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Vehicle Freezing at spawn & Toggling on player interaction.


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Hi there person,

I need some help figuring out how to progress and finish up a script (idea to reality), but i can't find a way to do it on my own,

So can sombady help me out,

Here's the code.


addEventHandler("onClientVehicleEnter", getRootElement(),
	function (thePlayer, seat)
		if thePlayer == getLocalPlayer() then
			triggerServerEvent ("Freeze", resourceRoot)

addEventHandler("onClientVehicleExit", getRootElement(),
	function (thePlayer, seat)
		if thePlayer == getLocalPlayer() then
			triggerServerEvent ("Freeze", resourceRoot)


function FreezeHandler()

addEvent("Freeze", true)
addEventHandler("Freeze", resourceRoot, FreezeHandler)

So my intention is first of all to freeze every vehicle when it respawns/spawns, and for example if 1 does respawn/spawn then only that 1 get's frozen.

And whenever the Event "onClientVehicleEnter" get's triggered, then the vehicle the player is going to unfreeze's,

and for "onClientVehicleExit" it's inverted, so it has to freeze the vehicle again until another player interaction would occur.


is anyone willing to help me out on this one, because i can't find it..



Edited by xboxxxxd
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One way to do this is to set the vehicle as the source of the event give a boolean value to triggerServerEvent, like this:

triggerServerEvent ("Freeze", source, true) -- true will be passed to setElementFrozen

Then in your freeze handler, you can add an argument and use it to freeze the vehicle:

function handler(frozen)
  setElementFrozen(source, frozen)

Server side, you will need to make the Frozen event bind to root, rather than resourceRoot.

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