will be visible to other files in the resource.
-- Currently, you can only use them within this file only.
local isPlayerInGroup, giveCash
local function giveCashCommand (player)
    if isPlayerInGroup (player, "VIP") then
        giveCash (player)
        outputChatBox ("You are not in the VIP group", player)
addCommandHandler("givemecash", giveCashCommand) 

function giveCash (player)
    outputChatBox ("$---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$",root,0, 255, 0,true)
    outputChatBox ("The player'"..getPlayerName(player).."' is extremely rich now because he ",root,250, 255, 0,true)
    outputChatBox ("  Has received 99m$ ", root,0, 255, 221,true)
    outputChatBox ("$---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$",root,0, 255, 0,true)

function isPlayerInGroup (player, group)
    local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer )
    if playerAccount then
        local accName = getAccountName ( playerAccount ) 
        if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( group ) ) then 
            -- the player is in the group, return true 
            return true
    -- the player is not in the group, return false
    return false

I haven't tested the code, but I quickly came up with this.

I 've got an error  

this gives Only  Output that "You are not in the VIP group"

I set my self in VIP group but still give output "You are not in the VIP group"/>

And in console 

Warning: givecash/script.lua:22: Bad argument @ getPlayerAccount [Expected element at argument 1 got nil]


Edited by Samking
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-- if you remove this line with "local" keyword, these
-- functions will be visible to other files in the resource.
-- Currently, you can only use them within this file only.
local isPlayerInGroup, giveCash
local function giveCashCommand (player)
    if isPlayerInGroup (player, "VIP") then
        giveCash (player)
        outputChatBox ("You are not in the VIP group", player)
addCommandHandler("givemecash", giveCashCommand) 

function giveCash (player)
    outputChatBox ("$---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$",root,0, 255, 0,true)
    outputChatBox ("The player'"..getPlayerName(player).."' is extremely rich now because he ",root,250, 255, 0,true)
    outputChatBox ("  Has received 99m$ ", root,0, 255, 221,true)
    outputChatBox ("$---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$",root,0, 255, 0,true)

function isPlayerInGroup (thePlayer, group)
    local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer )
    if playerAccount then
        local accName = getAccountName ( playerAccount ) 
        if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( group ) ) then 
            -- the player is in the group, return true 
            return true
    -- the player is not in the group, return false
    return false


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20 minutes ago, Dimos7 said:

-- if you remove this line with "local" keyword, these
-- functions will be visible to other files in the resource.
-- Currently, you can only use them within this file only.
local isPlayerInGroup, giveCash
local function giveCashCommand (player)
    if isPlayerInGroup (player, "VIP") then
        giveCash (player)
        outputChatBox ("You are not in the VIP group", player)
addCommandHandler("givemecash", giveCashCommand) 

function giveCash (player)
    outputChatBox ("$---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$",root,0, 255, 0,true)
    outputChatBox ("The player'"..getPlayerName(player).."' is extremely rich now because he ",root,250, 255, 0,true)
    outputChatBox ("  Has received 99m$ ", root,0, 255, 221,true)
    outputChatBox ("$---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$",root,0, 255, 0,true)

function isPlayerInGroup (thePlayer, group)
    local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer )
    if playerAccount then
        local accName = getAccountName ( playerAccount ) 
        if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( group ) ) then 
            -- the player is in the group, return true 
            return true
    -- the player is not in the group, return false
    return false


is this code is correct?


30 minutes ago, Saml1er said:

I made a mistake:

function isPlayerInGroup (player, group)
    local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer )


function isPlayerInGroup (player, group)
    local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount ( player )


still the same.....


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1 hour ago, Samking said:

still the same.....

Did you restart the resource after fixing the problem? Check VIP group within acl in admin panel, see if your account name is there. If it still doesn't work, then copy-paste your acl.xml here.

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11 minutes ago, Saml1er said:

Did you restart the resource after fixing the problem? Check VIP group within acl in admin panel, see if your account name is there. If it still doesn't work, then copy-paste your acl.xml here.

Thanks for helping me


Edited by Samking
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