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[Script] Repeat 3DSound


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function createBackFire(theVeh, scx, scy, scz)
	local fireChords={}
	local dist = 0.04
	for i = 1, 6 do
		local x, y, z = getPositionFromElementOffset(theVeh,scx,scy-dist,scz)
		fireChords[i]= {pX = x, pY = y, pZ = z}
		dist = dist + 0.2
	local x,y,z = getPositionFromElementOffset(theVeh,scx,scy,scz)
	local x2,y2,z2 = getPositionFromElementOffset(theVeh,scx,0,scz)
	local v1, v2, v3 = getVectors(x,y,z, x2,y2,z2)
	for i, val in ipairs(fireChords) do
		fxAddGunshot(val.pX,val.pY,val.pZ, v1,v2,v3, true)
		fxAddGunshot(val.pX,val.pY,val.pZ, v1+1.5,v2,v3, true)
		fxAddGunshot(val.pX,val.pY,val.pZ, v1-1.5,v2,v3, true)
		fxAddGunshot(val.pX,val.pY,val.pZ, v1,v2,v3+0.8, true)
		fxAddGunshot(val.pX,val.pY,val.pZ, v1,v2,v3-0.8, true)
		fxAddGunshot(val.pX,val.pY,val.pZ, v1,v2+1,v3+0.8, true)
		fxAddGunshot(val.pX,val.pY,val.pZ, v1,v2+2,v3+0.8, true)
		fxAddGunshot(val.pX,val.pY,val.pZ, v1,v2+10,v3+0.8, true)
		fxAddGunshot(val.pX,val.pY,val.pZ, v1,v2-10,v3+0.8, true)
		fxAddGunshot(val.pX,val.pY,val.pZ, v1,v2-2,v3+0.8, true)
		fxAddGunshot(val.pX,val.pY,val.pZ, v1,v2-1,v3+0.8, true)
	local s = playSound3D("sound/backfire2.wav", x,y,z, false)
	setSoundMaxDistance( s, 80 )	
	setSoundVolume(s, 0.5)	

I want the code to repeat itself randomly

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