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Connection Timeout

Guest beneth

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I am trying to play my brother through a LAN, but when he creates the server and I try to connect to it, it times out after 10 seconds. So I in turn attempt to create a server for him to join, and it ends up timing him out although I can join the game I created.

I have considered that it could be a NAT/proxy issue, since both my brother and I connect to the internet through a single router. But I really have to wonder, because I can play Battlefield 1942 on a LAN just fine, I don't have to turn off firewalls or anything.

Hope someone can help. Thanks

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I neglected to mention that both my brother and I had installed the Server Patch and we are still getting 10 second connection timeout errors whenever we try to play each other over a LAN. (Connections to an established, listed server is no problem...it's the LAN that's really driving me mad...)


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I managed to fix it...all that I had to do was specify an IP address for each computer, and then use the IP address that I specified, not what MTA suggested to for the connection. I didn't have to screw with my router or firewall...just needed the right IP address.

Thanks for the help.

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